Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 326 Settled Down

After giving the child a bath, Qin Xi discovered that the soles of her feet were torn. It was not caused by walking barefoot, because she had been walking barefoot since she was a child, and the soles of her feet had long been covered with thick calluses. Walking barefoot on the gravel road was no problem for her.

"What's wrong with your feet?"

"Did it get scratched by something?"

Wan Tao timidly replied: "While walking on the road, I accidentally stepped on a piece of glass and got stuck in it. I pulled out the glass."

"It's okay. I don't need to see a doctor anymore. It doesn't hurt anymore."

When she said this, her voice didn't even tremble. This type of pain was a common occurrence for her.

"I'll clean you up first. Fortunately, when I was at the health center, I asked Dr. Xu to prescribe me some powder to stop bleeding and pain, and it just comes in handy now."

"In the future, if you feel any pain, discomfort, or injury, you must tell me. Don't endure it yourself. Human life is very fragile. You must take good care of yourself."

"Only if you take good care of yourself, others will take good care of you."

Thinking back now, Qin Xi only felt distressed. She couldn't believe that a ten-year-old girl, suffering from injuries, followed them back to Chenhui Village as if nothing had happened. How painful it was!

Seeing Qin Xi's serious look, Wan Tao nodded silently, but her eyes were quietly moist, but she quickly lowered her head and held back her tears after a while.

Crying is the most useless thing. Instead, the mother will hit harder and harder, and the pain will become more painful, so it is better to hold back the tears.

After washing the mud off the child's feet, the basin of water was too dirty to look at anymore, so Qin Xi took the basin out, and not long after, he came in with the basin and hot water. This was the second wash.

Finally, she was clean. Of course, Qin Xi could only think about this in her heart and said it was impossible to say it, so as not to hurt the child's self-esteem.

After all, children are very precocious at this time. There are many girls who get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen. The children are already ten years old. They have experienced the warmth and ups and downs of human relationships. She understands many things and cannot treat future generations of children. attitude toward her.

Qin Xi took out a brand new piece of cloth from the box. She didn't have clothes suitable for Wan Tao, so she wrapped the person in the cloth first, and then carried her directly to her bed.

During this period, it had been raining, and the air was full of water vapor, so it was very humid. Her quilt was inevitably affected. The surface felt very cool to the touch, and there was water vapor inside, but the side used to cover it , is very dry and warm.

"You stay in bed for a while, and I'll wash your clothes first."

At this time, Wan Tao's stomach growled in time, and Qin Xi smiled: "I'll bring you some food first. Do you want some peanuts?"

"Yes." Wan Tao nodded happily.

Thinking of peanuts, she felt like her mouth was about to drool. She had only eaten peanuts once. Her sister peeled them off and dropped them on the ground. She hid them secretly before eating them. She would never forget the taste in her life.

I can’t tell what the taste is. In short, just two words: delicious.

"I'll get it for you now."

Here, Qin Jiang, who was lighting a fire in the kitchen, was watching the fire while washing the child's dirty clothes.

Beside the stove, Qin Xi's and his clothes were hanging to dry. In this kind of weather, the clothes would not dry in even three days. After three days, the clothes would smell. Therefore, the clothes of their brother and sister, It is basically dried using firewood.Whenever this happens, they will be glad that they did not waste that free time and move a lot of firewood to their homes. Otherwise, they would be like others, wearing smelly or damp clothes.

Qin Xi didn't know about others, but Qin He and his wife were from a clean family. In order to save firewood these days, except for cooking, the two of them didn't know how to light a fire at all. He has almost made all the firewood.

Qin Xi didn't feel that there was anything soft-hearted about this. The young couple were very handy. If they ran out of firewood, wouldn't they go to the woods to pick it up?

Even if the woodshed in the forest is wet and cannot be burned, they can pick it up and dry it first!
Since the firewood has been distributed to him, it is his own business how to use it. Anyway, Qin Xi did not take advantage of him. If he does not know how to handle it and the firewood reserve at home is insufficient, then he deserves to be hungry and should be taught a lesson. .

"Brother, why are you helping Wan Tao wash clothes? I'll come." Qin Xi came to the small hut with a wooden basin.

To be honest, this place is very small. If two people have to stay here, it will be very crowded.

"I see you are busy, so I will help you!"

"By the way, have you decided yet?"

As for what this decision refers to, the brother and sister know it well, but they are afraid that Wan Tao will hear it and hurt the child's heart.

"Let's take care of it first!"

"If she is compatible, then she will stay. If not, then find a suitable family for her."

In short, it is impossible to send her back. That family cannot be kind to Wan Tao. To send her back is to push her into a pit of fire.

"That's fine, you just have to decide, I don't have any objections."

As for whether adopting a little girl would cause gossip, drag her down, affect the market, etc., she had thought about it, but she didn't care about these things.

Not to mention Qin Jiang, he has no plans to get married now, just like Qin Xi.

If there is no suitable one, he would rather not get married for the rest of his life. Life is only a few decades, so why bother to make do with someone he doesn't like and waste time. In this case, he might as well live happily with his sister. Every day!

After Qin Xi washed the big iron pot with hot water, she started to make dinner. She planned to make it simple. Vegetable porridge would be good.

As for vegetables, they are wild vegetables outside. Now that it’s raining, the wild vegetables are growing like crazy, changing every day.

I believe that in two days, they will be able to cut the grass near their home to feed the rabbits.

In the past few days, the appetite of the rabbits at home has not been very good. It may be because there is too much moisture in the air.

As for the vegetables, Qin Xi took a handful of sour and spicy kimchi directly from the jar, cut it into small pieces with a knife, soaked it in water first, and then put it in the pot to cook, adding only a little oil. After a while, it was finally made, and it was quite delicious.

To be honest, if it weren't for picking up a child, she would have served kimchi directly to the table for this dinner. Let alone cooking it, she didn't even know how to cut it. At most, she could put some chopped chili sauce and mix it. It's also very delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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