Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 214 Selling Mushrooms

Regarding Tang Ying and He Yuan having breakfast at home, Qin Jiang came back with him, and Qin He, who happened to be in time for dinner, had no objections.

This Tang Ying and He Yuan are not the ones who don't know what to expect. The three brothers and sisters have also eaten the food that Tang Ying and He Yuan brought over. Last year, they helped hoard firewood at home.

In the eyes of the people in Chenhui Village, the five of them have long been a team, so having breakfast together or something like that is a good way to bond.

The simpler the breakfast is, the more comfortable Tang Ying and He Yuan will be. In this way, getting along will not be tiring.

By the time they finished breakfast, picked the mushrooms and sent them to town, it was already ten o'clock.

In some villages, the rice was planted late, and the seedlings are still in full swing. Therefore, there are not many people queuing up to sell mushrooms in the supply and marketing cooperatives.

None of the people in front had as many mushrooms as them.

Qin Xi and the others lined up for five or six minutes, and soon it was their turn.

It was Tang Ying and the others who were called first, and the two of them were few, and then Qin Xi and the others.

When the five of them walked out of the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative, Tang Ying looked at the forty-five cents in her hand, and couldn't help but sigh, "This money is really hard to earn!"

"We have been busy for so long, and we haven't even earned a catty of meat money."

It was only after she arrived in the countryside that she valued things like money so much. Before, she only thought it was enough to spend, but now she thinks why she is so poor!

Want to make money, but there is no way to make money, a way to make money!
After a while, she has to go to work every day, exhausting herself, and now she still has time to think about it, but soon she won't.

Qin Xi has much more money than she does, and the purchase price of the bamboo fungus is more than four times that of ordinary mushrooms, so she has one yuan and three cents in her hand, which is enough to buy two cents when she slaughters pigs in the village. Half a catty of pork.

"That's not bad. This money can buy six to seven catties of dried sweet potatoes, enough to last for two days."

"It's not a festival, so it's better not to think about eating meat, or I'm afraid you'll be offended."

Qin Xi still didn't eat half of the sausages smoked during the Chinese New Year. This sausage was eaten less, and she planned to save the summer harvest for the leftovers at home.

This year, like last year, the village has raised twelve pigs. There should be no shortage of meat for the autumn harvest.

In the afternoon, the dark clouds that had been gathering momentum for a long time finally turned into rain, sprinkling onto the earth.

The rain is not heavy, but it is continuous, light rain for a while, cotton drizzle for a while, and it doesn't stop for a moment.

However, this is good news for the seedlings in the paddy field. The weather is suitable for the temperature, and the seedlings are easy to take root!

It was raining lightly outside, and the light rain hit the thatched roof, making a crackling sound, and the eaves were also dripping raindrops, and small holes were smashed into the mud by the wall.

Qin Xi moved a bench, sat by the door, and quietly watched the rain outside. Seeing the green scenery made her feel at ease. On rainy days, she liked to sit quietly by the door and watch the raindrops fall.

At this moment, a very comfortable feeling suddenly surged in her heart. Her whole body, at this very moment, could not relax.

In the original world, she has nothing to worry about. The grandparents who brought her up have left. The former home was overthrown by the uncles, and two tall houses were built. She has no home. Even if she goes back every time, The attitude of uncles and aunts towards her is very kind and friendly.

But she knew clearly that they were not a family.

But, here, she thought she had a home.

Although this home is just a thatched house now, at this moment, she has a sense of belonging that she hasn't had for a long time, and she lives very comfortably here.

She now has two new family members, two friends, a house, a vegetable garden, eight rabbits, and more than 120 yuan. She really has a lot of things. "Qin Xi, for this ginger syrup, should the ginger be put first or the sugar first?" Qin He held these two things, tangled up.

Although he had watched Qin Xi make ginger syrup countless times, he still forgot the steps.

"Boil the water, put it together, wash the ginger, and put less sugar."

That little bit of brown sugar was so valuable that she would only put a little bit in it when making ginger syrup.

As for the issue of putting it first and then putting it away, she has never struggled with it. As long as it can be drunk and can ward off the cold, this is the greatest significance of the existence of the pot of ginger syrup.

"Okay, got it."

"It's not difficult!" After Qin He complied, he looked at the ginger syrup in the pot and felt a sense of accomplishment.

At this time, he swelled up, and he felt that boiling water was similar to cooking, and he needed to practice more to bring out his good skills.

"Do you want me to cook today's dinner?"

Hearing this, Qin Jiang couldn't sit still, he didn't want to eat that strange food: "Protest, as far as your craft is concerned, you should practice more!"

"Everything I make is better than yours."

Life is hard enough, so why bother with your mouth and stomach.

"Qin Xi, you judge, is my food better or Qin Jiang's food better?" Qin He was in a hurry, pointing at the boss Qin Jiang, and asked anxiously.

"It's almost the same. Tonight's meal can be made by you, but you have to obey the instructions and don't add some weird things to it without authorization."

Qin Xi also didn't want to cook for them for the rest of their lives. Cooking required practice. If you cook a lot, your level will naturally improve.

Occasionally cooking yourself a delicious meal is considered a reward for yourself, but if you do it every day, everyone will find it annoying!
If you want to talk to her about talent, Qin He and the others should have it. After all, Comrade Qin Shan is not bad at craftsmanship. During Chinese New Year, when guests come, and when there are meat and vegetables at home, he is the one who handles the spoon.

"Okay, I promise to study hard."

"When I find a wife in the future, I will cook for her."

Qin He's age is not too young. There are many people of his age in the village who marry wives and have children.

If he was still in the city now, Qin Shan and Liu Qin would be busy finding a wife and grandson for him.

"That's right, she loves her daughter-in-law. My second sister-in-law will be blessed in the future." Qin Xi said with a smile.

Cooking is a skill, unless it is really untalented, it is relatively easy for other people to learn, and home cooking can always be learned.

"Hey, of course, my daughter-in-law, of course I have to take care of myself." Qin He had fantasies about his future spouse.

Although he is careless most of the time, he is actually very sensitive in his heart.

He wanted to find a daughter-in-law who could tolerate his eldest brother Qin Jiang and his younger sister Qin Xi. He hoped that the two of them could get along with their eldest brother and sister as usual. This was his biggest request so far.

After all, a family is never separated.

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