Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 221 Want to raise rabbits

Although rabbits are cute, Qin Xi, Tang Ying and the others don't feel sorry for them at all. All they can think about now is eating meat, and no one can stop them.

Although I have worked hard to raise rabbits for almost a year, rabbits are not like cats and dogs. They understand human nature and have wisdom. I would definitely not want to part with them and would not kill them.

Rabbits are just silly and ignorant. They will eat when there is something to eat, and they will scream when they are hungry. Even if you take them out to feed them, they are still like this. They just eat and will not react in any other way. No matter how you tease them, they will be like that. Looks silly.

Qin Xi had wanted to find a rabbit with only intelligence for herself from the pile of rabbits before. Unfortunately, she had hugged and fed every one of them, and there was no big difference. They were all so cute and stupid, and indifferent to humans.

Therefore, rabbits have only one position in her heart, and that is poultry.

The fate of poultry for her is to sell it for money or eat it, and there will be no other outcome.

Collect the rabbit blood, add water and salt, and make the blood prosperous. Whether the rabbit blood is healthy or delicious is not the key at all, but not wasting it is the key.

In this era, there is no thought of letting go of any food at all, so they will never waste any food.

The movement they made was quite loud. Yun Qing came over curiously and saw the bloody rabbit corpse. There was a faint smell of blood on the tip of his nose, as well as the blood on the side. Before he could say anything, he felt a very disgusting feeling. The feeling came over her, her stomach lurched, and she felt like she was going to be sick.

"啕嗕." Yun Qing retched while retreating. She didn't feel more comfortable until she had retreated five or six meters.

"Hey, are you here to find fault?"

"Get out of here if you have nothing to do. No one asked you to come here. Now you are acting like this to disgust someone!" Tang Ying was very unhappy. Originally, everyone was cooking rabbits together and happily waiting to eat the meat. , this Yunqing ran out, looking for some sense of presence.

What she hates the most is this kind of people who don't have a point in their hearts. They are so annoying, and no one is forcing her to come here. Now she is here to act like she is disgusted, and her good mood has been ruined by her.

"Whoa." Yun Qing quickly took three or four steps back and turned her head to ensure that she couldn't see the movements of the person over there. Yun Qing felt that her whole body felt relieved.

She didn't know why, but when she saw that scene, she felt so sick that she felt like vomiting all the breakfast in her stomach. Fortunately, she held it back.

"Then you barbarians don't care about the bloody thing. I can't stand it anyway."

"By the way, where did the rabbit come from?"

After the words came out of her mouth, Yun Qing thought about the rabbit she saw at Qin Xi's house when she was warming up by the fire a few years ago: "Is it the rabbit you bought at the end of the twelfth lunar month last year?"

"You secretly raise rabbits"

There are chickens, ducks and geese in the village, but this is the first rabbit she has seen in the village.

"What's wrong?" Qin Xi stood up and asked back.

"Also, since you think this place is barbaric, then leave. No one is asking you to stand here. As far as your dreams go, get out of here now."

This wasn’t stealing or robbing, I was just feeding a few rabbits at home, so it shouldn’t be illegal!In fact, the government at this time encouraged residents to develop rabbit raising as a sideline business. After all, rabbits are full of treasures. Rabbit meat is edible and can improve everyone’s lives. Rabbit fur and skin can be used to make clothes. Manure is used as fertilizer and can be handed over to the production team in exchange for work points.

That is to say, raising rabbits is not popular here. Otherwise, every household would definitely raise this little rabbit.

Of course, raising rabbits is not so worry-free. They can dig holes. If one is not watching, they will definitely slip away. In this regard, Qin Jiang and Qin He, who often clean up their messes, have a good say.

After the previous group of rabbits grew up, they were full of energy. Qin Xi and the others laid the leftover mud bricks from the house they built before in the firewood house. Now the firewood house has been divided into areas, and a section made of wood was built above to store firewood. The small attic below is where the rabbits roam.

Although the mud bricks can't stop Rabbit's restless heart, it is still a little stronger than before and can buy Qin Xi and the others some time. On this point, Qin Jiang and Qin He have a better say.

They would check whether there were any holes in the woodshed every day. If they found any holes, they would fill them back with mud. This way they could save the rabbits at home and prevent them from escaping.

In addition, rabbits' gastrointestinal tracts are relatively fragile. Raw water, water from unclean vegetable leaves, stale water, etc. will have a direct impact on their gastrointestinal tracts. Not feeding them any water at all will also cause them to be dehydrated. And died.

Also, once they eat too much and mixed food, the operation of their gastrointestinal tract will become very slow, causing indigestion and constipation.

All in all, they are a bunch of little bunnies who need to be taken good care of.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but have to have an explanation for secretly raising rabbits!"

"By the way, Qin Xi, how many rabbits do you have in your house now?" Yun Qing felt much better now and finally asked the question she was most concerned about.

This was the reason why she endured Qin Xi's cold words and continued to stay here.

"There are seven or eight! What's the matter?"

In fact, there are eight big rabbits and about twenty half-sized rabbits that are about to grow up. If you give them a month, these rabbits will definitely grow to more than five pounds. Now they are all weighed in their hands. It's more than four kilograms.

They don't seem to have as many rabbits as the legend says, but two to three rabbits a year are enough for them. If there are more rabbits, they may be too busy. At that time, they will have to consider Cut down on breeding rabbits.

They kept a total of six female rabbits and two male rabbits as breeding rabbits. They were carefully screened. If there are too many rabbits and the pressure is too great, they may eliminate one or two female rabbits. .

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask."

"I heard that rabbits are very good at giving birth. Have you made a lot of money by raising so many rabbits?" Yun Qing has heard about the reproductive ability of rabbits. The Qin Xi family definitely has more than just rabbits.

Although this is a rabbit raised by someone else, it has little to do with her, but people are like this, full of curiosity.

Rabbits are animals that can grow by eating only grass. This is equivalent to a business without capital!
Novices like the three brothers and sisters of the Qin family can raise rabbits well to such a big size. This shows that rabbits are not delicate and can eat grass and grow meat if they are raised casually. Her family has never raised anything yet. Is it possible? Just like Qin Xi and others, they raise a few rabbits at home and eat meat during the Chinese New Year.

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