Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 267 Little Fang Fang

After Qin Xi and the others returned home with a full load, that night the Qin family and the educated youth had a meal, and the smell of meat wafted out. Although they bought ribs, there wasn't much meat, but the broth was filling!

Even the wild vegetables cooked in pork rib soup are more flavorful than usual. Vegetables dipped in oil and meat taste different.

The next day, Qin Jiang, Qin He and He Yuan brought their tools to dig the reservoir again. They were all young and middle-aged men and were the main labor force in building and digging the reservoir. They were tired and it was okay to rest for a day, but If you want to take a long rest, you can't do it without working in the reservoir.

Building a reservoir is really important to Chenhui Village. Once the reservoir is built, it means that the harvest of the paddy fields in Chenhui Village will no longer be affected by drought in summer and autumn. This means that Chenhui Village can Open up more paddy fields and harvest more rice.

At this time, the economic value of rice and crops such as corn, peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes was very different. People in the village were eager to convert all dry land into paddy fields. As for dry land, they could obtain it through land reclamation.

Chen Yue and Yuan Ping from the educated youth area also went. They were forced by life, and their family basically had a semi-giving-up attitude towards them. The little money they earned from working was really not enough. The current salary for building the reservoir is, But the pay was better than what they usually get at work, and a lunch was included, so they had no reason not to go.

Not to mention, when the reservoir is completed, their work points will be settled, and then money will be paid directly to them. Many people are waiting for this little money to spend!

Qin Xi and Tang Ying were not idle at home. At this time, green onions had grown up, and the words "Come and eat me" were written all over their bodies!
Of course they couldn't live up to this little wild vegetable's affection.

Tang Ying, who was not used to the shallots at all when she first came here, now tastes really delicious. When Qin Xi said she wanted to dig the shallots, she was more active than anyone else.

Qin Xi brought it up when he went to cut grass with her in the morning. At noon, while Qin Xi was still eating, Tang Ying was already waiting for her with a small hoe and a large basket.

After finishing the meal amidst the urging, Qin Xi locked all the doors in the house with iron locks, checked the windows and closed them tightly, and then went out with Tang Ying.

They rarely have people coming here, and even in broad daylight, they can dissuade many people, because they are not alone in the house. Next to them are Fang Zheng and Yun Qing. Yun Qing is at home basically 24 hours a day because she takes care of her baby. , there was a slight movement in Qin Xi's house. When she came out to take a look, nothing could be hidden from her.

It's good to have such a neighbor, at least it can serve as a deterrent to those with bad intentions.

If you are caught stealing in the countryside at this time, the consequences will be very serious. Three generations of your family will be shamed because of you. No one would choose to do this unless you are desperate.

"Qin Xi, this time we are going to the land near the reservoir. He Yuan told me when he came back yesterday that the shallots there grow well, tall, strong and green."

Shallots are full of treasures and have a pleasant smell. The leaves can be pickled with salt and chili powder and made into side dishes or eaten as porridge.

Pickle the shallots and the white and tender stems with salt, add chili powder, and put them in a jar. They will not go bad for a year. They taste sour and spicy. Cook them with fish. It's absolutely amazing, so delicious.

In fact, when pickling the shallots, adding some wine will make the taste better, because it has the aroma of wine, but the five of them are non-drinkers, and there is really no wine at home, so they would not go out for the spoonful of wine to pickle the shallots. , asked the villagers where they could buy wine.

As for asking others to order some, this option is even more unreliable. At this time, wine in the countryside is a very precious thing. If there is wine at home, there must be a good drinker in the family. They are all addicted to alcohol. How can they give it up? If you give wine to others, you won’t have enough for yourself. "Okay, let's go over there."

When the two of them passed by Yun Qing's house with tools, they saw Yun Qing holding Fang Fang's child, basking in the sun at the door. This scene was quite heartwarming.

"What are you doing here?" Yun Qing looked at the things in their hands with envy.

Since giving birth to her daughter, she has not been able to rest for a moment, her hands have never left her, and she cries as soon as she lets go. Her voice is hoarse and her face turns purple when she cries, and she doesn't give up, as if she is about to push away the next moment. , No matter how cruel you are when facing such a little thing, you will still be soft-hearted!
Because of the compromise they made as a couple, the child, who was only a few months old, seemed to already understand that she was her parents' weakness, and they would pinpoint her every time.

"Do you want to dig shallots?" Qin Xi raised the hoe in her hand and said with a smile. She was in a good mood today.

Moreover, Yun Qing has really changed a lot since she became a mother. The most important thing is that Fang Fang is a very cute child. She smiles very happily every time she hugs her. Compared with that naughty boy from Zeng Rou’s family, It forms a sharp contrast and makes it even more rare.

This little hoe was the little medicine hoe she used to collect herbs. It had not been used for a long time, but she kept it carefully and it still looked as clean as before.

The little hoe is not sharp. She hasn't polished it with a grindstone for a long time. She no longer goes to the mountains to collect herbs, so she doesn't need the sharp little hoe. Instead, it is blunt, which is easier for her to use. Don't worry, don't worry too much about hurting yourself.

"I would like to go, but the grinder in my hand won't allow it!" Yun Qing sighed, pretending to be sad, but in fact, her heart was full of happiness.

With her and Fang Zheng's child, Yun Qing felt that the sky was bluer, the water was clearer, and even the clouds in the sky looked particularly soft, as soft as marshmallows.

"Really?" Tang Ying didn't believe it, and stretched out her hand towards Xiao Fangfang: "Come here, auntie, give me a hug."

The little man, as white as a snow dumpling, stretched out his hand for a hug with trust in his eyes. Who could refuse such a little angel, not Tang Ying anyway.

After Fang Fang's child reached Tang Ying's arms, Yun Qing exaggeratedly beat her arms in front of the two of them: "I'm exhausted. Today, I can take a break."

"Don't be so good at taking advantage of it. Others want a child as good as Fang Fang, but they still can't get it!" Qin Xi reached out his hand to tease the child while talking.

The child was not afraid of strangers at all, and he immediately grabbed her finger. Her little finger was as tender as a bamboo shoot. Just looking at it made people feel affectionate, let alone opening her hand. .

The two put down their things and played with the child for a long time before bidding farewell to the reluctant child Fang Fang and taking the tools to the land next to the reservoir.

(End of this chapter)

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