Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 318 Big raindrops

In the midst of everyone's expectations, a bright crack flashed in the sky, and then, muffled thunder exploded in the sky.

Lightning and thunder raged for a while, and maybe thinking that the scene was big enough, big raindrops came crashing down.

There were already villagers in Chen Hui Village who were not afraid of the wind and rain, and ran directly into the rain, laughing wildly with their mouths open. Even if the big raindrops hit their faces and hurt, they did not frown, but laughed out loud. They are all happy.

Among the people in Yinpen Town, the ones who laughed the loudest were the people in Chenhui Village, because their policy of never abandoning or giving up was rewarded.

Once it rains, the old oxen will be driven to plow the fields and the rice will be planted. Maybe we can catch up with the summer harvest.

As for other villages, they may not even have enough rice seeds left. After all, the previous rice seeds were dried in the sun because they did not continue to be watered. They can still feed the cattle in the village, and the work progress is directly behind. A large part of Chenhui Village.

At first, everyone thought that the rain would last at most one day, most likely the next night, and stop early the next morning. This happened too many times.

But this time it was different. After three consecutive days of heavy rain, it started to rain lightly and continuously. It seemed impossible to wait for it to stop raining naturally.

People can sit at home and wait for the rain to stop, but the rice in the fields cannot!This is related to the food rations for hundreds of people in Chenhui Village for a year, so there is no room for carelessness.

On the fourth day, the rain was light and all the cows in the village were driven out. The experienced farmers had already put on their raincoats and bamboo hats and were waiting in the fields. This time, time was tight and the tasks were heavy, so they had to work hard to cultivate the land. Awesome.

The old farmers who drive the cattle to plow the fields can be replaced, but the plowing cattle cannot.

Because these cows were overworked, the village also temporarily improved their treatment. Not to mention the dry straw and dried sweet potato vines before, they also received additional food from the village. One cow can eat two kilograms of corn meal every day. The food is better than the people.

But this is a necessary investment, give them better food, so that they can survive this belated but still busy spring plowing.

Although it feels a bit distressing to feed the cows food, when I think of the preciousness of the cows, I don’t feel that it’s a big deal. Now I am reluctant to spend money on it. If one of the cows gets tired and has an accident, it will be too late to regret it.

If something really happened, the losses would be huge.

Chen Aiguo and Chen Zongze obviously took this into consideration. The cattle farmers would have to withhold the grain and feed them corn flour. They would both keep an eye on them. If someone dared to cheat and steal the cattle's grain, they would He/she is so exhausted that they will never let him/her go.

In addition to corn flour, they wanted all the green leafy grass that grew in the ditches by the lake. A basket full of grass could be exchanged for a work point in the village. All the children and adults in the village became busy.

The adults are busy earning work points, while the children are busy playing.

Not to mention that children can easily catch colds if they don't go out when it rains too much. The children in the village are very strong and are good at catching shrimps and fish when going up mountains and rivers.

Nowadays, it is normal to run out on rainy days, but most of them are just for fun. After all, the slippery steep slopes on rainy days are so tempting. In addition, there are several boys in the mud pits. Can you bear not to step on it!Even though he would be beaten because his clothes were too dirty when he went back, he still had to play first, since they were all people who cared about food but not about beatings.

If there were really those children who were in poor health and relatively fragile, they would have been eliminated by the harsh environment in the countryside. After all, they did not eat well every day and could not meet the nutritional needs of the body. A minor illness could easily develop into a serious illness. There was no family. Money, and I am reluctant to spend money on medical treatment for my children. It is normal for them to die.

For children born in the 60s and 25s, the elimination rate is still very high. Like her second aunt in her previous life, her second aunt's mother gave birth to nine children. In the end, only six grew up and only four survived past the age of [-]. .

A sister had a difficult delivery, and her brother-in-law was sent to the hospital too late, killing two people. The two families would not interact with each other for decades.

An older brother worked in a small coal mine without qualifications. As a result, the mine collapsed and the man was buried directly inside. When he was buried, the coffin contained only the clothes he had worn before.

I heard from my second aunt that the mine owner only paid 200 yuan in compensation at that time. That was in 200. [-] yuan was a human life. You can imagine how worthless it was.

The second aunt's biological mother has always blamed herself for this matter. She kept the 200 yuan in her bank book and never used it in her life. It seems that this caring and sensible child has always been there.

Qin Xi has been worried about the rabbit's fodder during the past few days of rain. When the rain stopped, the brother and sister went out wearing oil paper on their bodies and bamboo hats on their heads.

Even if the grass blades cut outside were stained with water, they had to be cut, otherwise the rabbits at home would starve, and she would have to spend time drying the grass leaves.

The two of them walked in rubber shoes. It has to be said that with these shoes, it is much more convenient on rainy days. In the past, they fell all the way on rainy days, but now they can walk safely, not to mention the safety in their hands. I also took a stick to make it more stable.

Needless to say, there is a different mood in this kind of weather, especially when the surrounding area is empty and there is no one else except the two brothers and sisters.

The two of them didn't go anywhere else. They walked directly along the creek in the village. The creek was connected to the reservoir not far away. However, the reservoir was still under construction last year and there was no water storage at all. There was no heavy rain. Next, this small stream naturally dried up.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Where this stream flows, there are three holes, which will actively leak out underground water. Of course, this refers to when the rain is abundant and the groundwater level is high. At this time, the location of the holes Of course there is no water.

Although there was no water here before, the wild vegetables and grass here grew the tenderest and greenest. Obviously, there was water underneath, but it was just intangible groundwater that could not be seen. Plants with slightly developed root systems would You can make yourself fat and fat.

Before, it was a withered and yellow wasteland. After being moistened by the rain, all the green branches and leaves came out. The green leaves grew quickly. In just a few days, the weeds grew to a height of seven or eight centimeters.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang are not picky, they just cut the grass wherever they can, no matter how young they are. They just want to cut enough grass for the rabbits at home and take it home, no matter what kind of grass it is.

After working for more than 20 minutes, Qin Xi felt that he was almost wet all over. It was a rainy day and the temperature dropped sharply. When the wind blew, it really felt quite cold.

I asked how it felt after I squinted a little and woke up again at 38:[-]. I asked that I was flustered. I wanted to give up at that time, thinking that there might not be enough time. But later I saw that it was just a little bit behind, so I had better hurry up and code. Okay, last bit

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