Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 262 Meeting the Qin family

Chapter 262 Meeting the Qin family
"How else can I live? Just live like this!"

"It will definitely get better in the future." Qin Xi is still full of yearning for the future.

She has started to keep a diary now. She will write an article when she thinks of it. When she comes to the 21st century, she will take it out to recall it. She will definitely be full of feelings.

"There are still three or four hours before the bus returns. Should we go to the department store to see? The cloth tickets in my hand are about to expire."

Ready-made clothes are too expensive and she is reluctant to buy them, but she can buy good-looking fabrics in the county and ask her sisters-in-law in the village to help make the clothes. She can just leave the remaining rags to them.

The craftsmanship of the sisters-in-law in the village is still very good, but if the craftsmanship is not good, the reputation will not be spread.

"When you said that, I also remembered that the cloth tickets at home are about to expire."

"But I forgot to bring it this time. If I forget it next time I come to this county, remember to remind me."

The three brothers and sisters have not worn any new clothes this year. Next time they come, bring all the tickets issued last year, otherwise the tickets will be invalidated after New Year's Eve.

At this time, the clothes were all three years old and new, and they had been mended for another three years. The three brothers and sisters did not have much clothes, so they always wore the same clothes. If the clothes were worn out and exposed their flesh, Qin Xi would take out her needle and thread and put a patch on it. It was also time to make new clothes and wear them, one for each person.

"Okay, if I remember next time, I will remind you."

The two walked towards the department store while chatting and laughing. When they were still five or six meters away from the department store, Qin Xi vaguely felt like she heard someone calling her name.

Turning her head, she saw that it was her grandmother Li Chunhua and her younger sister Qin Qing who were calling her, but she ignored them, pulled Tang Ying and strode towards the door of the department store.

"Qinxi. Qinxi"


"You little brat, you're so rebellious. She knew I was calling her from behind, but she didn't react at all." Li Chunhua put her hands on her knees, and she was already sweating in the moment she was trotting. .

The older I get, the weaker my physical strength becomes, especially my legs. When it gets cold or rainy, they hurt so much that I have to take painkillers to relieve some of the pain.

In addition, there is something wrong with her stomach. She has had stomach pains several times this year. When the pain is the worst, she can hold her stomach and roll on the ground. When it hurts normally, she feels thin and continuous pain. The last few days can definitely drive people crazy.

She didn't know what the problem was before, but after going to the doctor, she found out it was kidney stones. As for the stomach pain, it was gastric ulcer. As people get older, all kinds of ailments come to their doorstep.

As for the legs, they are old cold legs with rheumatism. I bought plasters, but the effect is not good. When the cold wind blows, the knees become swollen.

Because Liu Qin didn't care about her illness at all, Li Chunhua paid all the money for medical treatment and medicine by herself. The little savings she had saved before, she spent two years of treatment and two years of medicine. Seven, seven, eight, eight.

For this reason, Liu Qin made a lot of sarcastic remarks. After all, in her opinion, Li Chunhua was an old man with half of his body buried in the earth. She stayed at home peacefully and waited for death. Why bother with those things and spend money? Just spend it, but you don’t intend to leave any cents for your children and grandchildren!

If you have the money to treat your illness, it would be great to use the money to buy something big for your home!
Others are laughing at their family. They are obviously a two-income family. After working for so many years, the family has not added any of these four major items, including a watch, radio, sewing machine, and bicycle. As the twins grow older, the family does not have these four major items. , they don’t look good in appearance, and when they find a partner in the future, people will think that their family is poor and cannot afford anything.

"Grandma, is that person really my sister just now?" "I heard that life in the countryside is very poor. How can my sister still have money to visit the department store?" Qin Qing's eyes lingered on the sign of the department store.

She didn't mean that Qin Xi was rich. After all, one look at her patched coat showed that she was not living a good life in the country. Now that she was going in, it was probably just to take a look. She really wanted to buy it, but she hadn't yet. That strength.

"Where did she get the money?"

"Can I still not know about that place in the countryside?"

"After a year of hard work and exhausting work, the little food she earns may not be enough to feed herself. With such conditions and environment, where does she get the money?"

Just now, she was distracted, thinking that she hadn't seen Qin Xi for a long time, and when she suddenly saw her, she was a little excited, and then she lost her composure.

However, she has recovered now, and she plans to go in and see what Qin Xi bought there.

"Grandma, isn't it too hard for my sister in the country?"

"My sister is already seventeen or eighteen years old now, and no one is planning her marriage. She is in the country, so she will be delayed." Qin Qing lowered his head, as if he was worried about Qin Xi.

If she hadn't heard the conversation between her aunt and her mother a few days ago, she would not have known that her mother actually had the idea of ​​marrying her back to the Liu family, and said that this was a way of keeping the money from outsiders.

In the eyes of the two of them, her daughter, who had gone to high school, was just a piece of cake. Once she got it into her mouth, she made money.

She was opposed to this. She didn't like her stupid and very unfamiliar cousin at all.

It would be great if Qin Xi could be married to that cousin. Life in the countryside is so hard, so Qin Xi should be willing to take this opportunity to return to the city!

"That's right! It's time for this Qinxi girl to get married."

"I have to think about this carefully, and I can't delay her."

It just so happens that she is a little short of money recently. Although Qin Xi has no money, she is valuable!
You can't say that. Betrothal gifts are a sign of the man's regard for the woman. If she chooses a "good" partner for Qin Xi, the other party will naturally return the favor.

Although she seemed a little sorry for Qin Xi, Qin Xi, just a mere Qin Xi, couldn't compare to herself.

Besides, she will definitely choose a rich family for Qin Xi. Once she gets married, she will not have to worry about food and drink. Isn't this much better than Qin Xi living in the countryside?
"I heard that my eldest aunt is looking for a partner for her youngest son. I wonder if they are suitable?"

"These are all relatives, close relatives. If my aunt becomes my sister's mother-in-law, they should get along very harmoniously!"

Qin Qing had forgotten that two or three years ago, her aunt was insulted by Qin Xi because her aunt talked about Qin Jiang at the dinner table.

As long as the two of them are still harmonious, if her eldest aunt knew that the sweet potato in her heart had been replaced by Qin Xi, she would be the first to refuse. Qin Xi doesn't even have a ration in the city now, he is just a country boy, how can he deserve it? Deserve her son.

(End of this chapter)

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