Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 33 The dispute caused by a bag of brown sugar

Chapter 33 A Dispute over a Pack of Brown Sugar
Li Chunhua took Qin He to the clinic to have a look at his knee. At first he thought it was just a simple scratch, but in the end, Qin He had a broken bone. Although it was just a misplaced bone, it could hurt a bone for a hundred days. , it is not a simple matter.

The person was walking, and when he came back at [-]:[-] noon, he had already supported his crutches and his legs were fixed with splints.

Qin He had his bone straightened, splinted, and bought a crutch in the medical clinic. It cost a total of one fifty-six cents, which made Li Chunhua feel distressed. He still didn't take the medicine. If he took the medicine, it would only be more expensive.

In the afternoon, when Liu Qin learned about Qin He's injury and the money she spent in the hospital, she felt distressed, and her attitude towards Qin He turned 180 degrees. Dime.

Qin He is disobedient, and he can't ask why he has something to say. His mouth is very strict. As long as he doesn't want to say anything, no one can pry his mouth open. Liu Qin is really annoyed by his characteristic.

Because of the splint, it was inconvenient to walk. Qin He stayed at home peacefully for more than ten days. Every day he either slept or made firewood boxes with Qin Xi and Qin Jiang. His life was quite fulfilling.

Liu Qin is also quite satisfied, as long as he doesn't go out and cause trouble for her, she will be Amitabha.

When the time came, Qin He felt that his legs were almost in good shape. Although he couldn't do strenuous exercise, he could walk easily. If he couldn't be idle, he directly removed the splint and went out to find his little friend. went.

The money that belonged to him finally came into his hands, 12 yuan and [-] cents. This is the result of their soul-stirring three days.

For other people in the small team, it was worth it, after all, if you pay, you will get something, but for Qin He, it is really a loss!
In addition to the medical expenses, he has been at home for almost half a month. During this half month, it was inconvenient for him to do anything, and the pain in his leg lasted for four or five days. , It is due to grandma's house.

When he met his brothers, he didn't say anything, he was just happy.

With money in his hand, Qin He's hand that held the money was itchy.

At noon that day, he didn't go back to eat at all. He took Haozi to a street in the black market, where he ate a delicious bowl of Yangchun noodles and two big meat buns. , deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only eight yuan and twenty cents.

He wanted to take the brown sugar home for his family to drink, and he wasn't a person who didn't know what to expect. During this time, he was indeed causing trouble to his family. Although his mother and his mother didn't speak very well, he I know, the reason lies with him.

When he came home after four in the afternoon, he was greeted by the gaze of his family. This weekend, Liu Qin and Qin Shan didn't go to work, and Qin Qing and the twins didn't have to go to school. The whole family was sitting around making firewood boxes together!

At the beginning of this month, Liu Qin gritted her teeth and filled [-] firewood boxes. This is not a small number. She can't see anyone idle now. As long as she sees someone who is not alive, she will have to say it.

It's winter now. A few days ago, Liu Qin spent more than a dozen yuan on coal, and the family's small savings made things worse. She had already thought about this expenditure, and she would get it back in this month's firewood box.

"What did you do?"

"Can't you save us some snacks?"

"When my legs got better, I ran around and didn't come back for lunch. I didn't come back until this point after playing outside. There are also many things at home. If you need your help, can't you understand something?" Liu Qin looked at When Qin He came back from being idle, he said that he hated iron for being weak.

Everyone in the room could see her dissatisfaction with Qin He.

"I'm too bored at home these days, so I went out for a walk." After speaking, Qin He threw down the bag of brown sugar and entered the house.

Just because of the atmosphere and his mother's questioning, even though he has a strong psychological quality, he still feels uncomfortable. He feels that he has a sense of separation from this family.

"What is this?" Li Chunhua picked up the bag Qin He left behind with quick eyes and quick hands.

"It's brown sugar, where did he get it?"

Seeing the brown sugar in Li Chunhua's hand, Liu Qin also felt a little weird. She didn't give him any money at all. How did this thing come from?

The price of brown sugar is not cheap!

"It seems that this little bastard still has a bit of conscience. He knows that it is not easy for me to take him to the doctor and take good care of him at home. This time I went out, and even brought me a packet of brown sugar." Li Chunhua couldn't wait to stand up and claim the things.

This is a good thing, if it can be kept, it will be enough for her and Qingqing to soak in water for several months.

"Don't worry, I haven't figured out where this thing came from!"

"Also, I'm his own mother. I paid for his medical expenses last month. You should know who this brown sugar is for!" Liu Qin snatched the brown sugar from Li Chunhua's hand without any politeness. Pack brown sugar.

She has put up with this dead old woman for a long time, she usually only asks for money, but to the rest of the family, she is like that iron rooster, she doesn't want to pull out a dime, last time something happened to Qin He, she was not even willing to give a dime, where did it come from? The face wants brown sugar.

It's mid-November now, she keeps this bag of brown sugar, and it's just right to send it to her old mother at that time, she is old, and I told her last time that her teeth are bad and hard to eat, so this brown sugar will be given to her It would be better if she soaked in water to drink.

"You are his mother, and I am his mother!"

"Liu Qin, hurry up and bring me the things. This is given to me by my grandson. Don't be ignorant!"

Li Chunhua didn't expect that she just got something, and she hasn't been happy for 2 minutes!It was snatched away by Liu Qin.

Liu Qin is not a person!The old woman also snatches things in her hands, so she is not afraid of lightning strikes in the future!

"Who is this thing for? Qin He knows best. If you don't believe it, you can ask him yourself." Liu Qin won't let go if he grabs it, and the meat in his hand can make it run away.

"Why didn't you go!"

"Since the second child is placed on the table closest to me, it means it's for me."

"No matter how bad it is, it's for everyone in the family, so everyone should have a share. Don't try to keep it to yourself." Li Chunhua didn't ask!
Not to mention the result, right now, the brown sugar is still in sight, and when she leaves, Liu Qin will definitely take it back to the house and hide it. At that time, the difficulty of finding her again will be different from now.

It's better to force her now, and it would be good to get half or even one piece back. She doesn't think it's too little, and she can get a little bit.

As long as Liu Qin is willing to share with her, her wife will never interfere with whoever she gives the rest of the brown sugar to.

(End of this chapter)

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