Chapter 271

Now Liu Ming is not good-looking, has no money, and his temper is getting weirder and weirder. It is normal for Chen Yue to dislike him now.

She used to think that he was good-looking, and her mood would get better just by looking at his face every day. Now that Liu Ming has lost even this only advantage, how can she still like him?

The standards for what kind of man a girl wants to marry are not consistent. Some people just want the other person to be nice to her, some want the other person to have a good family background, some just want the other person’s good looks, etc. If you want to stay single, you have to have something. Take it wherever you can!
Like Chen Yue, she originally wanted Liu Ming to be good-looking.

The concubine is interested in the husband, and under such circumstances, the two of them got together half-heartedly, and even went to the countryside together.

Their relationship was inherently unstable. One was interested in sex, and the other was willing to accept anyone who came. Later, they encountered some difficulties in the countryside. In addition, their families did not help them much, so Chen Yue did not have much help for him. , Liu Ming naturally developed an affair.

Women's minds are more delicate and sensitive. Chen Yue gradually fell into despair, but Liu Ming became more and more sober.

It's not that he doesn't regret it now, it's just that he feels regret based on his bad life now. It's definitely not regretting because he recalls the good times he had with Chen Yue or his beautiful first love.

If he was really treated differently by the village party secretary because he married Chen Zongze's daughter and prospered in the village, he would not have any regrets, he would only be proud, and he would only be proud of himself. The right choice in the first place.

"The bus is coming." Yun Qing warned when she saw the bus not far away.

After hearing this, Chen Liangyu, who had been clutching his stomach and frowning, threw away his hand and strode towards the bus.

As soon as the car stopped and the door hadn't opened, she had already squeezed through the other people and stood at the front.

Naturally, no one who came to Chen Huicun with her was crowded with her, but other people waiting for the bus had no intention of coddling her.

Since they were standing here today, they naturally planned to get on the bus, either to visit relatives or buy new year's goods. There was always something to do. If they didn't squeeze into the bus because they were two steps too late, they would regret it to death.

Liu Ming watched Chen Liangyu being squeezed here and there, completely indifferent. His life in the past few years had exhausted his affection and patience for Chen Liangyu.

As for the child in her belly, it's not like he can't give birth. He doesn't care about the child's biological mother, so will he care about the child in her belly?

Not to mention, the child is just a burden to him now.

"Slow down, Chen Liangyu, don't be anxious! Be careful with the child." Yun Qing almost died of panic. Is pushing and jostling for position something that a pregnant woman like Chen Liangyu can do?
Although he was anxious, his own baby was the most important thing. After taking the baby from Qin Xi's arms, Yun Qing walked towards the bus with Fang Zheng's support.

"Be careful. You are not alone now. Don't be so reckless."

Before Yun Qing finished speaking, the car door opened. Immediately, Chen Liangyu's eyes lit up and she squeezed towards the car.

As for Yun Qing, she naturally lagged behind her. Although she could squeeze in, the child in her arms couldn't bear it, so she had to wait until everyone else got on the bus before taking her child on the bus.

As for Qin Xi and the others, they have the same idea. They don't like to be crowded with others. If they really can't fit in this car, they can just turn around and go back. They don't have to buy things today.

Besides, today's day is not that good either. It started to snow lightly in the early morning, and it was still snowing when we first went out. It just stopped now. In such a cold weather, walking to this town and taking a car is just like exercise.

After everyone in front of them had crowded into the car, they walked forward calmly. The car was full and packed with people. If they wanted to get on the car, they had no other choice but the roof of the car.Naturally, Yun Qing would not climb on the roof of the car with them. She was holding her child in her arms. When the driver yelled, the people in the car squeezed in as hard as they could, and finally managed to squeeze out a place for her to stand.

She took out the straps she had prepared before and carefully tied the child in front of her. She could take out her hands to protect her at any time. Then she felt relieved. As for handing the child over to the eldest sister who had a seat to watch, she She was worried because the child was still young and she didn't want the child to leave her.

Besides, there were too many people in the car, and they were all busy. If she lost her child when she got out, she would regret it to death.

Fang Zheng was very anxious outside, but when he leaned by the window and saw that mother and daughter had settled down, he breathed a sigh of relief, lined up behind He Yuan, and climbed onto the top of the bus.

The top position is a living torment in this winter. When the cold wind blows and light snow falls, the feeling is simply overwhelming.

Not to mention the bumps in the bus. If they didn't hold on to the iron frame under them with their hands, they might fall off the roof.

Qin Xi felt frightened just by standing on the roof of the car. Not long after he got up, he had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Should we come back tomorrow? The roof of this bus looks unreliable to me!"

"If there is heavy wind and snow later and we accidentally fall from above, no one below will notice at all."

"It's too unsafe. Even if it's an oxcart without a shed in the village, it feels better to sit on it than here."

After all, the bullock cart is only so high. If you fall from the bullock cart, it won't be a big deal. But if you fall from the roof of this bus, it will definitely not be a trivial matter.

Qin Xi's worry was justified. The bus at this time was still quite high. When the bus turned, if someone didn't catch it, he would be thrown away. That was really a life-threatening danger.

"Don't be too timid. I think this place is pretty good. It has a wide field of vision and good scenery. Apart from being a little cold, there are no other shortcomings." Tang Ying pulled Qin Xi to sit in the center of the roof of the car, smiling. said.

"Are you sure it's just a little cold?"

"You are still in the mood to enjoy the scenery now, but you will definitely not be in the mood for it later." Qin Xi said as he took out the things from his backpack.

Because it was still snowing lightly when they went out, they naturally brought something to protect them from the wind and rain. Yes, it was oil paper.

One piece for each person, with the twine she thoughtfully sewn on it. The arms are threaded through the twine to hold the oil paper in place, making it a simple raincoat.

There is also a long string on the top of the head that can be hung at the chin, so that the head can also be covered.

I hope the wind won't be too strong later, otherwise it will take a lot of effort just to hold the oil paper around my body.

This four-dimensional body was originally made to provide shelter from the wind and snow when the wind and snow were strong. Today, for the first time, it was officially put to use.

The five of them still had tools to protect themselves from the wind and snow, but Fang Zheng and Liu Ming could only carry it with their bodies. However, they chose to sit behind Tang Ying and Qin Xi, and in the front were Qin Jiang, Qin He and He Yuan. good.

(End of this chapter)

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