Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 319 Falling into the mud pit

Qin Xi wiped the rain off his face and said loudly to Qin Jiang: "Brother, I feel almost done. Let's go back!"

"With this grass, it will be enough for the rabbits to eat for two days. Then we will go out to cut it. Maybe the rain will stop in time."

When it is windy and rainy, if the sound is not louder, the people on the other side cannot hear it.

Qin Jiang took a moment and felt that it was almost done. He nodded and felt that it was time to go back.

Maybe she had been standing there for too long, maybe it had been raining for too long, and the mud had been washed away by the rain. Her feet were deeply sunk into the mud pit. Qin Xi moved, but she didn't even pull her feet out of the mud pit.

This was an accident. She didn't expect this. She followed her heart. Before the foot could be pulled out, the other side moved again. Her figure suddenly became unstable. There was nothing around for her to grab and steady. In terms of body shape, at this critical moment, every toe of Qin Xi was exerting force, but his body still fell to one side.

The position she was standing on before was on a steep slope beside the creek. Now she fell from it and fell directly into the mud formed by the long-term erosion of the creek.

All this happened between lightning and flint, and Qin Jiang didn't react. The two of them were a little far away, out of reach. By the time he reacted, he had already fallen into the mud pit.

Qin Xi sat in the mud puddle in confusion. After coming to his senses, his first reaction was to wash his hands and wipe the mud off his face.

Needless to say, the feeling of being completely out of control just now is not good. Fortunately, it rained heavily for a few days before, and the mud pit was filled with water. It didn’t hurt if I fell. If it were actually filled with hard mud and rocks, Something like that would hurt her for five or six days at least.

Qin Jiang ran over quickly, jumped into the puddle, and pulled Qin Xi up: "Are you okay?"

"Did you fall somewhere?"

Qin Xi followed her brother's strength and stood up from the mud pit: "I'm fine. I didn't fall. Don't be nervous."

Because they went out to mow the grass on a rainy day, both of them put on their most ragged clothes. Before, they could be said to be clean and tidy, but now even this only advantage was covered in mud.

As for the fact that their clothes were wet, Qin Jiang and Qin Xi didn't care. Even if they didn't fall down the slope, their clothes were almost wet from the water droplets hanging on the grass blades.

At this time, Qin Jiang pointed at Qin Xi's cheek and said, "There was a cut on your face, and blood is oozing out now."

But the good thing is that the hole is not big, it is probably just a shallow scratch.

When Qin Jiang said this, Qin Xi really felt a little pain on the right side of his face: "No matter what, let's go back first! We'll talk about it then, it shouldn't be a big problem."

This scratch should have been caused by accidentally hitting a sharp blade of grass or a dead branch when she fell from above, and was scratched.

As for the current situation, even if she wanted to deal with it, she didn't have the conditions. Forget it, just do whatever you want!
This time the two of them were more cautious. They walked seven or eight meters forward and found the small steps where the villagers usually stood when fetching water. With one step, the two of them stepped ashore one after the other.Although the steps were dug out by the villagers with hoes, they were not paved with stones and were a bit slippery when they stepped on them. However, they were wearing rubber shoes and holding sticks in their hands for support, so there was no danger. Went up successfully.

"Let's go! Go home." Qin Xi looked at the newly grown lichen on the roadside that looked very green, but he still didn't squat down to pick it up.

It's been a long time since she came out today, not to mention that she just fell down and was soaked in the mud. She feels a little cold now. She has to go home quickly to change clothes, take a shower, and then drink brown sugar ginger water. , if you accidentally catch a cold, it will be bad.

At this time, one can only rely on physical fitness to fight off illness. The country doctor is not reliable at all. Before seeing the doctor, he relied on physical fitness to fight off. After seeing the doctor, it is a matter of life and death. material.

In her previous life, Qin Xi heard from her sister-in-law in the village that her eldest brother, a young man in his early twenties, was sent to the health center because of a high fever. After one injection, he was gone in less than two hours. The quack doctor misled the patient. ah!
Although the doctors at the town health center were not necessarily quacks, she did not dare to risk her own life on other people's medical skills!
So she usually eats and drinks well, is well fed and clothed, and protects her body. She has always felt that a good body is a person's greatest asset, and her body is more important than anything else.

When Qin Xi and Qin Jiang returned, they saw people plowing fields in the rain not far away. When they got closer, they said hello and left.

At this time, the old farmers who plowed the fields received more work points than usual, and they all came in turns. On this rainy day, my iron-clad body couldn't bear it!

The village didn't want to cause any big trouble because of these things, so they were arranged carefully. If anyone really felt unwell, just let them know and they would immediately ask for leave and replace someone.

After Qin Xi and the others returned, they immediately changed out of their wet clothes and boiled ginger syrup first, then boiled hot water.

Rainy days are not without their benefits. At least when you need water, you can just catch the rainwater leaking outside the door. You don't need to carry a bucket, go outside to fetch water and come back to drink.

The rainwater flowing from the sky is very clean, so drinking it directly is no problem at all.

The movement on Qin Xi's side was not very clear to Qin He's side. The sound of rain hitting the straw on the roof was enough to cover up all the sounds.

As for the fresh grass brought back, Qin Xi took it directly to the woodshed. He first grabbed the grass and stood at the door to shake off the water on it, and then threw it into the attic of the woodshed. After it was almost dried in the afternoon, he could feed it. Give it to the rabbit.

Thinking that they might have caught a cold due to the cold water at noon, Qin Xi wanted to eat better for lunch, so he had a bacon hot pot. He just happened to pick out some edible wild vegetables from the grass leaves he brought back. Coupled with the dried vegetables and bamboo shoots that were dried last year, just looking at the plates of vegetables is already very rich.

Although it was a rainy day, it was still too close. To this, Qin He just wanted to say that today was another day of being greedy.

Liu Mei also felt that it was not interesting to have such a neighbor next to her. After all, they always reminded the young couple that their life was not as good as that of the two brothers and sisters. Qinjiang and Qinxi could eat meat every now and then. Now they didn't even have lunch. No one has to eat.

Today is another rainy day. Since getting up in the morning, they have only gone to the toilet once. The rest of the time has been at home to save energy. Now the two of them don't even have a sweet potato for lunch, and they eat directly every day. Even after eating two meals in the morning and one at night, it was still sparse. Qin He now felt like he was feeling dizzy and hungry.

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