Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 339 Good news from the city

Chapter 339 Returning to the city to announce the good news
The next day, Qin He took his wife directly to Lao Qin's house in the county town, one to announce the good news, and the other to complain.

After all, Qin Jiang sneaked up on him and beat him up, so he couldn't just let it go. If he couldn't beat Qin Jiang and get justice, then he would go home and file a complaint, and his family would always make the decision for him.

This was the illusion given to him by the behavior of Liu Qin Qinshan and Li Chunhua when he got married last time.

Of course, he relies more on the fact that Qin Jiang and Qin Xi have turned against the Qin family a long time ago, and his relationship with the family is still very good. At least they have never had a bad relationship. To choose between him and Qin Jiang, There is no doubt that parents and elders will choose him.

As long as his parents and elders are willing to support him, he feels that suppressing Qin Jiang and Qin Xi will not be a problem.

Qin He's rubber shoes were worn under Liu Mei's feet this time. Knowing that the rubber shoes Qin Jiang and Qin Xi wore every day were also bought by Qin He, Liu Mei directly scolded him for being such a loser for buying such expensive things. Give them to them, and they won't be able to survive.

Although the shoes were given to her before she got married, this did not stop her from being angry.

This further strengthened her idea. Although Qin Xi was rich, he was too shrewd and calculating. She and Qin He together might not be able to scheme against her, so it was better not to have too much contact, lest the two of them would be betrayed. She sold it and helped her count the money.

At the entrance of Ping'an Street, many people recognized Qin He and greeted him. Amidst these greetings, Liu Mei straightened her back silently.

Qin He grew up here, and all the neighbors knew him.

"Qin He, you're back!" Aunt Fang, who lives next door to the Qin family, saw Qin He and called him out in surprise.

"I didn't expect that after staying in the country for a few years, I have grown stronger! It has also turned darker. It seems that you have suffered a lot in these years in the country."

"By the way, this is?"

Qin He saw that she was an acquaintance and took Liu Mei's hand enthusiastically: "This is my wife. She is pregnant. I brought her here to recognize her. We got married in the countryside at the beginning of this year."

As soon as he said this, Aunt Fang was impressed. In the first month of the year, she seemed to have heard Li Chunhua talk about this matter. She boasted about it, saying that the other party didn't want anything, and he also gave a lot of things as a dowry, and how much the girl's family loved her. My daughter, she also said how wonderful people are.

Now that she looked at it, she was quite beautiful. As for the rest, she really didn't notice it.

"Really? How many months?"

"Auntie knows that you are a capable person. Even in the countryside, you can marry a wife based on your own ability. Next year, you will have a child. The youngest of my family doesn't have a partner yet. I'm anxious!"

"I will see him later and I must give him a good beating."

Her daughter went to the countryside, and the youngest was naturally reluctant to let her go to the countryside. If it hadn't been for giving her job to the youngest, she would still be working in the factory!

Although she was talking about the youngest, it was him who hurt the most in her heart.

"It's been two months, it's still too early to die!"

After saying that, Qin He suddenly thought that he had not introduced himself as the neighbor's aunt to Liu Mei: "Liu Mei, this is Aunt Fang who lives next door to my house. She was very kind to me when I was a child."

Liu Mei followed the stick and said hello with a smile on her face: "Aunt Fang is really young. If you didn't remind me, I would have thought she was someone's sister."

She is good at saying nice things and responds quickly. Aunt Fang is from the city, so she is naturally very considerate. As for those who she feels are not worthy of her good looks, they will naturally get sarcastic comments and disgust.She was already very familiar with the matter of putting food on the plate.

Hearing this, Aunt Fang immediately burst into laughter and was in a good mood: "This little mouth is so sweet. Let's go and talk as we go. Your grandma will never expect you to come back."

Although the rain had stopped at this time, the sky was still gray. One glance showed that the rain had not stopped yet and would not stop in a short time.

The county town is still better than the countryside. The alleys are paved with bluestones, and the feeling of stepping on them is really good. It's not like the countryside, where you'll find a mud hole every time you step, which is annoying to death.

Liu Mei maintained a strong curiosity about everything in the city. She also secretly remembered the way to Qin's house. Maybe something would happen in the future and she would need to come to the county town to find help from her family!
Aunt Fang separated from the two of them at the door of her house. She had eaten today's portion of melon and could have a good chat with the old sisters in the afternoon. Just two words, "Happy".

When Li Chunhua saw Qin He, her first reaction was not happiness, but guilt. After all, she was the one who embezzled the gift money from Qin He's family, even though it had been a long time ago.

She had almost forgotten this matter. If she hadn't seen Qin He today, she would have definitely forgotten it. For a moment, she complained that her grandson was not sensible. Can't she just live his life in the countryside?You have to come and wander around the city.

"Qin He, what are you doing here?"

There is no joy and excitement, only doubts and resistance.

Li Chunhua's attitude was felt by not only Liu Mei, but also the rough-and-tumble Qin He.

what happened?Although he has not been to the county town for a long time, his grandma's attitude towards him was extremely enthusiastic last time. Now, why has she become so cold and resistant? He has not even come to the county town, so there is no way he could offend her.

Qin He simply thought about it and put the question behind him: "Nai, Liu Mei is pregnant. I will bring her to the door to identify her."

As soon as this king burst came out, Li Chunhua opened her mouth wide and stared at Liu Mei's belly as if she were looking at something rare.

Although Qin He's disgusting thing is not popular with others, the child in her wife's belly is very popular!

If nothing else goes wrong, the child in Liu Mei's belly will be the fourth generation of their Qin family. She will be Grandma Zeng. This is great news!

Four generations live under the same roof, and there are several old ladies who are so lucky to have her.

People of this era are more enthusiastic about carrying on the family line than future generations can imagine.

"This is really great news!"

"Quick Liu Mei, come in and sit with me. It will be bad if my great-grandson is tired."

There is still hot water, but as for the highest courtesy at home at this time, sugar water, there is no.

Although she was looking forward to the birth of the fourth generation of the Qin family, a very real problem faced her. Without money, how could she be willing to buy expensive things like sugar now? Liu Qin did have it, but she couldn't get it!

All her money was used to buy painkillers. Especially during this period, it was raining continuously. Her knees hurt so much and they were very swollen. Therefore, the painkillers were a bit heavy. The little money she got before , it’s all spent, and the medicine is almost gone.

(End of this chapter)

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