When she learned that Yun Qing was about to give birth, Aunt Bai, the midwife who had already been booked, couldn't stay any longer.

"Sister-in-law Qiuyu, please ask for leave for me. I have to go and have a look. This young man is at home alone and has no experience."

The deposit has been collected, only two cents!But nothing can happen.

After the child is born safely, she will still get thirty cents. If the owner is generous and has another thank you gift, whether it is a few eggs or something else, it will be her extra The income can fill the stomachs of a large family.

Relying on the skill of midwifery, she has established a firm foothold in her husband's family, and she is basically the master of the house.

She did not bring this craft from her natal family. At this time, sons were favored over daughters. If the family had a craft, it was rare for a married woman to bring it to her husband's family. However, those in the family were passed down from daughter to son, such as midwifery and the like. The work is passed down from generation to generation between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It doesn’t matter who learned it, or who’s last name is important. What’s important is that their daughter-in-law has always mastered this craft.

Aunt Bai's sister-in-law doesn't know how to deliver babies. Even if she wants to learn secretly, she is not allowed. If she is discovered, she will be beaten to death. People at this time are very tight about their craftsmanship. This can Heirloom.

Only if you don't have me, can this business be good. If there were more people in the countryside who could deliver babies, how could she still have so much business coming to her door?

For the sake of her own children, Bai Yanzi never revealed anything even to her natal family. Her daughter could marry back to her natal family, but her skills were not good enough. Even if Baiyang Village was far away from Chenhui Village, there was a high probability that it would not affect her. She didn't dare to bet on her business, as people were selfish.

It doesn't seem to affect it now, but what about in the future?

As for the daughter, she has given birth to several children, and also has several sons. If there are too many children, they are not valuable anymore. There is no reluctance to send one back to her parents' home to fulfill her filial piety. If she can grow up there, the daughter can do the same. They work hard there, give birth to children, and continue the next generation.

Although there are many daughters-in-law, the rule that the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law inherit the craft cannot be broken, unless they have no sons, or the eldest daughter-in-law is really stupid and cannot learn. In these two cases, she may consider changing the daughter-in-law to teach her. thing.

"Go quickly, we can't delay giving birth to a baby."

The first child is usually more difficult to give birth to, and it cannot be done without the help of a midwife. Aunt Qiuyu is a woman, and she has given birth to six children, so she naturally knows how difficult it is for women to give birth to their first child.

"By the way, the male educated youth are working in the land near Zuoling Village. Qin educated youth, go quickly."

As soon as Qin Xi heard this, he didn't waste any time, threw off his arms and started running, running at the fastest speed in his life.

At this time, she could only see the road under her feet, nothing else could be seen, and she didn't care anymore. She entered a very mysterious state. When she ran to the place and stopped, Qin Xi hadn't even breathed much. You know, , she ran at high speed for five or six minutes!
Qin Jiang was the first to notice Qin Xi and turned to look at Fang Zheng: "My sister is here. Is your sister about to give birth?"

This is very easy to guess. During this period, Yun Qing was still suppressing what was going to happen.

As soon as Fang Zheng heard this, he threw down the hoe in his hand and ran down quickly. This land was mountainous, with many bumps and slopes, but there was nothing that his long legs couldn't get over. , jump when you need to, jump when you need to cross, and try to run as fast as possible.

I saw him running almost in a straight line to the big dirt road below.

"Fang Zheng, Yun Qing is going to give birth. Go back quickly." Qin Xi's eyes lit up when she saw the person. Her mission was to inform Fang Zheng that Yun Qing was going to give birth. Now she has basically completed it.After hearing this, Fang Zheng ran even harder, just like a character with a speed buff in the anime, and quickly disappeared from Qin Xi's sight.

He didn't even have time to say anything, he just said he understood and ran away.

Now, all he could think about was Yun Qing and their children, and he had ignored everything else.

Many women died in childbirth in the village. He didn't know whether Yun Qing would be the lucky one or the unlucky one. Now he felt either panic or panic.

Fangzheng's notification was in place. When Qin Xi returned, he was very slow. It seemed that his previous enthusiasm for walking and running was exhausted all at once.

When she walked all the way back and arrived at Fang Zheng's house, the first thing she heard was Yun Qing's screams, while Fang Zheng was walking around like a headless fly, completely disorganized, which truly reflected his current situation. mental state.

Maybe he thought of something, but before Qin Xi could get closer, Fang Zheng ran into the kitchen again. After a while, green smoke floated out from the top of their kitchen.

Qin Xi walked into the kitchen and asked if there was anything she could help with. After receiving the answer that there was no, she left.

Yun Qing's scream was so miserable that if she continued to stay here, she would be scared out of her shadow.

From morning to afternoon, and then to night, Yun Qing never gave birth to the baby. During this period, she ate two meals. After the pain was gone, she took the time to sleep again.

Aunt Bai stayed up with the young couple until after ten o'clock in the evening. She really couldn't hold on any longer. Although she knew it was hard to get the money, she didn't expect it to be so hard to get!
Hope everything goes well the next day!

It can be said that she is Chen Huicun, the second person behind Fang Zheng who doesn't want anything to happen to Yun Qing. After all, Yun Qing's life and death is related to her vital interests. If something happens to this pregnant woman, others will take care of it. It counts on her, she is the midwife after all.

As long as something happens to one of them, her business will definitely be bleak for the next six months, her income will drop sharply, and the whole family will still point to her for food!

Aunt Bai was called to Fang Zheng's house again at around three in the morning. At this time, Yun Qing was already screaming, and the child's head was about to come out.

At this time, Fangzheng is doing a favor!
Although he didn't know what he was busy with, he couldn't stop for a moment.

Qin Xi, who was pulled here to boil hot water for them in the middle of the night, looked at the figure who walked out and walked in again soon, and rolled his eyes helplessly, not knowing what he was wandering around.

As for the resentment, there was some, but after hearing the screams next door, she decided to turn the feud with Yun Qing into friendship for the time being, and then show a cold face later. She was doing it for the sake of her little baby.

Fang Zheng frequently went between the kitchen and the delivery room, pouring hot water and boiling pot after pot. Finally, the baby came out.

At dawn, after the rooster, the most majestic and loudest voice in the village, crowed, Yun Qing gave birth to a fair little girl weighing five pounds and two ounces.

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