Chapter 220 Lazy Girl

The second batch of rabbits grew to 21. After the autumn harvest, eighteen rabbits were sold, and all the rabbits from the first batch were kept.

Because of the huge income from selling rabbits after the summer harvest, Qin Xi once again took over the job of harvesting pigweed in the village. Two big boxes of pigweed were compacted a day, and she could get two work points.

It's not an option if you don't work. After all, you live in the village, and when the food is distributed, the village has to share the per-capita food with you. If you don't do anything, won't the village suffer a loss?
This is a cover for her, because the number of rabbits in the house is increasing, and she needs to spend a lot of time cutting grass to feed the rabbits every day.

At the same time, her reputation as a lazy girl gradually spread, because many people saw her eldest and second brothers helping her cut pigweed. Last year, she went up the mountain diligently every day to collect some herbs and sell them back.

This year she won't go to the woods or the fields. She earns two work points every day and needs help from her two brothers. This is not laziness.

Because it has spread so widely, and is often cited as a model, Qin Xi's reputation has spread far and wide.

There is no way to verify who started spreading the news first. It is hard for Qin Jiang and Qin He to go out and explain this kind of thing to others. Could it be that we raise rabbits at home and make a lot of money, so my sister stays at home and cuts the grass? Feeding rabbits doesn’t mean you are lazy and haven’t worked hard.

They wanted to go out and explain this to others. The first person who refused was Qin Xi. Money moved people's hearts. Who knew what some envious people would do after they knew they made money.

Many people knew about the fact that they raised rabbits. Chen Yao knew about it back then, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, there were only a few rabbits, so it wasn't a big deal.

Besides, he couldn't explain to others how he knew about this. After all, in the eyes of others, he had no connection with the educated youth.

The old educated youths in the past all knew about this, but like Chen Yao, they didn't take it too seriously. After all, the Qin family only raised a few rabbits. Can they survive this cold winter? It’s still a big problem!
Since the firewood at Qin Xi's house has almost been burned, and everyone has been lying on bed at home, wrapped in quilts to keep warm, no one else has been to Qin Xi's house. Naturally, they don't know the situation of Qin Xi's house.

The only two insiders, Tang Ying and He Yuan, were both strict-mouthed and reliable. They never let anything slip. Even Tang Ying, who loved to go to the village entrance to gossip with people, silently kept this matter in her heart. , never mentioned it to anyone.

On October [-]th, it was no different from usual. It was a very ordinary day. What was extraordinary was that Qin Xi and the others planned to kill a rabbit and invited Tang Ying and He Yuan to their house for dinner.

Not only do Qin Xi and Tang Ying have a good relationship, Qin Jiang, Qin He and He Yuan are also good buddies and brothers. This year, Tang Ying and He Yuan have helped them a lot, even if it is just helping them, and doing things conveniently, That’s camaraderie too.

The rabbits they raised this year brought them about 21 yuan in income. They had raised rabbits for nearly a year and sold [-] large rabbits. However, they didn’t even know what the meat of the rabbits they raised tasted like. , it was a bit unfair to themselves, so they decided to slaughter a rabbit at home, and invited Tang Ying, He Yuan and the others to have a casual meal at home, which was a bit like a thank-you banquet, but it was not heavy, and more importantly, it was to satisfy the appetite. .

You know, an adult rabbit weighs at least four pounds. Rabbits that grow to more than five pounds can only be considered normal. Only rabbits that grow to seven or eight pounds can be called fat rabbits. Therefore, today’s rabbit , enough for the five of them to enjoy a feast.

Tang Ying and He Yuan knew that they were going to kill the rabbit, so they came very early, right after breakfast.

After the autumn harvest, the farm work in the fields has become much less. Up to now, it is basically collecting firewood, or sitting at home to fatten the cat in the winter. Of course, another way of saying the cat fattening in the winter is to move less and consume less. , In this way, we can eat less food and save some money for our family.

"Can you guys do it? If not, let me do it." He Yuan walked over and saw the two brothers who were catching rabbits but didn't know where to start, and said with a smile.

He had slaughtered hares before, and although he had not done so for several years, he felt that he was still a little better than the two brothers. At least when the knife was placed on the gray rabbit's neck, he could not use his hands. shake. "Maybe. Maybe it will work!" Qin He said with some uncertainty.

This was the first time he had used a knife to kill a live bird. It was impossible not to be nervous. He felt like he was shaking all over.

A little scared, a little surprised, a little excited, this feeling is very unfamiliar.

"Why don't you let me try it? It's just a rabbit. It shouldn't be much different from killing a chicken."

"First, I pulled out the hair on the rabbit's neck. The person next to me grabbed the rabbit's legs. Then, I used a very sharp knife to cut the main artery in the rabbit's neck."

"Oh, by the way, you need to prepare a bowl to catch the rabbit blood. Don't waste it." Tang Ying recalled the steps her mother used to kill chickens and recounted them one by one.

She just replaced the chicken with a rabbit. Generally speaking, she changed the soup but not the medicine.

"Is this possible?" Qin He couldn't believe it. The chicken was a chicken and the rabbit was a rabbit. Would it be different?

"It's almost the same. There's no big difference. Whether you're killing chickens, ducks, geese, or pigs or cows, you can't escape these steps. One is hair removal, and the other is bloodletting."

The hair doesn't fall off, I can't eat it, the blood doesn't come out, and it tastes bad and fishy when eaten.

"It's better you do it! I'll catch the rabbit for you and prevent it from kicking around." Qin He had never even killed chickens and ducks before. Now, it was a bit difficult for him to kill such a cute and silly rabbit. .

Although he could learn, it was so exciting all at once, leaving him no room to relax. He really couldn't do it all at once.

"Okay, just watch!" He Yuan planned to perform well in front of Tang Ying.

Of course, when the rabbit was killed by him, this goal was indeed achieved.

Apart from anything else, He Yuan is very capable of doing things. He doesn't like to talk, he only likes to take action. This is exactly what Tang Ying thinks is the most attractive thing about him.

She likes men who are willing to help with housework, laundry and cooking, instead of being like her father who doesn't touch Yang Chun Shui with his fingers and asks her mother to pour it for him even to drink water. As soon as he gets home, he is paralyzed and disabled. It seems that the light is calling people.

Obviously her mother has to go to work in the factory, and she is very tired when she comes back!

But I don’t know why, but it seems that everyone only remembers how tired the father is, and naturally pushes all the housework and children to women.

(End of this chapter)

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