Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 223 Buying and selling rabbits

"Would this be too much trouble for you?" Tang Ying hesitated.

She knew that Qin Xi wanted to help her, but if her rabbits were still raised here in Qin Xi, how would they be different from those raised by Qin Xi himself? At most, she or He Yuan would come over to feed them every day. .

"No! If you don't feel too sorry, just cut some for me when you go to cut the grass. I raise too many rabbits, and no matter how many, there won't be enough to eat."

The grass blades that the rabbits can't finish eating will be cleaned out together with the rabbits' poop the next day, and the entire woodshed will be cleaned again.

Hygiene is still very important when raising rabbits. If it is too dirty and smells bad, it will feel like the whole home has become obsolete.

They piled rabbit feces in the vegetable garden behind the house. Although their three-quarter plot was only planted this year, the sweet potatoes growing in it are no worse than those in other vegetable gardens that have been carefully cared for for a long time. .

Qin Xi and the others harvested more than 300 kilograms of sweet potatoes from the three-thirds of the land, leaving a hundred kilograms for eating. The rest were shaved and dried into dried sweet potatoes. One kilogram of sweet potatoes can produce about four taels of dried sweet potatoes. , more than 200 kilograms of fresh sweet potatoes, and about a hundred kilograms of dried sweet potatoes were dried.

I bought a large vat at home, which can hold about 150 catties of grain, fine grains at home, and some things that cannot be affected by moisture. At the bottom, the rest is placed outside for you to eat as you please.

In addition, after the autumn harvest, when the public grain was handed over, the three brothers and sisters together received more than 600 kilograms of grain and some cloth and meat stamps.

These grains are quite mixed. The bulk is still sweet potatoes, but peanuts, soybeans, corn, rice, sorghum and the like all add up to more than 200 kilograms.

Qin Xi did not put peanuts, sorghum and corn cobs in the tank. These things are relatively resistant to moisture. As long as they are dried thoroughly in the sun, they can be stored. They can still be found after a month or two. If the weather is nice, spend a day taking them out to dry, and they will be more durable for storage.

Qin Xi puts rice and soybeans in a big vat because she is more interested in these two things. One is fine grains and the other is high-protein food. Whether it is stewed pig's trotters with soybeans or rice porridge, they are all for her. Favorite food.

What's more, during the Chinese New Year, you can scoop out a small bowl of soybeans in exchange for a large piece of white tofu.

As for the sweet potatoes, of course they were saved and eaten.

In the countryside, sweet potatoes are the staple food.

Like roasting sweet potatoes, cooking sweet potato and sweet potato porridge, etc., let’s do it in a different way!

They are the ones who eat relatively well. Like some families in the village with a large population, especially children, the sweet potatoes are mixed with wild vegetables to eat them, so that they appear to be abundant and enough.

If the sweet potatoes are not enough, you can add some wild vegetables to top it off.

"Okay, but for the rabbit, I have to spend money to buy it. Don't refuse it. If you refuse, I won't take it." Tang Ying said with lowered eyebrows.

Her self-esteem made it impossible for her to accept Qin Xi's gifts, and she didn't have the nerve to accept them. Her mother taught her since she was a child not to take anything from others, and to pay back whatever she owed, otherwise she would not be able to get through it just because of her own conscience. .

"Yes, but if you don't take advantage of it now, don't rush to give me the money. After you raise these two rabbits, the big rabbit will give birth to the little rabbit, and the little rabbit will grow up."

"When the time comes, just give me back a pair of rabbits." After hearing Qin Xi's words, Tang Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Qin Xi didn't refuse, otherwise, she wouldn't have the nerve to accept the rabbits.

However, it is impossible to owe.

Her temperament is very similar to Qin Xi's. She would feel uncomfortable if she owed something to others. Although she was poor now, she was not so poor that she couldn't even afford ten yuan.

After the autumn harvest, she and He Yuan both received some money, eight and two yuan for her and 12 yuan and two for He Yuan.

The matter of raising rabbits is bound to drag He Yuan up. They have many things mixed together, and they don't intend to separate in this matter.

To be honest, a person who wants to work to earn work points, but also wants to raise rabbits to earn money, and has to cook his own fire and pot every day, is really too busy.

If there is another person to help, the situation is different. The two of them can divide the work and cooperate.

Although she and He Yuan have not officially broken the window with each other, the relationship between the two of them is no different from that of talking about a partner. Both of them regard each other as their future significant other, and there is a problem. Exclusive desire.

"No, just sell it to me now for five yuan!"

"From now on, I can learn from you how to raise rabbits. I'm not very stupid. After a year of study, I should be able to learn this well."

The price Tang Ying gave was definitely not low.

You know, Qin Xi and the others took the risk to sell the rabbits on the black market, but they only cost one yuan, two to three pounds, and just now Qin Xi said they would give her a preferential price. Now her rabbits only cost a little over four kilograms, five yuan. The price of one piece of money is already comparable to that on the black market.

"Okay, I won't be polite to you. In winter, rabbits have less to eat. Your two rabbits, this winter, eat the dried sweet potato vines I prepared together with my rabbits!"

"In normal times, we can go outside together, especially places with water. Maybe we can find some fresh wild grass and vegetables for the rabbits."

Those sweet potato vines were planted in her own vegetable garden. After all, it is not good for the sweet potato vines to grow too densely. At a certain time, the vines need to be pruned to prevent the sweet potato vines from taking root and dispersing the nutrients of the sweet potatoes.

When pruning sweet potato vines, some vines that have too many branches and grow too long will be pinched off. Drying the cut off sweet potato vines can be used as food reserves for rabbits in winter.

They also used their work points to buy some sweet potato vines from the team. They bought them and dried them when the weather was good. They spent several days drying them. They kept them very well and there was absolutely no mold or rot. They dried the damaged ones. Feeding sweet potato vines to rabbits will cause them to get sick and die. This kind of thing must not be done at the expense of others.

Since you want to raise these little things with fragile stomachs, of course you have to take good care of them.

The vegetable patch behind my house is not empty even after the sweet potatoes are harvested. Except for the place where onions, ginger and garlic are planted, vegetable seeds are scattered everywhere else, such as radish, cabbage and cabbage. If you can't finish it, you can take it back. Feed the rabbit.

Of course, most of them are eaten by humans. What rabbits eat are old cabbage leaves, radish leaves, cabbage leaves and the like.

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