Chapter 316
Other villages have almost given up. Even if they are reluctant to part with some things, they must have made a choice. However, the villagers of Chenhui Village are still persisting, and the support of the team leader and party secretary is indispensable.

After all, the village has really invested a lot of money. Those grains, seeds and fertilizers have been really spread into the ground. If all the seedlings are allowed to dry up, then most of their village will be basically ruined this year, even if they are planted later. It rained, and the villagers didn't have that many seeds, so there was a delay.

When the time comes, you might have to write an IOU and borrow seeds from someone else. The whole process is time-consuming and laborious. I’m afraid it will take too long, delay the farming season, and affect the harvest.

Some people in the village were dissatisfied, especially when they heard people from other villages ridiculing them for being stupid, they wanted to give up, but they were suppressed in the end.

During this time, the village became silent for a long time. Even at the information station at the entrance of the village, which is the favorite of the village aunts, no one was sitting there chatting. They would rather lie down at home more than consume more food sitting here. .

The main force in carrying water in the village is young adults. Others, after eating, lie on the bed as still as possible, lest the bit of gruel they drank will be digested in one go and turn into a pool of urine and be excreted. went.

Qin Xi felt particularly sorry for Qin Jiang. He was so tired every day that he could hardly straighten his waist and his legs were trembling. He was so tired. Compared with these, his tanned wheat-colored skin was completely worthless. carry.

Therefore, the meals she cooked during this period were all oily and watery. She felt that the bacon at home was not strong enough to eat and was easy to get angry, so she went to the county town with Tang Ying again and bought four ribs. Make soup and drink it.

Of course, she carried some more food back, twenty pounds of peanuts, ten pounds of rice, and ten pounds of flour. This was the upper limit of the basket, not hers. If she had the strength, she would buy more.

After all, the food cabinet at home has been prepared and delivered. The only thing she wants to do now is to fill the food cabinet, so that it will be worthwhile for her to spend so much effort on this wooden box.

Although she is not very good at making flour, she still knows the technique of frying flour. To fry flour, you need to use an iron pot, wash it, dry it, and fry it slowly over low heat.

At the beginning, she only poured more than a kilogram of flour into it. After all, it was the first practical operation after coming here. She was careful not to make any big mistakes, but it was still a success. This was due to her slow temper and willingness to spend time. Be patient and cook slowly.

The fried flour exuded a strong aroma of wheat. The two people next door were so enticed that they kept breathing in the air full of wheat aroma, and they almost cried out.

It is perfect to put the fried flour in a cloth bag and put it in the food cabinet. It will not get damp at all. In the morning, it is very suitable to scoop some out and boil it with hot water. It is convenient and filling. .

In order to go with the fried flour, Qin Xi also went to the black market in Yongxin County and spent a lot of money to buy a thermos bottle and put it in her room. Apart from other things, it is convenient when getting hot water. It was a lot, and she felt a little regretful at this time. She bought this thermos bottle too late. Such a practical and good thing should have been bought long ago.

She won't fry too much flour at one time. One pot weighs about three or four kilograms, and she won't fry it again until she's finished.

In addition, fried rice is also a good choice. A sister-in-law in her previous life liked to ask her to drink oil tea at her house in the morning.

The most important thing is the fried rice brewed in it. The process of making her rice is relatively complicated. The rice needs to be washed and washed, added with water and cooked into rice. The rice must be spread out and dried in the sun. The grains are clearly defined, and then the sun-dried rice is slowly stir-fried over low heat until each grain of rice is slightly swollen.

As for brewing the water for fried rice, it's very simple. Just add water to the pot, add tea leaves and ginger slices, and bring it to a boil. Take a small bowl, scoop out some fried rice, and then pour in the ginger tea water. It's a bowl of oil tea. It's still very simple. .Emperor Tian's intentions paid off. In late April, towards the end of April, the weather finally changed.

The miserable villagers rushed to tell each other with smiles, and they were full of expectations for the coming rain.

Especially for the villagers of Chenhui Village, although the crops in the fields are not in good condition, some are better than nothing, especially the seedlings in the rice fields. They really can't wait any longer.

That afternoon, team leader Chen Aiguo and party secretary Chen Zongze went to the cowshed at the same time, which contained the important property of the village, the cattle. Next, they had to work hard. They had to be given extra food and fattened up before they could work.

That night, thin, continuous light raindrops fell on the roofs and the road outside. Many excited villagers ran directly into the rain. They were so excited!They are finally saved!

This was more than just rain, it gave them hope.

Unfortunately, the rain was not heavy, and it rained lightly all night. When he got up early the next morning, Qin Xi took a shovel and shoveled it on the vegetable patch behind the house. He realized that he might have thought too much. A light rain only wetted the ground for half a centimeter to a centimeter. It was not effective at all. Not to mention plowing, even peanuts and soybeans could not be planted.

The only good thing is that the sky is still gloomy, and even if it doesn't rain heavily now, it might rain after a while.

Now there is finally hope. This situation will not be worse than before.

As soon as it rains, Qin Xi plans to plow the vegetable patch behind the house. She plans to plant some peanuts in the ground as soon as the heavy rain falls. As for the sweet potatoes, it's not that she doesn't want to plant them, but she can't get seedlings.

Liu Mei hid under the window behind the kitchen and watched Qin Xi tidying up the vegetable plot. Her heart suddenly aroused. She and Qin He should have a share of this plot of land. Qin Xi wouldn't want to eat more. Take it!

She felt that it was hard for her to come forward in this kind of thing, so as not to quarrel with Qin Xi. Qin He was the most suitable candidate because he was Qin Xi's second brother. The three of them chose this place originally, but now they have separated. Qin He should have a share of everything in this house, including the vegetable patch behind the house.

But Qin He is not at home now. He and Qin Jiang went to the village granary for a meeting.

Now the granary is empty, and there is only one place in the whole village that can accommodate so many people on a rainy day.

Qin Xi didn't even know that Liu Mei was peeping from behind. Even if she knew, she couldn't tell people to go away. After all, there is really no privacy in farming, and at most it would make her feel a little uncomfortable.

She had already told Qin Jiang about planting peanuts. She would plant them as soon as the heavy rain came down without any delay.

(End of this chapter)

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