Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 320 Picking up Fungi

Qin He finally understood why Liu Ming and Chen Liangyu had been married for several years, but they didn't have a child until now. It wasn't that they couldn't have children, but they couldn't afford to raise them!

Now he simply can't imagine what it would be like to work alone while three, four, or even five or six people are waiting at home for dinner. Just thinking about it makes him feel like he is being squeezed and out of breath. Whoever loves this kind of pressure wants it. Anyway, he feels tired and cannot bear it.

In the afternoon of that day, Qin Jiang and Qin He went to the brigade warehouse for another meeting. Early the next morning, the two brothers went to the fields to plant rice. They took turns, and others went there in the afternoon.

After all, there are so many young people in the village waiting to start work at home, and there are only a few cattle, and the fields that can be plowed every day are limited. They can only plow the land and plant rice at the same time, while the young people line up to work.

Both of them wore bamboo hats, oiled paper, and rubber shoes. With their outfits, they were the most handsome in the crowd.

You have to be barefoot when going to the fields to plant rice. Wear rubber shoes to prevent you from falling on the way and your clothes will get wet. It will definitely be very uncomfortable for a whole noon or several hours. Again, you won’t catch a cold. alright.

The sky is still foggy, and it is raining lightly. The sky seems to have become a colander, and the rain inside seems to be endlessly leaking down.

In the first three days of heavy rain, coupled with the light rain that followed, the stream that had dried up before was filled with water again and flowed slowly downstream.

The lakes that were dry before are now filled with nearly one meter of water. It won’t take long for the fish eggs inside to hatch. When the lakes dried up a few years ago, people can come here again to catch fish and touch clams. .

Qin Jiang and the others braved the rain to plant rice seedlings in the fields. Qin Xi was bored at home. Just like Qin Jiang and the others, he put on his bamboo hat, oil paper, and rubber shoes and went to the woods behind.

It had been raining for several days, and she wanted to see if there were any fungi growing in the forest.

If it grows, she can pick up some and eat it. If it grows much, she can pick up the mushrooms and sell them.

Recently, due to buying food and other things, the change she left outside has shrunk a bit. It would be good if she could replenish it by picking up mushrooms.

As soon as she entered the forest, Qin Xi was stunned. Is the densely packed forest that seemed to be full of fungi really the forest she was familiar with?

This was the first time she had seen so many fungi. To be honest, her first reaction was to slap herself. After making sure she was not hallucinating, she happily picked them up.

To be honest, she didn't know the name of this fungus. It came in several colors, including light purple, tender pink and dark red. The underside of the umbrella cover was white, and the handle was also white. The only thing she could be sure of was, This fungus is not poisonous.

Because it rained for a long time, the fungi were saturated with water and felt heavy when held in the hand.

She didn't mind them either, so she picked them up one by one, picking out the tender ones. This kind was also stronger and more durable, and would not break because of the bacteria on it.

Mature fungi that are fully grown and with the canopy fully opened are very fragile and can easily break to pieces even with just a light touch.

In addition to keeping it for her own family, she can also take the mushrooms to the town and sell them. As long as the people from the supply and marketing cooperative collect them, it will be free money.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are too many fungi in the forest. Who can resist the temptation of picking mushrooms?

Qin Xi couldn't do it anyway.There are three here and four there. In the unobstructed forest, these little fungi have nowhere to hide. It only took Qin Xi more than half an hour to pick up a basket full of unknown mushrooms and go back.

When Qin Xi happily carried the fungus back, he was seen by Liu Mei, who lived next door.

Liu Mei's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the basket full of fungi on Qin Xi's back.

Originally, they were supposed to be in a cold war, but for the sake of fungus, Liu Mei didn't care to continue to be angry with Qin Xi. Now she could take advantage of her. If she missed out on good things because of worries about this and that, that would be wrong. Something to really regret.

She is the one who values ​​benefits the most, and there is nothing more important than taking advantage.

"Qin Xi, where did you pick up these fungi? Why are there so many?"

I was so obedient, and when I looked closer, it was even worse. The backpack was almost full, and it was full of raw and tender fungi. Did Qin Xi step on dog poop when he went out?Such good luck.

If these fungi were converted into money, they would definitely be sold for [-] to [-] cents.

"In the forest." After saying that, Qin Xi went back home. Although there were basically no dead branches and leaves in the forest, weeds still grew. Her clothes were a little wet. Very uncomfortable.

Moreover, after working outside for so long, it’s time to take a rest. You don’t have to stick to this small amount of time to pick up fungi. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing.

So, Qin Xi, who was warmed by the fire, cooked himself a bowl of ginger syrup and drank it slowly while holding the warm ginger syrup. Then Qin Xi went to the educated youth spot to find Tang Ying and asked her to follow her with her backpack. .

There were a lot of fungi in the woods. Of course she would not forget Tang Ying. It was only right to go pick them up together. There were too many fungi in the woods. She couldn't pick them all, and she couldn't hide them for a few days.

In this case, it’s better to invite Tang Ying to join us!

It just so happened that she was complaining a few days ago that she didn't have enough money to spend, so she quickly picked up some fungi and brought them back, maybe she could subsidize her expenses these days.

Although Tang Ying felt strange about Qin Xi's invitation, she still followed her with her backpack on her back.

Following Qin Xi all the way into the forest, Tang Ying was shocked. When she saw the remaining mushrooms picked by Qin Xi, she bent down to pick them up. She was a little greedy for mushrooms, and she didn't care about the bad taste of the big ones. , fragile and other shortcomings, as long as it can be eaten, it is always more flavorful than dried vegetables and pickles.

"Wait a minute, there are mushrooms like this everywhere in the forest. I've been here before, and I only chose the small ones. We want to sell the mushrooms to the supply and marketing cooperative, and we have to choose some good, tender ones, so that they can I will accept it, and maybe, for the sake of its good condition, I will give you a high price.”

Qin Xi's goal here this time is no longer the fragile and rough-tasting unknown fungi. This time her goal is fir fungi and shiitake mushrooms. The price of these unknown fungi is relatively low, about two cents. One pound.

Fir fungi and shiitake mushrooms are different. Even when the price is the lowest, the price of these two fungi is five cents upwards. When the price is high, Qin Xi sells them for ten cents per pound.

This time they rushed early and got a bargain. There were so many ownerless fungi in the forest. Now she could pick and choose here because there were too many fungi in the forest!

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