Chapter 3 Dilemma
"Mother, don't say that, if you hadn't been helping us all these years, how could all these children in the family grow up healthily, you are a great hero of our family, don't talk about whether you can't leave. "

"Liu Qin didn't mean that either. You know her. She is straightforward and has no bad intentions, but she is stupid and can't speak." Qin Shan followed the usual practice and acted as a peacemaker.

All these years, he has been caught between his daughter-in-law and his old mother, and his life is not easy. It is not good to be with anyone. As for standing in the middle, whoever has the reason to help whom is completely unworkable. When this woman gets angry, there is nothing at all. Reasonable, often small things, his gang takes the side of reason, and finally becomes a big matter of who to drive away.

It stands to reason that men of his age are the pillars of the family, the person in charge, and the one who says one thing, but in the eyes of outsiders, he is a soft guy who is afraid of his wife and mother, and no one can afford to offend him. It can be seen that his status in the family is really average.

It was a trivial matter, and Liu Qin didn't want to turn against the old lady because of this. Although she couldn't understand the old lady who was eating, drinking, and talkative at home, she did help her see how big she was. A child, she couldn't deny that.

At this time, people still attach great importance to filial piety, especially some elderly people, who basically regard filial piety as the standard for judging other people's morality.

Although they don't pay attention to filial piety, others can't do any specific harm to them, but the soft knife cuts the flesh, although there is no blood, it grinds people!At this time, people attach great importance to things like reputation and neighborhood relations.

If a family's reputation is ruined, it will be isolated, and the invisible disadvantages are countless.

Liu Qin didn't plan to care about it, let alone Li Chunhua, every time she was thunderous and rainy, she made a fuss, and as soon as she got angry, the matter was over.

She is still very clear about whose bowl to eat.

Life in the countryside is hard, going up the mountain and down to the fields, how tiring it is!It's better to be in the city, she has managed to get out now, how could she go back in despair, if she really goes back, then she still doesn't know how she will be laughed at by those country mothers-in-law!She can't do it.

The final result is that Qin Qing went to school with her mouth pursed, still holding the breakfast money and food coupons that Li Chunhua secretly gave her in her hands. This is an important reason why she didn't make a fuss. She is not a soft-tempered person. The reason why she chooses to settle down is because the benefits are in place, and she feels satisfied.

Compared with eating sweet potato porridge at home, she still prefers to eat the white and fat steamed buns in state-run restaurants. When her grandma is generous, she can't afford fritters. Thinking of the crispy outside and tender inside, the fritters Qin Qing felt that his saliva was about to flow out of the smell of sesame oil.

That is to say, she has this kind of treatment. Li Chunhua loves money like his life. He is a well-known miser from all over the world. up.

After clearing away the bowls and chopsticks, Qin Xi gritted her teeth and went to fetch water. Behind her was a little tail, the boss Qin Jiang.

What hangs on her shoulder pole is a small wooden barrel, and Qin Jiang is a big wooden barrel. At the age of 16, he is already very tall. If you just look at his appearance, you can't tell that there is nothing wrong with him, but his bright and innocent eyes With a bright smile, when he speaks, there is a little stuttering in his innocence, which makes it easy for people to notice that something is wrong with him.

"Brother, do you know where to fetch water?"

"Ah, I know... I know." Qin Jiang scratched his head, because he was too nervous, causing him to stammer a bit.

He didn't have this problem when he was a child, and when he was a little over a year old, he spoke fluently and clearly. At that time, Qin Shan and Liu Qin talked about him outside, it was a pride, he spoke early, and his language was fluent, which means that the child is smart!Parents, speak out face to face.

I got sick when I was eight years old, not only burned my brain, but also stuttered when I was nervous when speaking.

"Then I'll test you, can you go ahead to carry water this time?" While speaking, Qin Xi turned sideways to give him the way.

After Qin Jiang replied embarrassedly, he walked to the front.

There is a small river more than two meters wide beside the well where the water is fetched. Many women and children wash clothes by the river. People who know each other gather together in twos and threes, chatting and washing. The cries of the clothes being taught were mixed in, and it was very lively.

Qin Xi didn't pay much attention to carrying water at first, after all, the wooden bucket didn't look big, and she thought that the weight wouldn't cause her much trouble, but who knew, the more the water was carried, the heavier it was, and the heavier her shoulders became. It's getting sour.

Looking at Qin Jiang, who was striding forward with a big wooden barrel, Qin Xi fell into deep thought, and was a little bit tangled. She was thinking how to put down the pole without any trace, carry water, don't worry, and rest three, four, five times on the way Yes, it's normal!
In Yuanshen's memory, carrying water was a very normal thing for her, three times a day, four times and five lying down when there was a lot of water, rain or shine, I don't know how she endured it at such a young age of.

Qin Jiang was walking in front, and suddenly realized that the people behind were gone, no, they were gone.

So he walked back with the bucket again, and he was relieved when he saw his sister resting by the big tree.

"Why are you back carrying water again, aren't you tired?"

"Not tired."

"You can put the bucket down next time and come to me again." Looking at Qin Jiang's dazed eyes, Qin Xi gave up: "Forget it, next time I'm going to rest, I'll call you, let's rest together."

After only two trips to the water, Qin Xi felt that she was not good enough, she was too tired, her shoulders were burning, the pain was severe, and her legs were trembling with fatigue. It only takes seven or eight minutes. She has never suffered this before!
Although her parents died early, her grandma treated her very well!It's just that she left a little early. As soon as she started college, the two old people left one after another. They are both over 80. It's a happy funeral. Although there are regrets, it's okay.

Li Chunhua had morning tea at the Wang Po's house next door, and when she came back, she saw Qin Xi sitting on the threshold of her own house. She felt uncomfortable. She went to the kitchen and saw that the two large water tanks were not full yet!It started to rest.

"Why is it so late, the two water tanks at home are not full yet, and the clothes haven't been washed yet."

"Cooking in the morning is terrible, and now I don't even work hard, do you still want to have lunch?"

As for hands-on, no, Qin Xi was obedient since he was a child, and he never rebelled.

It's not good for her reputation to fight against such an obedient and sensible soft bun, and those old ladies in the city will look down on her even more, so you can't beat her.

(End of this chapter)

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