"Is this true?" Li Chunhua subconsciously tightened her hand on Qin Qing's forearm.

Although Qin Qing felt a little pain from being scratched on his hand, compared with the news revealed by this strange woman, this pain was nothing to mention.

"I never lie to people. If you go to Yinpen Town to inquire about this matter, you will know. I am the most honest person. Everyone in the village knows that Qin Xi and the others have made a fortune by raising rabbits."

"In April and May this year, five villagers went to buy rabbits from them. One family bought three rabbits, a total of fifteen rabbits. From these fifteen rabbits, Qin Xi and the others earned nearly 100 yuan. But people in the city receive nearly three months’ salary, and some people can’t even get that much money in three months!”

"Qin Xi's group raised more than fifteen rabbits. I went to their rabbit room and saw that there were fifty or sixty rabbits in total. Adding these rabbits, the total cost is 500 yuan a year. It’s only 2000 yuan.”

"As the biological grandmother of their three brothers and sisters, you should be happy for them!"

"Although they go to the countryside, they earn more in a year than you who work in the city with an iron rice bowl. They are well-known prosperous people in our country."

No provocation was as tempting as her words of 2000 yuan a year, especially since Chen Yue had previously presented the villagers' true purchase records, which showed that the credibility of this matter was very high.

2000 yuan a year is definitely an exaggeration, but Chen Yue believes that it is easy for the three of them to earn 800 yuan a year.

The remaining money should have gone into the stomachs of these three people.

She knew that after the three brothers and sisters of the Qin family became rich, they did not treat her badly at all. Their faces were rosy and their bodies looked strong. If they didn't eat meat, how could they gain weight?

Not to mention, Yun Qing takes care of her children at home and comes to chat with her when she is bored. Yun Qing told her that her family can often smell the aroma of meat from Qin Xi's house. Eat at least five or six rounds of meat. If you eat it this way, who doesn’t have a rosy and shiny face?
Why does she work so hard with the villagers and earn only about ten yuan a year, plus more than 200 kilograms of grain? Qin Xi and the others only raise a few rabbits, but they can earn so much money. Isn't that right? fair.

She couldn't care about the villagers who were about to make a lot of money by raising rabbits, but since she met Qin Xi's ill-intentioned grandma today, she had to put some trouble in her heart, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

She actually met her today, which shows that it was God's will. If God doesn't take what he wants, he will suffer the consequences instead.

Chen Yue, who had made an excuse for herself, straightened her back with peace of mind.

"Happy. Happy"

Li Chunhua was shocked. She didn't expect that Qin Xi and the others would be in such a situation when they went to the countryside, but no news was revealed. Those who didn't know it would have thought that their life in the countryside was so miserable!
Thinking of the shabby appearance Qin Xi wore when he came to the county town this time, she immediately understood that Qin Xi did this on purpose.

Every time they come to the county town, they wear rags. In this way, they will think that the three brothers and sisters are living a very difficult life in the countryside, and then ignore them. In this way, they can use this to win the sympathy of their neighbors.

Over the years, those neighbors who accidentally met Qin Xi and his three brothers and sisters often made sarcastic remarks to them. In short, they were too cruel to Qin Xi and others, and drove them to the countryside without giving them any money or anything. It's nothing like what my biological parents and relatives can do.

I didn't expect that these three brothers and sisters were actually playing such a big game of chess. If this restless and kind-hearted woman hadn't told her the truth of the matter today, their family would definitely still be kept in the dark until now!
"Okay, grandma, please take your time and be happy. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." Chen Yue turned around and wanted to retreat. Her purpose had been achieved and it was time to leave.

"Wait a minute." Li Chunhua had a very affectionate smile on her face at this time: "Comrade educated youth, I wonder if you have time to tell us in detail what happened to Qin Xi and the others in the countryside." "They have deep feelings for us. If I have a grudge, I may not come back to see my old lady all year round. In my heart, I think they are thinking too much!"

"I don't know what happened to them in the countryside even in this city, and they won't tell me. I'll just ask you, little girl, to explain it to me."

Both sides know what the other is planning, but they still have to pretend to be peaceful. Everyone wears a mask to show off, as if this makes them more respectable, as if this makes everyone respectable.

"Okay, let me tell you. It's still early anyway, and I'm not in a hurry to catch the bus." Chen Yue agreed readily.

As for Yuan Ping, she is used to Chen Yue's behavior. She will not stop it or participate in it. None of this has anything to do with her. She is just an outsider.

She just needs to be an outsider.

Chen Yue and Li Chunhua talked for more than an hour. If time had not allowed, Chen Yue was afraid that she would not be able to catch the bus departure time, and the two would have continued talking.

Li Chunhua also learned that when Qin Xi and the others went to the countryside, they had a lot of money in their hands, buying food and building houses. They spent one hundred and fifty-six dollars. She didn't know how they spent this money. Got it.

Moreover, Qin Xi, a person who couldn't read a word, actually knew about herbal medicine, and could also collect and dry herbal medicine for sale. I don't know where she learned these things.

Now the three of them are even more extraordinary. They raise rabbits and earn a lot of money. At least from Chen Yue's story, she feels that the two people in the family who work in the factory are the same amount that Qin Xi's parents earn every month. Looking at the money, it may not be as much as Qin Xi and the others earn.

She doesn't want the money anymore, and she probably won't be able to get it. As for grabbing it openly, she doesn't have anyone in her hands!

That's right, it's not that you don't want to seize the money and spend it yourself, but that you don't have enough money to do it. This is the main reason.

But if she went to the village to cause trouble, she should be able to get a few rabbits. She didn't expect that raising rabbits would be so profitable. She wanted to raise them too. By then, there would be seven or eight rabbits in a litter, even if the rabbits were only three months old. At one time, raising dozens of rabbits throughout the year was enough for her to make a fortune.

Li Chunhua, who was very short of money at this time, was already imagining a better life with no shortage of money, but the pain in her leg that followed interrupted her beautiful fantasy.


"Qingqing, help me up and go home. My legs hurt so much that I need to take painkillers."

This old cold leg broke out at the critical moment.

To be honest, sometimes the pain was so severe that she even considered the option of amputating her legs. Although the pain in her legs was not fatal, it hurt like hell!
(End of this chapter)

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