Chapter 4

Qin Xi lowered his head and rolled his eyes, but he looked obedient and docile, the same as before.

Now that the family situation has not been figured out yet, she is new here, and safety is the first priority, so she bears it.

Carrying the third water, Qin Xi spent more time on the road, her shoulders were burning hot, and when she was walking with a load, she felt her legs were fluttering. If she hadn't supported her with her mind, she would have collapsed a long time ago.

Before finishing half of the journey, she took two rests.

Qin Jiang, who had been following her obediently and obediently, did not let go of his burden when she stopped to rest for the third time, but carried the water alone and left without looking back.

It is undeniable that when Qin Jiang passed her and walked away without looking back, Qin Xi felt a sense of loss in his heart. After a short time together, she already regarded Qin Jiang as her first friend in another world. , maybe it's the fledgling plot, she has a high degree of affection for Qin Jiang, even though he doesn't talk much, the two of them don't communicate much, but there are people they know standing around, and they are always accompanied by everything, this kind of It feels really good.

It's like having a reliable partner in a strange land, but now that he's gone, she's the only one left.

Could it be that he disliked her for walking slowly?Or rest too often, impatient to wait?
Two minutes passed quickly, no matter how tired she was, she had to continue, but at this moment, Qin Jiang came back, and the burden on his shoulders disappeared.

"Brother, why are you back again?" Qin Xi's mouth curled up, and a sweet pear nest appeared on her thin cheeks, looking extremely sweet.

The moment she saw Qin Jiang's figure appear, the joy in her heart could not be deceived.

"I'll pick it for you. I'm strong. I'm strong." While speaking, Qin Jiang directly took the pole from Qin Xi's hand.

To him, the little water in the small wooden barrel is a piece of cake, not worth mentioning. He has no other advantages, except his strength.

Although he is thin and thin, he is tall!He is only 16 years old, and he has grown to 1.7 meters 1.6. This height is considered outstanding in the entire An County. You must know that his father Qin Shan is only 1.6 meters [-]. This is already considered good in the surrounding area. Many people are even [-] meters tall. It is difficult to achieve, the conditions are difficult at this time, it is not just talk.

Qin Xi said thank you habitually, and Qin Jiang, who was not walking slowly, walked faster when he heard this, and his ears also quietly crept up a blush, Qin Xi smiled behind him, and quickly followed up.

When she got home, she drank some water out of breath, and Li Chunhua urged her to do the laundry before she could catch her breath.

In summer, I sweat a lot, and my family takes a bath frequently and changes their clothes frequently. In the family division of labor at this time, the work of washing clothes is given to women as a matter of course. Liu Qin has to go to work, Qin Qing is at school, and at home Li Chunhua hadn't moved for four or five years, and Qin Xi was the only one left.

After a while, Qin Xi walked in front rubbing his sore shoulders, and Qin Jiang followed behind carrying a pole. The two large wooden buckets were full of the family's clothes, and the saponins that would be used for washing clothes later.

In the past, Qin Jiang would run out to have fun as soon as he finished carrying water, but today he didn't want to leave, and there was nothing interesting outside, and many people would look at him strangely. He didn't like it, but because the family was too boring, he didn't like it. No one talked to him. Comparatively speaking, he still prefers to run out, because he can meet interesting things and interesting people.

But today, he wants to be with his sister, he likes this sister.

As the sun got higher and higher, there were fewer people washing clothes by the river bank. The scorching sun shone on the unshaded heads of the people making clothes, and their hair became hot. Everyone was busy washing clothes, and they didn't even talk. What should I say, finish washing early and go home early, this big sun will cause dizziness and heatstroke after prolonged exposure to the sun.

"Sister Yu, there are fish." Qin Jiang excitedly pointed at the small fish swimming freely in the river, he was greedy.

I drank a bowl of porridge in the morning, and there was no oil or water in my stomach. After so long, the porridge had already been digested completely.

"Where is it? Let me take a look." Seeing a small fish two fingers wide swimming past, Qin Xi's eyes lit up, and she was also greedy.

Ever since she came here, she has never eaten a satisfactory meal, her stomach has never been full, and she has never been so hungry.

"I'll catch it." As soon as the words fell, Qin Jiang rushed towards the place where the fish was swimming just now.

The river water became turbid and frightened, the little fish quickly fled away without leaving a trace.

"You can't catch fish, come up quickly! It's hot today, but clothes are wet and it's uncomfortable to stick to your body." Qin Xi wanted to persuade people to come up, but Qin Jiang thought it was fun in the water. I'm willing to come up like this, anyway, the clothes are already wet, so it's better to play with enough money.

"I'll catch fish for you to eat." After leaving this sentence, Qin Jiang plunged into the water and reappeared two meters away.

There are many rivers and lakes in Yongxin County. When the boy was very young, he would be taken by his father to play in the water and learn to swim. The water quality is very good. Qin Jiang has shown his athletic talent since he was a child. Long, before he was eight years old, he was also a child of other people's family in his parents' mouth.

"Hey, you come back"

Qin Jiang, who had already played on it, pretended not to hear it. It was a hot day, and the sun was shining at noon, and the feeling of being in the water was so refreshing. How could he just go up like this.

After Qin Xi finished trampling on his clothes with his feet, Qin Jiang had almost finished playing. Not surprisingly, they were scolded as soon as they returned.

Li Chunhua was irritated enough. The two of them were already very irritating after working for a long time today. Now they dare to play in the water while washing clothes. Qin Jiang is out of his mind. If something happens in the water, she will definitely be angry. No good, she is the only adult at home.

She doesn't want to be that villain either. Let's leave things like beating children to their parents!
But their lunch is gone. This is her grandmother's punishment for them. Although this punishment seems to be painless, what the children are most afraid of at this time is not beating and scolding, but starvation. The feeling of stomach acid rising from hunger is more useful than any beating or scolding.

A child is disobedient, and he will be obedient after a few meals after starving. One can imagine the power of this hungry stomach.

Thinking of Qin Xi's cooking skills in the morning, Li Chunhua didn't intend to let her touch the lunch. She can eat three people's meals by herself at noon today. With the food, who wants to continue to drink dilute food!She wants to eat dry rice, decent sweet potato rice, and the family can only eat a bowl of sweet potato rice during the holidays.

As for whether Qin Xi and Qin Jiang will be angry and dissatisfied and complain to their parents, she doesn't need to worry at all. One is a fool and the other is Er Mu. Will not sue.

Otherwise, how could she live such a comfortable life now, those old ladies in the city envied her for being blessed, and many old ladies in the city around her lived worse than her, an old woman in the country!

(End of this chapter)

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