Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 266 Informing the situation

Li Chunhua had been in severe pain for several days since the attack of Laohan's leg that day. Her knee was swollen to the point of swelling. When she pressed it with her fingers and then released it, a groove appeared. She was very shocked to see it.

She doesn't want to die yet and is seeking medical advice. The most important thing is money. Whether she can live a long time depends on whether she can get some help from Qin Xi and the others.

She has been taking these painkillers for more than two years, from two pills a day at the beginning to six pills a day now. The pain has been severe these two days, so she increased the dosage, taking four pills a day. Two times, that is, eight tablets, was enough to reduce the pain to a level she could barely bear.

These painkilling pills are not cheap. She pays for the medicine every month, at least five yuan. Of course, this refers to winter. The condition of her legs will be better in summer, so she doesn’t need to spend so much money on it, but the painkilling pills It couldn't be stopped. If she didn't eat for a day, she would feel weak all over. She had to take at least two painkillers a day.

If the medicine hadn't been too expensive, she wouldn't have emptied her coffers in just over two years.

In the past few years, it was relatively easy for Qin Qing to ask her grandma for pocket money. As long as she asked, Li Chunhua would dig into her pocket, ranging from one cent to five cents.

Now, Li Chunhua has become an iron rooster. She will never give up on anyone except herself, and Qin Qing is no exception.

She was really afraid that all her money would be spent before she was dead, and she would have to ask her daughter-in-law for money to buy small things. This kind of life, just thinking about it, made her feel very boring.

For Qin Qing, the granddaughter, everything else is easy to negotiate, but things like money are out of the question and cannot be discussed, because her medicine cannot be stopped.

Besides, Qin Qing eats and drinks at home, so there is nothing he needs to spend money on. Little girls are not good at holding money and can easily imitate others.

She was determined not to say anything about her stinginess.

That evening, Liu Qin and Qin Shanshan hurried back home with Xiao Xue. They had just stood at the door and wiped off the snow on their heads and clothes. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the cold pot and stove at home, and their faces suddenly changed. Just pulled it off.

In this winter, after a hard day's work in the factory, when I come back, I have to clean up the housework by myself, and cook for the four people who are idle at home. No matter how good-tempered the person is, he will be shocked when he sees this scene. Emotional.

"what's up?"

"Mom, can't you take the three of them and clean up the housework and prepare the meals before we come back?" Liu Qin endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

Even my precious son is included in it now.

Both of them are inconsiderate and don't understand the hard work of being a mother at all.

"It's not like you don't know that my legs hurt a lot. If the fire temperature hadn't been so high, my legs would have felt better. I'm still lying on the bed right now!" Li Chunhua curled her lips and said unhappily.

She married a virtuous woman, but neither of her sons had good wives. No wonder she lived such a miserable life in her later years.

"Your legs hurt, and we are tired from work! You can't be considerate of us."

"Whose old lady is like you? She does nothing all day long except eating and sleeping."

"Also, you always say that your legs hurt, but didn't you buy painkillers yourself and take them?"

"What? Don't the painkillers stop the pain?"

"If that's the case, then Mom, you'd better not buy these painkillers in the future. They're fake, but don't spend money to teach me a lesson." This stinky, shameless thing is eating and drinking freely at her house. She has lived in vain for so many years, but she has no sense of good and evil. She often speaks ill of her to other old women outside. This kind of person is the most annoying.

Although sometimes she went too far, Li Chunhua was in the first grade of junior high school and she was in the fifteenth grade. It was simple and fair.

"I'm so old. When I was young, I took care of my son. Later, I helped you take care of your grandson. How about enjoying the blessing now."

"By the way, I have something to tell you. Come with me." After much thought, Li Chunhua decided to tell Liu Qin and Qin Shan about raising rabbits in Qin Xi.

The benefits of this matter were too great for her to bear alone.

Moreover, if she wants to raise rabbits at home, the first hurdle she has to pass is her daughter-in-law Liu Qin. If she doesn't agree to this, everything will be in vain.

As for tough breeding, that won't work. Liu Qin is definitely capable of sending her rabbits back to her parents' home to eat. If she really resists Liu Qin's pressure, kills first and raises rabbits at home, Liu Qin will definitely take the blame. It's not worthwhile to take it away, the risk is too great.

"What's going on?" Liu Qin impatiently put her hands in her pockets and followed him out. The words coming out of her mouth were unforgiving at all: "If you want to apologize, you can do it in the house. I don't mind."

"Also, you can't just live and eat in this house for free from now on. You have to work to keep your body healthy. My mother is older than you and she has to work at home every day!"

"Can you still be more valuable than her?"

"You are an old country lady, so if you are so pretentious, do whatever you have to do and don't take anything you shouldn't."

As Liu Qin's power at home becomes more and more powerful, Qin Shan has now become a complete rake. His wife asks him to go east, but he will never dare to go west. The more obedient he is, the more obedient he will be.

As for Li Chunhua, he feels that he has done a good job now. His wife is right. If he can give her a bite of food, he is already very conscientious. It is the two brothers' business to provide for my mother in old age, and it is all left to him. Now, it’s not a big deal!

Giving is the easiest thing to forget, especially the old man's giving. Qin Shan has forgotten the promise he made along with the more than 200 yuan that his mother gave him.

"It's not about this, it's about Qin Xi and the others." Li Chunhua was afraid that if Liu Qin continued talking, she would be furious, so she took the initiative to raise the topic.

Over the years, she has listened to the sarcasm spewed out of Liu Qin's mouth, and what Liu Qin said has become more and more harsh. Drill in wherever it hurts, and you will be bleeding until you are pierced, and you will never give up.

"What's going on?" Liu Qin hadn't thought of those three children for a long, long time.

Now that I think about it, they are all strange.

Sometimes she would be in a trance, thinking that she only had three children. The first three had been away from home for too long and too far away. They originally did not occupy much place in her heart, but now they have even less.

"Qin Jiang, Qin He and Qin Xi, they have made a lot of money now. They make a lot of money raising rabbits in the countryside."

In the next half hour, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law asked and answered questions, and they cooperated very well. Liu Qin and Qin Shan also had a general understanding of what happened to Qin Xi and the others after they went to the countryside.

(End of this chapter)

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