Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 215 Humid Weather

After picking up the mushrooms for three days, and sending them to the town, the price dropped to two cents a catty, and they bought them in limited quantities.

In the past few days, the rain has been plentiful, and the mushrooms in the forest have sprung up like mushrooms, and there are so many, so many, that you can't finish picking them up.

The mushrooms picked up on this cloudy day will not be dried, and the supply and marketing cooperatives will not accept them. Therefore, the mushrooms picked up by the villagers can only be kept for their own consumption.

Some families with a small population are also picky about mushrooms. The hard-to-wash and fragile white mushrooms are the first to be rejected by people, followed by other mushrooms. The caps are too large. Come on, it's an old mushroom. The taste is a bit worse than other mushrooms, and it is also disgusted. This kind of old mushroom, I don't choose the variety.

At this time, all kinds of wild vegetables are also sprouting. If you take a basket and stroll outside, you can bring back a basket full of young wild vegetables.

Food should be eaten sparingly.

Therefore, most of the food that the villagers eat in their stomachs at this time is mushrooms and wild vegetables. Although they are not hungry, it is good to eat some, and no one will dislike it.

Even the strong laborers at home can only eat the wild vegetable steamed corn bread made from dried sweet potatoes and ground into powder at home only when they are working hard.

The best time to eat is when sowing and harvesting. At that time, you have to work hard, but if you eat poorly, this person will collapse. No one will do such a stupid thing of killing chickens and taking eggs.

Time flies by quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it has been cloudy for more than a month. Although it rains for a few days, it will stop for a day or two, but this is not a problem!
It was damp everywhere, and the clothes and quilts on the bed seemed to feel wet when touched.

Every morning when you wake up on your home's wooden door, you can see condensation on it and traces of water falling off it.

The flat mud floor in the house is also steamy, and it is a bit slippery when you step on it. If you are not careful, you may fall.

It didn't rain today, so the three brothers and sisters went to the fields to weed the crops.

Rainy days, or rainy days with high temperatures, those weeds with more developed root systems than crops are like chicken blood. They grow tall and strong, and they eat a lot of nutrients in the ground. People who look at them for no reason feel distressed .

Plant ash and manure are used to fertilize the dry land. The plant ash is made by the villagers. The main force of the manure is the pigs and cattle in the village. They eat a lot and pull a lot every day, but there are more monks and less meat. If you go inside the acres of land, you really can’t make any waves.

It was a sultry day in May. Qin Xi and his three brothers and sisters set out wearing straw sandals. The clothes they wore were their shabbiest and oldest clothes. After all, they had to work in the mud. If they didn't... Be careful if you fall, you must be covered in mud and water. If you wear good clothes to work and break them, you won't feel sorry for them to death.

The cloth tickets issued to them by the village are only enough to make them a suit of clothes for a year, so one can imagine how precious it is.

Fabrics at this time were precious, and clothes were easily damaged due to daily work and friction. Therefore, everyone's clothes were patched together with large patches and small patches, and they were mended for another three years.

The three of them walked out of the house cautiously and locked them on their backs. The rabbit at home, but their family's very important property, if it was stolen, there would be nowhere to find it.

After walking about ten meters forward, you can see the canal built by the villagers themselves and the small bridge erected on the canal. A little further forward, there is a steep slope.

After more than a month of rainwater washing and reconstruction, the edge of this small slope is covered with moss. As for the bare yellow mud ground, don't be confused. Compared with moss, this kind of yellow is not much. The hard mud that seems to be very honest is the most cunning.

The top layer of soil has been infiltrated by rainwater for a long time, and when you step on it, it will definitely slip.Qin Jiang and Qin He are the more reckless ones, rushing down from above at high speed, before they could react on the slippery ground, they rushed down directly.

It's good that their dangerous movements are steady. If they are not steady, what awaits them will be a perfect fart fall, or the kind that will slip away a long way.

Qin Xi would try to dissuade them from their dangerous behavior half a month ago, but now, she just watches and doesn't speak.

These two people are very solid, and they agreed to what she said very slipperily, but they would do that again next time, so she simply didn't bother to waste that saliva.

As for Qin Xi, he stepped down from the edge of the slope where there were moss, weeds and wild vegetables, and he was still holding on to the shrubs not far away. He was careful the whole way.

It took two seconds for Qin Jiang and Qin He to rush down, and half a minute for Qin Xi to come down slowly.

"Xiaoxi, do you want to try the feeling of rushing down next time? It's really cool and fast." Qin He tried to convince Qin Xi that if he fell here, his clothes would be dirty anyway.

When it comes to the field, the clothes will be dirty sooner or later, and the difference is not big.

"I don't want it, it's too dangerous." She is the No. 1 person who cares about her life. She refuses such a dangerous and uncontrollable action.

What if the car accidentally overturns, causing head injuries, bleeding, or even fractures?
At that time, medicine was underdeveloped, and even a broken hole could cause infection and death, not to mention fractures, so let’s not talk about it. If you run into an unreliable doctor, your life will basically be ruined. Yes, when I get old, the part where the fracture was made at the beginning can definitely make people want to die. There are too many examples like this around me.

"Okay! Follow you." Qin He was helpless, with Qin Xi's temperament, he didn't know who to follow.

Qin Jiang agrees with Qin Xi's idea. There is nothing wrong with being cautious. If you are accidentally injured, it will hurt so much!

Qin Xi was originally different from them. She was a younger sister and a girl.

"I think it's good for my sister to come down like that. At least she's safe."

"Look, I just said that it's not safe for you to rush down like that."

This steep slope was very popular during this period of time. Many children in the seventies, eighties and 90s in the village came here to play on the landslide. He came with a bamboo whip.

The children in the village are used to being wild and it is difficult to control them. A spanking only lasts a few minutes. Although they are banned from playing here by their parents and elders, once the rain stops, the place is still very popular.

In the past, there were special steps for landing on this steep slope. The villagers dug them out with hoes to make it easier to go up and down. However, those steps had been exposed to the sun and wind for a long time, and they were very troubled by the children in the village during this period. The previous steps were Only a slight trace is left.

I went to pick mushrooms in the woods today, and I accidentally suffered from heatstroke, and my head hurts. It’s not a big problem. According to my past experience, I’ll be fine after a night’s sleep. The chapter I owe today will be repaid tomorrow. Goodbye, go to bed early. !
Today I'm going to try to go to bed before nine o'clock.

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