As soon as the bus started, Qin Xi could only see Tang Ying's mouth opening and closing, but her voice was completely inaudible.

Tang Ying's voice was completely drowned out by the sound of the bus starting.

The people in the car below were talking freely, but their voices were too low to be heard, and if they shouted loudly, it would be fine.

Yun Qing and Chen Liangyu who were standing in the car were harassed by loud voices, while the seven people on the roof were almost frozen into dogs by the fierce cold wind.

The cold wind whizzed past their bodies, and everyone's bodies were so cold that they curled up unconsciously. After a while, their hands were turned red from the cold, but they grabbed the iron railing harder.

Tang Ying didn't say Qin Xi was timid at this time. If she had known, if she had known it was so cold and bumpy up here, she would have got off the car no matter what.

She would rather walk from Yinpen Town to Yongxin County than sit on this bus and suffer this kind of pain.

The five of them with small cloaks were all blown into this bear shape, let alone Fang Zheng and Liu Ming who were completely naked.

Liu Ming complained in his heart that Chen Liangyu went to the county town in the middle of winter and wasted no time.

Fang Zheng was worried that in such a cold day, if the children went out together, wouldn't they catch a cold?
If he catches a cold, he must stay away from his daughter and not infect her.

There was a big rock lying on the road, and the driver didn't even try to avoid it, he just ran over it.

With a "click" sound, the rear half of the carriage on the right side of the bus was thrown up a few centimeters. The people in the carriage were staggering around and scurrying around. Now there were seven people lying on the roof, and their bodies were thrown up directly. If they weren't tight, He clung to the iron railing tightly, with disastrous consequences.

Not long after, we arrived at the corner. The driver turned the corner very quickly, and the people in the car were thrown aside by him. They were all in a panic. Everyone was trying to grab anything that could fix their bodies.

Five minutes later, the bus passed by a village. Someone waved on the road and the bus stopped directly in front of that person.

At this moment, whether it was Tang Ying, Qin Xi, Qin Jiang, Qin He or the others, they all climbed down from the roof of the car, shaking their feet.

Compared with convenience, life is more important.

Qin Xi is absolutely determined to get off the bus, and no one can stop her.

Just when she turned the corner, she really felt like her soul was about to be thrown away.

Along the way, she was sitting with a basket on her back, which contained rabbits. In just a few minutes, she thought too much, and even thought about all the things that had happened since she came here. , recalled it again.

Qin Xi almost shed tears when his feet stepped on the real mud. Finally, he survived.

Her hands were already red from the cold, and some places were even swollen and frostbitten.

Qin Xi's condition was not very good, and the others were not much better either. Her exposed hands and face were either red or swollen, and her ears were not spared either.

"Qin Xi, I... I'm so cold." Tang Ying put her hands in her pockets and said tremblingly.

It turned out that what Qin Xi said before was true. They were on the roof of the car, and the driver couldn't hear what they said. Even if several people shouted at the same time, shouting the word "stop", the car showed no intention of stopping. Okay, there are people here who want to get in the car, and the driver stopped the car, otherwise they might really risk their lives here. "I told you a long time ago, but you don't believe it." The current image of Qin Xi and Tang Ying are not much different.

If she had known it would be so cold and uncomfortable, she would never compromise just because there were so many people there. When she was in Yinpen Town, she could just get off the car and avoid this problem.

God knows how scared she was when she was thrown up on the roof of the car. She only had one life, so she regretted not being in a hurry to go to town.

Fang Zheng, who was next to him, was explaining to Yun Qing the reason why they got out of the car, and he was extremely anxious.

He is not alone. If his wife and daughter are in the car, there is a high probability that he will climb aboard later and go to the county seat with the car, otherwise he will not worry.

But Yunqing didn't give him a chance to get in the car at all. After knowing the reason why he got off the car, she squeezed out of the car with her child without hesitation.

As soon as she left, a seat became vacant in the car. The aunt waiting to stop the car on the side of the road wanted to get in, but her movements were faster than the young and strong Liu Ming.

Seeing that her position was taken by others, the aunt was almost angry, but now was not the time to argue with others.

"Squeeze in, everyone, squeeze in. Come out and give me some free space." The aunt shouted a few words towards the inside, but no one listened.

In the end, he just hung it up at the door of the car without stopping, and he was totally hanging there.

If you don't leave a seat for her, then everyone will forget about taking a good ride in the car and accept the ravages of the cold wind with her!
Anyway, she would never climb on the roof of a car. There is a ready-made example right in front of her. She is an old person, so she better not challenge it and just let it go.

The people in the car were very unhappy. You and I started to criticize each other, and they all felt that this person was too selfish. If the car door could not be closed in the winter, it would be so cold in the car!

As for the driver, after collecting the fare, his task is completed. He doesn't care about anything else. Anyway, the new cotton coat on his body is very warm.

But these are none of Qin Xi's business. The five of them have decided to go back and go to the county town tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If there is an ox cart in the village to go to the county town, then they should take the ox cart!
Fang Zheng and Yun Qing discussed for a while and felt that they should not take their children to the county town today.

This time it was their lack of consideration. Adults can endure the severe cold and bumps, but children cannot stand this. It's not too late to make amends now.

Eight people, seven large and one small, turned around and started walking back.

Before leaving, Fang Zheng said hello to Liu Ming, and then the two separated.

As for the fare I paid before, it’s all trivial, as long as everything is fine.

On the way back, they encountered another bullock cart from Zuoling Village next door. There were not many people on the bullock cart. Apart from the two aunts, there were only two women, one man and three educated youths.

Fang Zheng knew the uncle driving the bullock cart, and soon the bullock cart stopped next to them.

"Uncle Tian, ​​are you going to the county town?" Fang Zheng reached into his pocket out of habit. Unfortunately, because of his daughter, he hadn't smoked for a long time. He used to have a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, but now he has Gone.

Raising children is expensive!He has given up smoking as a little hobby.

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