Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 250 The Big Fat Girl

"Is this my daughter?" Fang Zheng looked at the soft little person. He was at a loss and didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Yun Qing's energy was still high. When she saw the silly Fang Zheng, she smiled and raised her eyebrows: "Do you want to hug her?"

"Can I?" he asked first, but then Fang Zheng took practical action and carefully wrapped his hands around the child, but still did not dare to pick her up.

The child was too soft and too small. He was afraid that if he applied force, the child would break into pieces: "I don't dare."

"Ha ha."

"Fang Zhiqing, it's okay. Children just look soft, but as long as they don't fall, it'll be okay."

"Your girl is so chubby!"

"very nice."

In the countryside, because most mothers lack nutrition and are overworked, the children born are generally thin, which is one of the reasons why it is difficult to feed many children.

After all, children who are thin mean that they did not consume enough nutrients in the mother's womb, and are born with deficiencies and low immunity. A simple cold may take away a child's life.

This five-pound little girl can definitely be regarded as a fat girl. Anyway, among all the children she has delivered in the past six months, she is the fattest and the best-raised.

"Aunt Bai, who do you think this little girl looks like?" Yun Qing gently tucked the corner of the child's quilt and asked.

The quilt was previously sent along with the milk powder coupons and money. It was used to wrap Fangzheng and his younger siblings, and now it is used to wrap his daughter. It is a legacy in another sense!

"Let me take a look!" Aunt Bai walked around to the child and took a closer look. This way, she could see more clearly.

"The eyes are [-]% similar to Fang Zhiqing's, but her nose and mouth are more like yours. This little girl is really handsome. With the combination of your two strengths, she will definitely be a beautiful girl in the future."

"Don't feel unhappy just because she is a little girl. As the old saying goes, flowers bloom first and then bear fruit. As long as you can still have children, you can always give birth to a boy." Aunt Bai thought she could still understand Yun Qing's thoughts. , and tried every means to comfort her.

After all, Zeng Rou gave birth to a fat boy for the first time. What if this young educated youth wanted to compare with Zeng Rou and felt that giving birth to a little girl was not a good movie, so she got angry and cut off her midwifery money?
She finally figured out the rules. In some families, they would be happy when a daughter was born. In other families, the mother-in-law would scold the people and scold them, as if it was such a big sin.

But without exception, those families who gave birth to boys were very happy.

"Aunt Bai, don't worry! This is the daughter I worked hard to give birth to, how could I not like her!"

Yun Qing could only see her daughter. She really felt that everything about her daughter was good and beautiful. She was the cutest and most sensible child in the world, and no one could compare with her.

Qin Xi stood outside the house, listening to the laughter and laughter inside. She knew that everything was going to be fine and that it had nothing to do with her. She was exhausted after a long night of work and had to go back to catch up on her sleep.

When she left, she didn't disturb anyone. It wasn't until more than an hour later, when everything was packed up and the midwife sent her away with money, that Fang Zheng patted his head and thought of Qin Xi.

"What's wrong?" Yun Qing asked curiously, is there something going on that she doesn't know about?

"It's like this. You were about to give birth last night. I originally planned to ask Qin He to come over and help boil the water, but Aunt Bai said that it was not good to call a man to help this woman give birth, so she called Qin Xi. ." "I have been busy all night, and I didn't even take a sip of water. I just thought of her now, and I haven't even thanked her yet!" Fang Zheng thought of Qin Xi's help yesterday, and his heart was filled with gratitude.

To be honest, he knocked on Qin He's door first, and then asked Qin He to knock on his sister's door.

Originally, he thought Qin Xi would refuse, because she and Yun Qing didn't deal with each other, and even if it didn't work, she would say a few words to vent her dissatisfaction, but she yawned and agreed without hesitation.

To be honest, at that time, a warm current flowed in my heart. It had no other meaning. I really felt that the three brothers and sisters of the Qin family were all good friends and good people.

Who doesn’t like to be friends with people who are upright and soft-hearted? If something happens, they are really willing to help and will not harm their friends for other reasons, because they have their own principles. It is safer and safer to associate with such people. rest assured.

Like those with bad conduct, the first thing to do when making friends with them is to learn to guard against each other, and the other is to learn to fight with each other, and also, pay special attention to propriety when interacting, so as not to involve your family members.

"next time!"

"After I finish my confinement, let's invite the three brothers and sisters over for a casual meal."

She has no milk yet. Fortunately, Qin He helped her and bought a can of milk powder from the county town. Otherwise, the child would have been hungry.

"Okay, that's it."

"I'll go to the village later and ask people to see who has crucian carp. I heard that it produces milk. Maybe you will have milk after eating crucian carp soup!"

Although there is a can of milk powder at home, breast milk is the most cost-effective way to feed a child. If you only eat milk powder, a can of milk powder will not last even a month.

Milk powder tickets are not that easy to get. If ordinary workers want to get milk powder tickets, they have to rely on a lot of connections and owe a lot of favors.

Although there is milk powder for sale on the black market, the price is easily eighty, nine or ten yuan, which is beyond what they can afford. If they eat milk powder for two days a day, it is enough to meet emergency needs. It is absolutely impossible to afford it if they eat it every day.

"I heard from Zeng Rou that it seems that salt should not be added in order for the milk to be nutritious for the child. Is this true or false?"

Yun Qing thought about her shriveled breasts and felt extremely worried. If there was really no milk, the money for milk powder would be an astronomical sum for them.

"I'm going to buy fish. If I don't get it, I'll catch it and bring it back to try it first."

In addition to crucian carp soup, the soybean stewed pig's trotters is also a good food for lactation. As long as it can make the child full, Yun Qing dares to try anything.

That night after drinking the soup, Yun Qing came to feel it, and her face suddenly beamed with joy. She could feed the child herself.

However, she doesn't produce much breast milk. In the first few months, it is barely enough. In the next few months, she needs to drink the rice soup they specially prepared for the child, or it can be called rice oil.

In the village, many children are raised on rice oil. This thing is very familiar to the villagers. Therefore, when the young couple mentioned this little trouble, the elder immediately gave suggestions, or solutions.

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