Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 317: Greedy and Heartache

Chapter 317: Greedy and Heartache
As soon as Qin He came back, Liu Mei immediately pulled him back into the house. After closing the door, she whispered in his ear: "Your sister is digging the ground. We should have a share of the vegetable field behind!"

"Go and tell her that I also want to grow some food in the back. When the time comes, I can supplement the family income and ask her to leave a place for us."

Logically speaking, Liu Mei should be happy because she has been idle at home and not doing any work in the past few months since she got married. Liu Mei should be happy if she obeyed her wishes!

But looking at the situation where her family was unable to make ends meet, she felt a little anxious. Qin He's family was not as strong as she had imagined, and her life after marriage was not as beautiful as she had imagined. Therefore, she was eager to do something What, to change the status quo and prove your worth.

Although she had said before that rabbits would be raised at home in the future, Qin Xi's rabbits did indeed give birth. She went to see them and found that there were sixteen little rabbits, but they were only the size of an adult's fist, so Qin Xi could help raise them. Big, that is naturally the best, so she didn't care about this matter, it was just free time!

She just wanted to find something to do when she had free time. She had no goal until she saw Qin Xi digging the ground there, and she also wanted to follow him and plant some vegetables in the vegetable garden behind.

She didn't expect that the rabbit was still small now, which was a good time for her to learn how to raise rabbits. If she didn't understand something, she could ask Qin Xi. In this way, when the rabbit was big, she would be able to get started easily as soon as she picked it up.

These experiences were all learned by Qin Xi and the others. She learned them, and there were only advantages and no disadvantages.

Qin Xi’s first litter of little rabbits was born at night. At that time, she was inexperienced and didn’t know how to keep watch. When she got up in the middle of the night, she saw that only five of the little rabbits were eaten. She quickly separated them and gave them to her again. The female rabbit scooped up some water and let it drink, and then served it with delicious food, thus saving the lives of those rabbits.

If Qin Xi hadn't gotten up to check out of curiosity that night, the nest of little rabbits would have been eaten up by the mother rabbit.

Because of this experience, she finally understood the reason why the rabbits raised by the old people in the village in her previous life could not produce many rabbits a year. After the mother rabbit gave birth to the rabbits, if they were not separated in time, they would be taken care of by the mother rabbit. , the female rabbit will eat the baby rabbit.

"This makes it easy for me to speak!"

"This kind of thing is originally a matter between you women. You just go and talk to her."

Qin He just doesn't want to ask, it's not that he doesn't want the vegetable patch behind the house. In short, he wants the benefits, but he wants Liu Mei to do things that offend others. He just needs to be an honest person in the eyes of others. The man would be fine.

In fact, Qin Xi didn't touch their area at all. When they separated, she forgot about the vegetable plot in the back. Now she immediately remembered it as soon as she tidied the plot in the back.

She didn't want to help others take care of the vegetable patch, and she wasn't idle.

All the fodder in the farm last year has been used up. This is because there are only three big rabbits left in the house. The little rabbits have not been weaned yet and have not consumed much food. Therefore, they can still withstand it. After a while, when the little rabbits grow up, , then the fodder will definitely not be enough. By then, she will need to spend a lot of time looking for fodder for the rabbit every day.

I hope that with this rain, the wild vegetables and weeds in the wasteland will grow quickly, and then it will be much easier.

She has plenty of time, but she is afraid that the grass will not grow in the ground.

"Are you still a man?"

"If you count on me for everything, why should I marry you?"

"going or not?"

"If you don't go, I'll pack my things right away and go back to my parents' house now. Let's see how you explain it to them. We made good promises before we got married, but now that we got it, we immediately changed our minds." Regarding Qin He, Liu Mei was not afraid at all. , her family is poor, but they are united. If she is bullied here, so many brothers in her mother's family will definitely not sit idly by.

Even though her aunt was a little unhappy and thought she was causing trouble, she would definitely support her for the sake of her younger sister.

Liu Mei's threat was somewhat useful to Qin He, because he still valued her.

But if it is said that Liu Mei completely suppressed Qin He, that is not the case. Who suppresses whom between the two depends on the situation. The initiative is still in Qin He's hands. This is because of the limitations of the times. If this In later generations, the initiative will definitely be in Liu Mei's hands. After all, one sentence that can't be passed is enough to crush Qin He to death.

"Forget it, I'll go take a look. You can wait at home!" Qin He didn't want everyone to know about the trouble between the couple.

Moreover, Liu Mei has many brothers and sisters. If someone is impulsive and comes to settle accounts with him, he will have to be beaten passively and suffer a loss if he doesn't fight back. But if he fights back, he will beat his brother-in-law, and it will be difficult for his mother-in-law to explain it. ah!
When Qin He came to the vegetable garden and saw Qin Xi weeding and digging in front of him, he felt as if he was in another world. Unknowingly, they were already so far away.

When he made choices again and again, heading towards the side that he thought was best for him, it turned out that he had pushed them so far away without even realizing it.

The person was clearly right in front of him, only five or six meters away from him, but he felt that the distance between the two was already so vast.

As an old man, he couldn't talk about the vegetable garden, so he just sat there and watched Qin Xi work.

Although he didn't say anything, Qin Xi was annoyed by her. She didn't like having someone watching her while she was working.

Uncomfortability was one thing, but there was also a vague feeling of being threatened. In short, she didn't like Qin He watching her work.

"What are you doing sitting there?"

"The plot of land behind your room has been allocated to you. Don't think it's too small. Take some time to organize it in the past few days and plant peanuts and sweet potatoes. When the autumn harvest comes, you can harvest something."

As soon as Qin He heard this, his eyes immediately lit up. He knew that Qin Xi would not let him down: "I'll take care of it right away."

The vegetable garden at the back is not big. It was planted in less than two hours. Once it rains, the seeds can be planted immediately.

Qin He told Liu Mei the good news, but as soon as the matter was over and it was determined which piece of land belonged to them, the two people stopped moving again, not even thinking about taking advantage of the time to clear up the land.

Liu Mei thought about asking Qin He to work, but Qin He thought that since Liu Mei wanted a piece of land, she must work on it herself, so the two of them did nothing.

In the evening of that day, dark clouds covered the sun. It was only around four o'clock in the afternoon, but the sky was as dark as an evening after seven o'clock.

Who wouldn't be scared to see the weather like this? People's respect for nature and gods at this time is engraved in their bones. This abnormal weather drove everyone back home in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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