Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 248 is about to give birth

Sleeping time at night is the most difficult time for her because she needs to go to the toilet frequently. Although they put a urine bucket in their house, it is still uncomfortable for her. After all, a pregnant woman has to go to and from bed frequently. bathroom.

Moreover, her legs were swollen, like carrots. The pain would be excruciating if she walked a little more or stood for a little longer, but she couldn't press it herself, so she could only endure it.

As for Fang Zheng, no matter how powerful he is, he is still an ordinary person. He has to work from morning to night, while also helping with laundry and cooking. Naturally, he will feel tired and expect a tired person to sleep in bed to massage her feet. It would be better for her to tap it with a piece of bamboo herself.

On this day, as soon as Fang Zheng left the house and went to work, Yun Qing felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

This kind of thing has happened several times. She thought she was going to give birth before and was so panicked. Fortunately, Zeng Rou was by her side and told her that this was normal, so she didn't panic and ask someone to find her. Founder.

She originally thought that her stomach would return to its original state in a short while and would stop hurting, but who knew that this time it would be different from the previous times, and she could feel some fluid leaking out of her lower body.

According to the birth process Zeng Rou told her before, she should be giving birth.

"I'm about to give birth, is anyone there?" Yun Qing hoped that someone around could hear her cry.

Only by finding Fang Zheng could she feel at ease.

Whether it's finding a midwife for her or sending her to a health center, it all depends on Fang Zheng, her only family member here.

Don't let her endure the pain of giving birth alone at home. How can she know how to give birth?

Thinking of what Zeng Rou had told her before, about the women in the village who died due to dystocia, Yun Qing became more and more frightened. She really had no idea.

"anyone there?"

"I'm about to give birth."

"Someone, come quickly. I'm about to give birth."

After calling several times in a row, no one answered. Yun Qing had to give up the little trouble she had with Qin Xi.

Now, only Qin Xi can help her.

"Qin Xi. I want to give birth to Qin Xi, help me!"

"Qin Xi."

Now she just wants to get rid of the helplessness at this moment. As long as someone appears in front of her and helps her, she will be grateful to him/her for the rest of her life.

Naturally, Qin Xi didn't know that Yun Qing was about to give birth. She was currently cutting young grass in the back hill. This was the rabbit at home. The food ration for the rabbits at home was a task she had to complete every day.

Compared to her two brothers working under the scorching sun every day to earn work points, the little work she did was really nothing.

In the village, the hardest currency is food. In this era when the vast majority of people still do not have enough to eat, food is the most important thing.

Qin Jiang and Qin He went to work, and what they earned back was food, which was very important to this family, even if the food was not worth as much as ten rabbits.

Yun Qing hugged her belly helplessly and walked hard. She couldn't sit still and wait for others to find her at home and find a midwife or doctor for her. She had to take the initiative and seek help for herself.

The closest one to her is the Qin family, and she knows that Qin Xi cuts grass and feeds rabbits at home, and does not follow his two brothers to work every day. Therefore, when she goes to the Qin family, there is a high probability that she will meet Qin Xi. .

Obviously the distance between the two families is not far apart, there are only some pine trees in the middle. In the past, she had complained more than once that the two families were too close to each other. Life was going on incessantly and the family had bad neighbors. But now she deeply resented that the road was too close. It was too far and too difficult to walk. Although it was very close, she still hadn't reached her destination no matter how hard she walked.With a big belly, she walked and stopped all the way, and finally arrived at Qin's house in a few minutes.

"Qin Xi. Qin Xi, I'm going to give birth."

Because she stood for too long and walked such a long way, her legs were already tired, so she directly supported the pine tree and slowly sat down on the small bamboo stool Qin Jiang made himself.

"Qin Xi. Where have you been?"

Looking at the empty house, Yun Qing felt that she had never been so scared at this moment. She had already used so much strength to get here, and she was not sure that she could still walk to the next house.

Just when Yun Qing was secretly despairing, Qin Xi was humming a brisk tune, carrying a backpack on his back and walking briskly on the way home.

From a distance, she saw someone sitting in front of her house, with a bloated figure. The first thing that flashed across her mind was Yun Qing's little face that was getting rounder and rounder.

If the time were pushed forward another month, she might also wonder whether this person came to her door specially to cause trouble. Now, she was about to give birth.

When she thought of this possibility, Qin Xi, who was originally walking briskly but admiring the scenery while walking, quickened her pace in the next moment, walking faster and faster. Her speed behind her was no different from running.

Yun Qing, who was already on the verge of despair, saw Qin Xi, and her eyes lit up. At this time, she felt that Qin Xi, who was running toward her with a basket on his back, was glowing all over.

"Qin Xi, I'm about to give birth. Please help me find Fangzheng."

They had contacted the midwife before. She was Aunt Bai in the village, also known as Bai Yanzi. She was the one who delivered Zeng Rou's baby. It was said that her skills were very good and were passed down from ancestors.

As long as Qin Xi found Fang Zheng and told him that she was going to give birth, Fang Zheng would go find the midwife and give birth as soon as the midwife arrived.

"What about you now?" Qin Xi looked hesitantly at Yun Qing, who was sitting awkwardly on a small bamboo stool.

"I'm fine, I just have a little pain in my stomach and I'm tired from walking. Go find Fang Zheng quickly." Yun Qing waved her hand and told Qin Xi to leave quickly.

She was in a panic now. She couldn't calm down until she saw Fang Zheng.

"Then hold on!"

"I'm going to find Fang Zheng now." As Qin Xi spoke, he broke free from the backpack he was carrying on his back, threw it away, and ran away without looking back.

As soon as I ran out of the village, I saw the villagers bending over and weeding hard in the fields.

At this time, the village could not afford fertilizer, a magical thing. The villagers wanted the food in the fields to grow better, so they had to work diligently to weed and catch insects, and the better they could.

"Auntie, do you know where the male educated youth go to work?" Qin Xi asked anxiously.

"What happened?" It's not their style not to get to the bottom of things.

A young girl in Qinxi suddenly asked about male educated youth, which is a sensitive topic in itself. The aunt here thought that she was about to get a big deal, so she looked excited.

"It's Fang Zheng, Fang's educated youth's wife, who is about to give birth. I'll call him back."

"Yun Qing is extremely panicked now. They are all educated youths and have no other relatives or friends in the village. Fang Zheng, the husband, must return to take charge of the overall situation."

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