Chapter 26 Wang Po
Li Chunhua felt something was wrong when she was outside the room, and walked in quickly, seeing Qin Qingshi who was huddled on the edge of the table, leaning on the bench, sobbing, looking pitiful and weak, she exploded at once.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

"Did someone bully you?"

"Tell grandma, grandma will definitely decide for you."

Seeing Li Chunhua, Qin Qing, who had never begged for mercy no matter how much he beat and scolded before, found his backbone and burst into tears.

"Grandma. Grandma woo hoo"

"My mother hit me. Woohoo she hit me."

Li Chunhua's heart softened when she saw how pitifully Qin Qing was crying.

She didn't want to explore why Liu Qin beat Qin Qing. No matter what, it was wrong to do it.

"Don't cry, I'll go to your mother now and let her know that we are not easy to bully."

Liu Qin, who was sitting in the room sulking, naturally heard what Li Chunhua said outside the wooden door. That was an anger. What do you mean they are not easy to bully?

It can be said that Qin Qing deserved this beating, but she deserved it. If time goes back, she will only hit harder. Who told her to pretend to be pitiful and make her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm right here, I want to see how you guys make me uncomfortable." Liu Qin opened the door, walked out, stood in front of them, and said domineeringly.

She has never been afraid of Li Chunhua.

"What did my Qingqing do wrong? You want to do something to her."

"She has been well-behaved, sensible and obedient since she was a child. You used to not even move a finger of her. Did someone say something unpleasant in front of you?" When Li Chunhua said this, her head turned and her eyes He stared at Qin Xi who was sitting in the corner.

If it was Qin Xi before, she wouldn't suspect that she was sowing dissension and doing bad things, but not necessarily the current Qin Xi, that little girl is not slippery, she is listless.

She remembered that in the past few days, Qingqing seemed to be not so polite to Qin Xi, maybe she held a grudge and sowed right and wrong in front of that shrew Liu Qin, which made her Qingqing suffer a great crime.

Qin Xi is not blind, so she can see Li Chunhua's eyes clearly, plus what she said, the referentiality should not be too obvious.

In other words, there is nothing wrong with this old lady!As soon as she ate melons and watched the show, the crowd watched. She and her brother had already sat as far away as possible, so how could they connect her with this matter.

"No." Liu Qin replied firmly.

"If you really want to know what happened, just ask your good granddaughter, and see what other people do?"

At the beginning, Li Chunhua was a little braver, but later she calmed down and returned to her senses. She was like a deflated ball, and suddenly limp.

Liu Qin is not the same as the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Wang next door. That Mrs. Wang dared to lock her daughter-in-law out of the door at night to feed the mosquitoes for hours. If she dared to do this to Liu Qin, she would have to chop the door and her head as firewood. .

When Li Chunhua grabbed Qin Qing and asked the ins and outs of the matter clearly, when she faced Liu Qin, the sense of righteousness flew away. Now, standing in front of Liu Qin, she felt that she was short for no reason. A cut of her.

She grew up in the old days and believed in the saying that her parents are greater than the sky. Qin Qing's behavior is indeed wrong, and it can even be said to be unfilial. She is already old, and she will rely on Liu Qin in the future, so naturally she will not be ignorant Conscience said that Qin Qing was right.

"Liu Qin! Qingqing is too willful in this matter, but she is still young, we as elders, we have to be considerate! Give her a chance to change."

When Liu Qin heard this, she was not very happy, why should she be considerate of her!

"Hmph, I understand her, who understands me!"

"I used to think she was caring, but now that I see it, that's it! It's not as good as Qin Xi! At least she can help with work."

"Since she said that this matter has nothing to do with her, then next semester, her tuition fee has nothing to do with me. She is so powerful and capable, so she can go out and earn money for her own education and food!"

"He also said that it's only right and proper for me to offer her up. Now I'll let her see if it's just and right."

As soon as Li Chunhua heard this, she became impatient. How can she do this without studying: "No way, Liu Qin, really no way, isn't it just an application?"

"Don't worry, it's up to the two of us, and we will definitely take care of it for you."

Li Chunhua, who didn't know a single big character, was impatient. Although she didn't know how to write the application, she still took Qin Qing, patted her chest, and made a guarantee with Liu Qin.

She attaches great importance to Qin Qing's study. If a family like theirs does not learn to read and write, what future is there?

Although the college entrance examination has been suspended now, and many educated young people who have graduated from junior high school have gone to the countryside, she firmly believes that it is not wrong for girls to study more. Is a high school student.

At this time, high school students were very rare, and the elders were very proud to say that someone in their family had graduated from high school. In a small county, high school students were already very good at it.

"Grandma, why did you promise her?"

Qin Qing, who was still aggrieved, wanted to ask this question in the room, but her grandma directly covered her mouth and took her out of the room.

"I'm doing this for your own good. If you really annoy her, you won't have a good life."

"Later, I'll go with you to the old lady Wang's house next door and ask them how to write their application form. When the time comes, you can follow their instructions and just write a similar one and hand it in."

For Qin Qing, she really paid too much.

Although Mrs. Wang is her neighbor, the two of them are deadly rivals. They have been fighting each other for more than ten years. Now that she suddenly has something important to ask Mrs. Wang, she doesn't know how she will be ridiculed!
In fact, 17 years ago, when the Qin family first moved here, Li Chunhua and Mrs. Wang had a good time for a while. At that time, the two had time every day to get together to gossip and talk about other people's right and wrong. .

But one day, Mrs. Wang spoke ill of Li Chunhua to other old women behind Li Chunhua's back. Fortunately, Li Chunhua heard it with her own ears. The two had a big fight and broke up.

Since then, they have started living next to each other. One day they confronted each other because they heard so-and-so gossip, and they quarreled. The next day, they suspected that the other party's hands and feet were not clean because the vegetables in their own fields were stolen. , and sprayed each other, the day after tomorrow, because the other party's chicken ran to the yard to shit and eat vegetables, they were seen while chasing and beating the chicken, and they pushed each other.

Since the two old ladies met, the two families have lived a lively life.

(End of this chapter)

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