Chapter 25
"Liu Qin likes to beat her swollen face to pretend to be fat. When she goes back to her relative's house, she doesn't carry big bags and small bags. She really thinks that the eggs at home are blown by the strong wind. The eggs laid by the four old hens, My own child did not eat two, and gave them all to her natal family, I have never seen such a stupid woman."

Li Chunhua is most dissatisfied with Liu Qin because his hands are too loose.

Your family is not rich, and you are still generous everywhere. On the contrary, your own family follows you every day to eat bran and swallow vegetables. How can there be such a stupid woman who doesn't care about her for the sake of face.

"Mother, don't worry, this time when Liu Qin comes back, I will definitely talk about her well." Qin Shan comforted.

Whether he can do it or not is one thing, now is the time for him to show his attitude, otherwise, his wife will definitely be even more angry.

If it was someone else, they might have been really confused by his serious appearance, but Li Chunhua is his own mother. As soon as he pouted his butt, she knew what kind of monster he was going to be. Liu Qin has been pinched to death.

"You will coax me. After all these years, how can I not know you?"

"You are like the dough in Liu Qin's hands. I let her round and flatten you all the time. When I look at you, I feel useless. Why did I give birth to such a piece of wood like you!"

"Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, I don't care."

The more she talked, the more angry she became, and in the end it was her body that was hurt, but Qin Shan's piece of wood did not change at all.

Forget it, don't talk about it, if you want to change it, you have to change it long ago. He is already at this age, and there is no need to change it in this life.

Li Chunhua patted her ass and went out as usual.

Liu Qin returned after staying at her natal family's house for an hour or so. Now that her natal family's family has a lot of things to do, she won't be there to cause trouble for them.

What's more, she still has something to do at home!
Since Qin Qing took over the task of writing the application form last night, she has been sluggish. She has never written this before, and she doesn't know how to write it at all.

Now it is not like the later generations, there is the Internet, what you want to write, you can directly check it online, and you can always write one, two, three according to the script, but now Qin Qing has no clue at all.

After tossing and turning all night, she woke up the next day with a sluggish spirit. Looking at the revised but still unsatisfactory text on the table, Qin Qing felt that she was about to collapse.

After ten o'clock at noon, Liu Qin came back to see that Qin Qing was still moaning. She hadn't finished the task given to her last night.

"What's the matter with you? You've been reading the books for so many years, and you can't handle such a trivial matter? It's a waste of time!"

When she was young, there were many children in her family, and the whole family was worried about making a living. How could they have money for her to study? There were five brothers and sisters. Only the second brother went to school for two years and learned to read. It is no problem to learn a few words by myself and recognize my own name, but no matter how many words, it will not work.

She had been reading books for Qin Qing for so many years, and now she was used, and she was given a task. In the end, this is how she rewarded her?

This gave Liu Qin the feeling that after so many years of hard work, everything was in vain.

That being the case, what is the point of Qin Qing continuing to study?
She doesn't know anything, she doesn't even know how to do the most basic housework, and she only learned some time ago, but she still stumbles. In terms of dexterity, she is not even as good as the eight-year-old Qin Hu and Qin Hai. She has a feeling that this daughter has been raised and abandoned.

"I didn't learn this in school, and the teacher didn't teach it, so how could I do it." Qin Qing yelled these words, and only in this way could she express her anger.

"If you want to apply, then figure out a way for yourself. Why do you want me? Anyway, I don't want to take care of this matter. It has nothing to do with me. If you love someone, just don't look for me."

Qin Qing is a very self-centered person. She used to have Li Chunhua protecting her at home, so how could she have suffered this kind of grievance.

What's more, does she really feel that this matter has nothing to do with her, for no reason, the task was directly assigned to her, or those three words, why?

Liu Qin looked at Qin Qing, who was stubborn with her and had a bigger temper than her, and was directly laughed angrily.

Now Li Chunhua is still gossiping with people outside, without her as a mediator, the two hot-tempered and stubborn people directly broke out the most serious conflict in history.

"You eat and drink from my old lady. The money you study is earned by my old lady's hard work. Now that you say it's okay, you just want to leave everything behind. Is there such a good thing in this world?"

"I think your books at school are useless. My mother worked so hard to provide for you to eat, drink and study. Is this your attitude towards me?"

"Do you still have my real mother in your eyes?"

Judging from Qin Qing's attitude of yelling at her, Liu Qin couldn't see the slightest respect for her biological mother. Isn't this a pure white-eyed wolf?
Just like her elder sister's eldest son, after working, getting married and having children, she never cared about the lives of other people in the family. During the holidays, her elder sister didn't even see something as big as his fingernail.

Last year, her eldest sister had a serious illness. This unfilial son didn't worry about his mother and didn't say anything. The first thing he thought about was how to divide the house in the family. Because of this, the whole family was disturbed. She was also at the scene , At that time, she secretly swore in her heart that if her children were like this in the future, then she would never soften her heart and drive them all out, out of sight and out of mind.

"Isn't it right for you to feed, drink and study for me? Whose parents don't raise children, why are you working hard alone?" Qin Qing's anger burned into his head, and his words became more and more out of tune.

"Okay, do you have to stand up to me?"

Liu Qin didn't plan to continue reasoning with her, anyway, it didn't make sense, and now, she wanted to exercise her right as a mother to discipline her children: "It doesn't make sense, so talk back!"

"I make you stubborn"

"If I let you be stubborn with me, it will show that you are capable, right?"

The crisp applause was endless, Qin Qing stood still, with tears in his eyes, held his head up, and let her hit him.

Looking at Qin Qing, who was not fussing, just grinned and said "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" and shed tears, Qin Xi silently shook his head, this silly boy, why didn't he run away!
If Liu Qin treats her like this, hesitating for a second is irresponsible to her own body.

The door of the house is not closed. Although other people in the house will not stop Liu Qin from being violent, they will definitely not stop Qin Qing from running. She has no problem with her legs, so why stand there stupidly and let her beat her!

"Do you know it's wrong?" Liu Qin stopped and asked after hitting him seven or eight times.

She gave her another chance.

"I'm right, when my grandma comes back, she will definitely not let you go." Qin Qing said with a stubborn head.

In her heart, Li Chunhua is a much more powerful figure than Liu Qin. Li Chunhua and Liu Qin are just like her relationship with Liu Qin. They are one-on-one. When her grandma comes back, Liu Qin will definitely have nothing to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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