Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 222 Raising rabbits together

"No, the weather was too cold and several rabbits froze to death. In the end, there were not many rabbits left." Qin Xi denied.

"Rabbits are not easy to raise. Sometimes, if you are careless, rabbits will die. Their intestines and stomach are very fragile."

If Yun Qing gets to the bottom of this, who knows what trouble will happen.

After all, she has experienced Yun Qing's big mouth, and the relationship between the two parties is not good, so she would be willing to keep a secret for Qin Xi and the others.

"I really like rabbits. I think they are very cute, especially their three-petal mouths. When they eat, the three-petal mouths move and make my heart melt."

"Qin Xi, can I go see your rabbit?" Yun Qing wanted to go over and hold Qin Xi's hand to show her sincerity to see if she could get the thing done, but when she saw the stain on the back of Qin Xi's hand, There were a few sporadic blood stains, but he still retreated.

It's not that she's afraid of blood. After all, she has killed chickens herself, but during this period of time, she just can't look at those disgusting things. Every time she sees them, she feels uncomfortable all over, and she also retches, which is very annoying. Not even a toilet is clean.

In rural areas, everyone uses dry toilets. Everyone knows the strong and pungent smell inside, as well as the very exciting sight.

This time, before Qin Xi could answer, Tang Ying refused her first. If she asked her, Qin Xi was just too soft-hearted. Why would someone like this who is obviously not at ease talk to her like that.

"No, I'm talking to Yun Qing, can you be more conscious? This is other people's privacy. What does it have to do with you? Why are you so embarrassed and so shy that you ask others to show you the rabbit at home?"

"It's okay if you want to take a look! It's ten yuan each. If you like it, just take ten yuan and buy one for yourself. You can have it at home."

"If you don't want to give up, just pretend I didn't say anything."

When Yun Qing heard that it was ten yuan, she immediately exploded: "Ten yuan? Why don't you go and grab it!"

"What kind of rabbit is worth ten dollars? You think I'm stupid!"

In order to fill the food gap at home, she went to the black market in Yongxin County to buy food. All her private money was filled in. Now Fang Zheng knows all the money in her hands. With this kind of money, she is Never dare to move.

After all, she loves Fang Zheng very much, and she doesn't want to go as far as Chen Yue and Liu Ming with Fang Zheng. They will become like this, which has a lot to do with money, a harmful thing.

"If you want to buy it now, we won't sell it to you yet!" Tang Ying crossed her hands on her chest, standing in front of Yun Qing, who was half a head shorter than her, and replied aggressively.

"I have no intention of buying it at all. Only a fool would spend ten yuan to buy your rabbit." Yun Qing retorted with her hands on her hips and her strength.

"Bah, we don't want to sell it at all."

Suddenly, Yun Qing felt that she had found Tang Ying's weakness, the entry point, the kind that could directly penetrate her flesh with a knife and stab her painfully.

"Tang Ying, why are you arguing with me so actively? This is Qin Xi's rabbit. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"I'm not like some shameless people who rush to show their courtesy and flattery. They lose money and are so flattering that I can't even see it."

"I used to think you had some backbone and thought you were some powerful person, but now it seems you are nothing more than that!"

"Sure enough, a phoenix that lands on the ground is not as good as a chicken!" Although the relationship between Tang Ying and Qin Xi puzzled her, in many cases, Tang Ying was the one who charged into battle, so this Tang Ying was Qin Xi's bred one. A vicious dog?

As for things like sisterhood, whoever believes in it is a fool, they get together because of profit, and break up when the profit is exhausted, which is what she thinks of "sisterhood", and she will not believe in such unreliable things.

"Tang Ying has a share of everything in my house. If you are envious, just go home and drool yourself. Don't make sour water in my place."

Qin Xi plans to select two rabbits, one male and one female, for Tang Ying from this batch of rabbits. If she wants to give her money, she will give her a preferential price. If she has no money left, it is not impossible to borrow money. No interest is required. She just returned the two rabbits.

If it wasn't for He Yuan and Tang Ying who had to go to work, there were too many rabbits, and they couldn't take care of them. Qin Xi could borrow a few more of them.

Now Tang Ying and He Yuan have not even broken through the window paper. It is not known how long it will take for them to be together.

If one of Tang Ying and He Yuan raises rabbits in an educated youth spot, the other person's ration will be too big. After all, they are not like Qin Jiang and Qin He, where two people raise one, Qin Xi I still work on pig weeding every day, and I can earn two work points and a small subsidy.

As for free, that's not acceptable. According to Tang Ying's strong temper, she would never take it for free, and her self-esteem would not allow her to accept it.

Moreover, the rabbits at home are not hers alone. Both her eldest and second brothers have a share. She cannot give her rabbits just because she has a good relationship with Tang Ying. If she opens this door, there will be chaos in the future.

"Huh, you guys."

"Forget it, I won't argue with you." After Yun Qing finished speaking, she left angrily.

If you don't leave now, do you plan to stay where you are and let others humiliate you?
But she had made up her mind. The more she wanted to hide this from Qin Xi, the more she wanted to declare it to her, preferably to the point where everyone knew about it. When the time came, she wanted to see what kind of end they would have.

It would be funny if they were not allowed to raise this rabbit, or if they were not allowed to raise more rabbits. At that time, they would confiscate them all, and let them draw water in a bamboo basket with nothing and happiness in vain.

When Yun Qing walked away, Qin Xi pulled Tang Ying to the edge: "Do you want to raise a rabbit?"

"If you want to raise them, I can select a pair of breeding rabbits for you. Then, if you have any questions, you can ask me."

When Tang Ying heard this, her heart beat hard. Although raising rabbits was not as good as working in the city, it was nothing compared to farming in the countryside.

Want to raise it?of course.

But she doesn't have the same good conditions as Qin Xi, and now she is still living with others in an educated youth spot!There is no room for rabbits.

"Where can I raise rabbits?"

As soon as Tang Ying said this, Qin Xi knew that it wasn't that she didn't want to support him, but that she lived in an educated youth spot and didn't have the conditions to support him.

"When the time comes, you can keep the rabbits here with me. Of course, they will be raised separately. Your two can be raised in bamboo cages. When the time comes, just ask the old man in the village to make one for you."

Putting the bamboo cage in the corner should not hinder anything. Although it would involve more involvement with Tang Ying, she made this decision because she didn't want to lose her as a friend and knew that she was having a hard time now. , I want to give her a hand.

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