Chapter 34
"My son is filial to me, what is it that I don't eat alone, this is too ugly."

"Whoever wants it, let his son buy it for him! Why are you jealous of me? I'm not ashamed when I'm old."

Liu Qin's mouth was as poisonous as ever, and Li Chunhua almost spat out a mouthful of old blood after hearing this.

What evil has she done in her life!All the people I met were unfilial sons struck by lightning.

Needless to say, the boss, his wife is strict, Liu Qin told her to go east, he would never dare to go west.

The eldest daughter-in-law, that is, Liu Qin, is a stealing mother-in-law. Her mother's family is always placed ahead of her husband's family, and so are her relatives, which made her lose face in the village.

The second son, Qin Shu, is not a good guy either, he is an old picky guy, and he can't pick up her old lady, she is more ruthless than anyone else, otherwise, she would have lived in the countryside and the city, and would go back to the village every now and then. got it.

Although the second daughter-in-law is okay, she is too domineering. She lives in the village, and she can do whatever she wants. The family must listen to her, and they have to listen to her arrangements. She can't stand this.

"I don't care, I have a share of things, if you don't give it to me, no way."

"Bah, fuck you, what's your share of what my son filially gave me! Get out of here."

Pushed by Liu Qin, Li Chunhua became angry, and was about to pounce on her, but was stopped by Qin Shan halfway: "Mom, calm down, this is not the solution to the problem."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the twins who were enjoying watching the play: "Five and six, go and call your second brother out, if he doesn't come out, something big will happen to the family."

For so many years, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been at loggerheads, and Quan Wu Xing has been staged several times. Li Chunhua is not a match for the strong and strong Liu Qin. When there is no one to help, she is not beaten by Liu Qin. This is not a long memory!Where I have suffered before, I still want to try it today.

The neighbors around always thought that their family was a loving mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but in fact, for the sake of face, Li Chunhua would not go out for a few days after being beaten. Going out, after all, family ugliness should not be publicized. After all, the last joke was her mother-in-law who had no dignity and was beaten by her daughter-in-law.

"Boss, let me go, today I will let her know how the daughter-in-law here does it, and which family's daughter-in-law dares to climb on the old woman's head to shit and pee."

Li Chunhua struggled, she had no self-knowledge at all!
He completely forgot that two years ago, when he rushed over with his teeth and claws, he was pushed to the ground by Liu Qin three times, and his face was lost.

It was very hard for Qin Shan to stop him, because his pungent old mother attacked him, stretched out her hand with nails, and scratched his face. Although the wound did not bleed, redness and swelling were unavoidable. After a while, his face looked miserable.

Liu Qin has the attribute of protecting the calf, and her possessive desire for Qin Shan made her explode when she saw his face scratched by Li Chunhua.

"what are you doing!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed over, pulled Qin Shan away, and put him on his body: "What are you coming at me for, what are you doing tickling him?"

Seeing that the person didn't intend to continue to fight, Liu Qin turned around and looked at Qin Shan's black face with ravines intertwined, and her face also pulled down.

"Next time if someone dares to fight with you, don't be polite to her, you bullying bastard, come at me if you have the ability!" She turned her head and said the last sentence to Li Chunhua.

"Look at your face being scratched, why are you so stupid! You're even stupider than that idiot Qin Jiang, if anyone touches him, he will run away now, why? You don't have long legs!"

Qin Jiang, who was caught by the cue for no reason, was stunned for a moment. Although his IQ is not high, he is not stupid, and he can still hear good things. What his mother said is not good.

But does he dare to refute at this time?

Not at all!

"Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about?"

"Liu Qin, Liu Qin, today I finally see what you are like, you used to pretend."

Speaking of this, Li Chunhua paused, it seemed that Liu Qin had always been this kind of virtue before, and would point at Sang and scold Huai when she got a little bit wrong with this old woman.

Thinking about it this way, Li Chunhua felt that her life was miserable, and she didn't know how she survived all these years.

"What are you pretending? Why don't you continue talking." Liu Qin replied without any fear.

"I you."

Here, the twins finally knocked on Qin He's door, knowing that they could no longer pretend to be ostriches, so Qin He reluctantly opened the door.

They are all staying in the same room. He knows what happened outside, but he really doesn't want to get involved, otherwise he must be the one who will be unlucky in the end. Past experience tells him that if you don't get involved, you will be safe.

Originally, he wanted to keep quiet and let his family forget him, but who knew, the twins kept knocking on the door relentlessly, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

When Qin Shan saw Qin He come out, he was so excited, as if he had seen a life-saving medicine: "Hurry up, the second child is here, and explain this matter to your mother and grandma, so that they don't quarrel."

Very leisurely, the naive and stupid Qin Shan has not yet discovered that the dispute between Liu Qin and Li Chunhua is not just because of the bag of brown sugar.

Over the years, the conflict between the two has accumulated for a long time, and there is only one flashpoint missing, and now the flashpoint has come.

It's just that Li Chunhua couldn't beat Liu Qin, and her son and grandson didn't stand by her side, so she silently endured the anger she was about to spray on Liu Qin.

"Stop arguing." A useless sentence came out of Qin He's mouth.

He didn't expect the power of his bag of brown sugar to be so great. If he knew it, he wouldn't buy some brown sugar to bring back if he was killed, so he put the money in his pocket and went out every now and then for tooth-beating festivals, wouldn't it?You have to be cheap.

Upon hearing this, Li Chunhua seemed to have found a point to vent: "Noisy, who are we arguing about!"

"Second boy, tell me, who is this bag of brown sugar for?"

If she can't handle the big one, can she still not handle the small one?

"Yes, second child, tell me, who is this bag of brown sugar for?" Liu Qin's words followed closely, with a hint of threat.

Seeing that the two women turned their guns and were about to stab him, Qin He became anxious: "The brown sugar is for our whole family, everyone has a share."

"Mom, put it away first! I'll trouble you to make brown sugar water for us then."

Hearing this, Liu Qin nodded in satisfaction. She rushed once and twice, and when the time came to thin it out, it would not take much brown sugar.

(End of this chapter)

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