Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 309: Severe Drought in Ontario

She said she didn't care, but she really didn't care at all. Qin Xi was very busy every day, going up the mountain to chop firewood. This was a rare free time. She had to collect firewood in the woodshed at home.

Now there are only three rabbits left at home, and there is plenty of space inside. We still need to pile some firewood in the small attic.

In addition, some malnourished wild grasses and wild vegetables grow in some low-lying and shady places. Although there are not many, they are better than nothing. It is also good to bring something fresh to the rabbits to eat every day. If the wild vegetables are fresh and tender, people can also eat them. .

Many people in the village were experiencing famine at home, and they had only two meals a day, except for those who worked.

Their situation touched Qin Xi's sensitive nerves. Although there were still more than 160 kilograms of food at home, enough for her and her elder brother to eat for more than two months, she still felt that it was not enough.

If God really keeps delaying the rain, there will be no spring plowing, not to mention the summer harvest, there may not even be an autumn harvest. Of course, this is the worst case scenario.

You know, Chenhui Village is located in the south, and the crops in the fields can be harvested twice a year. This can barely sustain the villagers' food and drink for a year. After all, half of the public grain must be paid.

If there is a short harvest in any year, not to mention the people in the city, the people in the country will definitely have to live a hard life for a long time. After all, it is not just that they can buy food if they want, and they have no money to buy it. If the grain wants to grow and mature, it is simply impossible without a few months of laying the groundwork.

During this period, the villagers ate only the surplus grain at home. If there was no surplus grain, they had to find ways to get food. They could increase revenue and reduce expenditure at the same time to survive that difficult period.

That night, seeing that the sky was still clear, cloudless, and the stars were shining brightly, Qin Xi called Qin Jiang to go to the educated youth spot to find Tang Ying and the others.

It was not easy to talk about this kind of thing in an educated youth center, so the four of them simply went out for a walk. The weather was not that cold now. They even took off their cotton-padded clothes. The temperature at this time was like autumn, neither cold nor hot. A single shirt inside and a thin jacket outside are a very suitable outfit.

"Qin Xi, why did you come to us so late?"

She had wanted to ask this for a long time, but the educated youth area was not a good place to talk, so she could only bear to ask outside.

"You also know the recent weather. Logically speaking, it should have rained by this time and we are ready to transplant rice seedlings. But this year it has not rained. There were big cracks in the fields last year. I think this year's weather is a bit... Something is wrong, so I want to go to the black market in Yongxin County and buy some food to prepare."

"Although there is still some food at home, it is definitely not enough to eat. In two months at most, the family will be out of food. I don't think the harvest this summer can be guaranteed, so I want to spend money first and buy some on the black market to prepare. "

Compared with other families in the village, Qin Xi and the others did not neglect their food. They would eat eight to nine times full every time they ate, three meals a day without skipping a meal.

The two months of food she refers to refers to two months of normal eating. If you are like the people in the village, who only eat two meals a day and drink water after each meal, it will be no problem to eat for half a year.

"Is this really that serious?" Tang Ying was a little frightened.

She took a look at the rice seeds that had been sown in the village. They were already about a hand high. Although they looked a little thin and some of the leaves were even tippy and yellow, they looked fine. As long as the fat ones caught up behind them, they would be fine. It should be no problem.

As far as she is concerned, after a while, when the rain stops, the village will be able to arrange plowing and transplanting rice seedlings immediately, so there shouldn't be any delay.The old people in the village also thought so. She thought it made sense to say this. She had even mentioned it to Qin Xi before!

"I don't know if I will reach the point I mentioned. I have been hungry and know how uncomfortable this feeling is. Now that I am not short of money, I naturally want to buy some food and put it back. If If nothing happens, it’s good, but if something happens, this is life-saving food.”

Although the order will not be disordered, there is no food!
The disaster relief food at this time was not so easy to obtain. If it did not meet the standards, it would not be distributed at all. Even if it was available, it is still unknown how much the educated youth who went to the countryside would receive.

Rather than waiting for something to happen and hoping for this or that, it is better to prepare in advance and hold the safety line in your own hands.

This kind of starvation due to a disaster would be normal ten years later.

Tang Ying nodded and was convinced by Qin Xi: "What you said makes sense. Let's go with you tomorrow!"

"If there is food on the black market, then buy more. Even if this incident hadn't happened, we would still have to buy food. Now it's just in advance."

The food she and He Yuan shared was not enough to eat. One was because she had less work points and earned less, and the other was that both of them had good appetites. If they were allowed to drink water every day, their lives would definitely be miserable. You won't be able to survive.

Now her food standards have dropped a lot. She used to eat meat every day, but now she eats meat three or four times a month, which is enough to confuse the educated youth.

Besides, spending money to buy food, even if it is just a false alarm in the end and nothing happens, the food will not be wasted and can still be eaten. She and He Yuan will not lose anything, at most they will lose a little. She spent money to buy grain when the price of grain on the black market was relatively high, but she didn't care about the loss.

"Well, it's settled, we'll go tomorrow. This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later."

Now everyone is just a little worried. In half a month, the situation will be different. If the price of food soars by then, they really won't be able to buy much with the little money they have. The price is too high, and they may not be able to bear to buy it. When the time comes, just wait to get hungry!

After all, spring plowing has not yet started, not only in Qingyu County, but also in several surrounding counties and cities. It can be said that the entire province of Ontario is very dry this year, with very little rain, and only a few places are backed by high mountains. It rained, and the ground was barely wet, so the seeds were planted.

Suddenly, Tang Ying thought of Qin He. She had been friends for several years, although they had less interactions recently: "By the way, did you tell Qin He?"

Qin Xi shook his head: "No, his wife doesn't like me, and we don't have much contact with her anymore. I cut a lot of bamboo some time ago and planned to separate the two sides."

"When you get back, brother, go and tell them something! Don't ask them to come with us. I feel annoyed when I see him now."

(End of this chapter)

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