Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 325 The child is very good

The child seemed a little overwhelmed by such kindness, but quickly nodded obediently.

Qin Xi didn't mind that she was dirty, so he put his hands under her armpits and picked her up. Tang Ying also gave her a hand, and she stood firmly on the road.

For the next time, the child was very obedient and followed them obediently. Qin Xi and the others did not speak. They did not know what to say at this moment, and they were even more afraid that their inadvertent words would hurt the child's heart. , people are already miserable enough.

At this time, the child with bruises all over his body was a fragile thing in their eyes and an existence that needed to be taken good care of.

When they arrived at the health center, the child hesitated at the gate, but after Qin Xi's greeting, he went in anyway.

It's not that she doesn't feel pain, she's just afraid that she will be left behind after spending money, and she doesn't want to be sent back again.

As for the pain, she could still bear it. Over the years, she had become accustomed to enduring pain.

She sometimes wonders why her mother didn't beat her to death in one fell swoop. In this way, she would be freed and her mother would not have to worry about this and that because her fate was holding her back.

After she was born, her mother Lin Xiu had been having trouble, so Lin Xiu went to the goddess to have her fortune told, and the result was that her daughter's fate was greater than her biological mother's. Later, she His biological father found another woman outside and drove the mother and daughter out of the house. Lin Xiu was convinced of this matter.

Thinking that her miserable life was all caused by this broom star, Lin Xiu beat and scolded her even harder, even if she remarried. In addition to venting her dissatisfaction with life, she just wanted to use these to suppress her. The worse Tuo's life is, the better her life will be. Lin Xiu firmly believes in this.

Doctor Xu, who works in the health center, felt extremely pity for Wan Yu when he saw her. He didn't know what kind of beast he was that would do such a cruel thing to a little older child.

She applied medicine to the wound on her hand and wrapped it with gauze.

"Be careful, don't let her hands touch the water during this period, otherwise she will be easily infected."

"Also, the child is too thin. We need to strengthen her nutrition. Start by cooking some porridge for her, and then gradually add food with oil and water to her. Don't feed her too much at one time."

This child looks like he has been hungry for a long time. His stomach is very small. If he eats too much at one time, his stomach will be very uncomfortable.

As for strengthening nutrition, it is because she is too thin. Although most people at this time have a skinny appearance with malnutrition, it is rare to be as thin as a child. She is too thin and the whole body Skin and bones, no flesh at all.

"Yeah, we understand." Qin Xi nodded obediently. Doctor Xu has a pretty good reputation in Yinpen Town and his medical skills are also good. Qin Xi still listens to his words.

Doctor Xu didn't say much. After all, these people had nothing to do with the little girl at first glance.

Just before going out, I gave the two candies in my pocket to the little girl, hoping to sweeten her mouth.

Although Wan Tao wanted it very much, she still looked at Qin Xi. Children's senses are very keen. In just a moment, she knew who she would rely on in the future.

"You can ask for it, but you have to say thank you."

Wan Yu timidly said thank you, took the candy, and then hid behind Qin Xi again.She seemed to regard Qin Xi as her support.

After walking out of the health center, Wan Yu tugged at the corner of Qin Xi's clothes. The moment she lowered her head, she spread her hands. Inside was the candy that Doctor Xu had given her before: "Sister, here you go, it's sweet."

Qin Xi rubbed her little head with sparse hair: "If my sister doesn't eat, you eat."

After saying that, Qin Xi took one, peeled off the candy wrapper and put it into the child's mouth.

Because they were worried about the child, the four of them walked very slowly back to the village. They talked along the way. Through questions and answers, Qin Xi and the others had a basic understanding of the child's situation.

She said her name was Wan Yu. As for which taro she was, the child actually didn't know because she had never been to school and was illiterate.

Her age is not five or six years old as Qin Xi and the others guessed, nor seven or eight years old, but ten years old. Yes, the child is already ten years old this year, but she still looks five or six years old, skinny and small, It felt like a gust of wind could blow her away.

As for where her home was, she refused to say anything else. She answered obediently except for this.

However, Dr. Xu at the health center did not recognize her, which meant that the child was not from the local area. She was a stranger and might have come from another town.

After asking, she refused to go back. Qin Xi was still debating whether to take her in, but it was no problem to take her back to sleep for one night. She planned to take her back first to take good care of her body, and what to do in the future. , let’s talk about it later!

At the first stop when she was brought back to the village, Qin Xi went to the party secretary Chen Zongze's home and told him the situation. She also told him her guess that the child's family disliked her for being a girl, so they threw her out and didn't want her anymore. , based on the bruises on the child’s body.

In this case, if no one comes to look for her in the future, maybe she can leave him at home and get her household registration.

Although she was struggling, it didn't give herself a reason to do so. She knew that it was impossible for her to return the child to her beastly parents.

Chen Zongze's attitude towards this matter is to let him go as long as he doesn't look for him or cause trouble in the village, and just let them help raise the children. The ugly thing is that they brought the people back, so they must be responsible to the end. If you don't want to raise the child, then send the child to the town as soon as possible. There will be dedicated people to take care of this and send the child back.

After Qin Xi finished her work, she finally had time to take care of the dirty children.

There are fleas on her body and lice on her head. This cannot be dealt with simply. If it is not done well, the house will be plagued by insects, especially fleas. Qin Xi hates such little things. She bit a big lump and it was extremely itchy. If she hadn't applied her homemade mint water on it, she would have scratched the skin inadvertently.

First, boil a pot of water, throw all the children's clothes in and iron them to kill the fleas inside. The hair will be shaved off. The shaved hair will be burned directly in the fire, followed by a crackling sound. , a strange smell arose, not pleasant.

It wasn't until the child's clothes were taken off that Qin Xi realized how damn her parents were. Except for the exposed parts, everything else about the child was covered in bruises. What's more, her back and armpits There were old and new injuries to varying degrees on the ribs, chest, thighs, and buttocks, and some even left permanent scars that could not be removed.

(End of this chapter)

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