Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 261 Reservoir Repair

Chapter 261 Reservoir Repair

In early November, the village suddenly issued a notice that a reservoir would be built on the upper reaches of the creek that goes around the village.

At this time, there was no mechanical help when building the reservoir. Basically, the villagers dug it out step by step with hoes and baskets.

Although difficult, the construction of a reservoir is still necessary. The reservoir can store water during the rainy season and release water during the dry season. It can effectively irrigate farmland and ensure production for several surrounding villages during the dry season.

Therefore, everyone is still very enthusiastic about building reservoirs.

Because of this incident, the village suddenly became lively and there was a lot of discussion.

The location of the reservoir is on the farmland under the jurisdiction of Chenhui Village. It is only a seven or eight-minute walk from the village.

It is a terraced field that is sunken inward. In the middle is a spring. The water emerging from it is groundwater. It is crystal clear and very cold. The freshly scooped water is as if it has been chilled in a freezer. , use a glass bottle to fetch water, and a layer of water mist will appear on the bottle filled with spring water.

Others don't know, but the oldest old man in Chen Hui Village has never seen the spring dry up.

In the past, during the dry season in the village, which lasted for two or three months and there was no water to drink, they would go there to fetch water for drinking. Even small animals in the mountains would go there.

If we want to build a reservoir, it is certainly not possible to rely solely on the young people of Chenhui Village. If we only rely on the few people in Chenhui Village, we still don’t know that we will have to work until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

Therefore, young people from other villages will also go there. The work points are calculated at three cents per work point. If you work hard all day, you can still get seven or eight work points, not to mention a lunch.

Now is the slack time for farmers, and many people plan to go there to work. They are a little tired, but they can still earn more than [-] cents!It's better than sitting idle at home.

At this time, the work efficiency was very high. The place was chosen, and the next day, the village organized manpower to repair the reservoir.

The village suddenly became empty and much quieter.

Qin Jiang, Qin He and He Yuan all went there. Tang Ying hung out with Qin Xi every day, either cutting grass to feed rabbits or cooking for He Yuan at the educated youth spot. Their life was very regular.

Although the reservoir was in charge of lunch and dinner, she still had to cook breakfast and dinner for He Yuan.

The two of them don't know what happened. In short, the relationship has been officially confirmed and the two are now officially talking about a partner.

After the two formally established their relationship, He Yuan worked very hard. When he was not at work, he couldn't sit still, mowing grass and collecting firewood. Tang Ying felt heartbroken when he saw it. You come and go, and the relationship between the two Better and slimier.

Qin Xi asked Tang Ying how the two of them determined their relationship, but Tang Ying changed the subject vaguely.

Although she was curious, she could still restrain her curiosity. Since Tang Ying didn't want to talk, she wouldn't ask.

The rabbits at home are growing up a bit quickly during this period, and because there are too many rabbits in the woodshed, fights occur frequently. Qin Xi is almost exhausted from doing this. This is because he is tired. Those rabbits are so annoying. If you worry about it, you have no time to guess and explore the reasons for the rapid development of their relationship.

She was quite relieved about the rabbit locked in the woodshed. She had now discovered that the windows had long been nailed shut, and even the door was double protected. It was difficult for ordinary people to break through the defenses of their woodshed, so her family Rabbits are still very safe.A few days ago, Captain Chen Aiguo lost a few rabbits at home. It was not thieves who came to steal them, but his rabbits secretly dug a hole in the corner. They didn't notice, and five rabbits escaped.

In the end, only two were found. As for the remaining three, I don’t know whose house they went to.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the rabbit ran into the mountains, but this possibility is very small. After all, Chen Aiguo lives in the center of the village. If the rabbit can really break through the blockades and run into the woods, , the lucky attribute is definitely full.

Qinjiang, Qinhe and Heyuan, after working in the reservoir for a week, were all unable to hold on any longer. Their hands were shaking from exhaustion every day. The work of dredging and carrying mud in the reservoir was much harder than working in the fields.

The three of them took a day off and rested at home. As for Qin Xi and Tang Ying, they took advantage of the day's free time and took a bus into Yongxin County early in the morning with their backpacks on their backs.

The Chinese New Year will be here in a few months, and the rabbits at home are all growing up one after another. The smallest one weighs four and a half pounds, and they should be sold one after another.

Only the money you get in your hands is truly a good thing.

Their rabbits are still selling well in the black market. Although the price is one yuan and four pounds, most of the final transaction prices are one yuan and three pounds, which is not much different from before. After all, there are very few people who don't bargain in the black market. .

Qin Xi brought six rabbits, and Tang Ying brought three. She only had a dozen rabbits, so she picked the three largest rabbits this time.

Tang Ying's rabbits were fed by her to make them fat and strong. The largest one weighed more than seven kilograms. She sold this fat rabbit for 25 yuan, and only three of them were sold. Rabbit, she has an extra [-] yuan and [-] cents in her pocket.

Qinxi’s rabbits, the largest one only weighed more than six pounds. Six rabbits were sold for 47 yuan and [-] cents, which was also a good harvest.

Pork on the black market costs NT$[-] a pound, which is very expensive, but ribs only cost NT$[-], which is much cheaper.

People at this time didn’t like spareribs. It had no meat or oil, so it was difficult to sell them. They usually sold the leftovers and digested them internally.

Qin Xi, Tang Ying and the others bought two ribs each for more than two yuan. The butcher also gave two clean shaved ribs without a trace of meat as a gift, one for each of them.

Tang Ying learned from Qin Xi. She bought pork ribs and added winter melon to stew the soup. As for the stick bones, if you don’t hesitate to use firewood, you can also boil a large pot of broth, whether it is used for hot pot or stir-fry dishes or add ginger. It is a good choice to warm up the body and ward off the cold.

After the two of them left the black market, Tang Ying couldn't hold back the smile on her face, she was so happy.

"Qin Xi, it's a good thing you thought of raising rabbits before, otherwise I wouldn't know how I would live my life!"

If she hadn't followed Qin Xi to raise rabbits, she would most likely have sold the watch in her hand, and spent her days worrying because she didn't know when she would spend the money and live a little less. There is no hope.

Now that she has it, she just hopes that the rabbit at home will grow fatter and fatter, and earn her more money.

She has experienced ups and downs in her life. Now she has money in her hands, her best friends and the people she loves. It seems that she is no longer so resistant to going to the countryside.

(End of this chapter)

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