Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 340 Side Effects

Chapter 340 Side Effects

"Liu Mei, how many months have it been?" Li Chunhua sat next to Liu Mei and looked at her with great concern.

As long as she is not allowed to spend money, it is easy to talk about anything, attitude, etc., as good as you want.

Liu Mei lowered her head shyly and replied, "It's been two months, grandma."

She has seen the Qin family's house, and is generally satisfied with it. After all, this house is very big, and it is a brick house. If it were placed in Liujia Village, there would only be a few cadres and a few well-off families. , only a few blue brick houses were built, which are incomparable to this big house.

Li Chunhua nodded with satisfaction. She got pregnant not even half a year after getting married. She must be in very good health, which is good. She will definitely be able to flourish the old Qin family and give birth to many children in the future.

As long as she is not allowed to pay for them, she hopes that Qin He will have as many children as possible, and she won't have to worry about them anyway.

"Grandma knew you were good. I didn't expect it! In my lifetime, I can still see my grandson born. If he is born, he will be my great-grandson. By then, other old ladies will be jealous of me."

"By the way, Liu Mei, my grandson didn't make trouble for you, right?"

Hearing that Li Chunhua was expecting a grandson, Liu Mei felt extremely stressed. She hadn't unloaded the baby yet, and she still didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl!
If the Qin family insisted that it was their grandson, wouldn't she be complaining when she gave birth to a granddaughter next year?
I think of Aunt Huang Cui in the village, who was ridiculed by others because she gave birth to eight girls at one time. I heard that she is going to fight for the ninth one at the age of 40 recently. She is planning to go all out!
No, she must not fall into the situation of Aunt Huang Cui. It is too miserable. Not only is she skinny and skinny, but the children are also similar. They are the kind that are raised casually. The death rate is very high. Currently, there are only four girls and three eldest children alive in her family. one small.

"It's only two months now. How can we cause trouble? Grandma, please stop joking with me."

"By the way, grandma, what I'm pregnant with may not be a grandson! Could it be that she is a granddaughter? Grandma, don't you love her?" Liu Mei said coquettishly.

A beautiful woman acting coquettishly is still very interesting. If you are normal, you will just follow what she said, and if you step down, the matter will be over.

But Li Chunhua is not normal!
Do you really think that all the painkillers she took were in vain?

Although painkillers are very effective in relieving pain, taking too much can lead to addiction. Moreover, they can also disturb people's nerves, making them irritable and impulsive. They may also become stupid, speak without going through the brain, and all kinds of messy things can happen. It may come out of her mouth, but afterwards, she may not even know what she said.

Recently, some people have noticed that something is not right with Li Chunhua, but no one has thought about the painkillers she took. They are all guessing that Li Chunhua may be old, confused, and a little confused.

After all, confused old people are too common, and Li Chunhua is almost old enough. This has led to Qin Shan and Liu Qin not discovering her problem, and she still takes painkillers every day.

"What granddaughter? I don't want a loser. If I marry you, you will give birth to boys for our old Qin family. If you dare to give birth to a lot of losers and make others laugh at us, I can't spare you." Li Chunhua pointed at Liu Mei. , said viciously.

If he wasn't from a rural area, he wouldn't be worthy of her restraining her temper.

Although her favorite Qin Qing is her granddaughter, she has double standards. Like Qin Qing, the granddaughter, does not mean that she will like her great-granddaughter.

Qin He was startled. The eruption of his breasts was so sudden. He didn't even expect that she had such a trick.

Not to mention Liu Mei, she just felt like there was a lump of suffocating air in her chest, which was stuck in her chest and made her feel uncomfortable.Also, hadn't Qin He told her before that grandma's favorite granddaughter is Qin Qing? Logically speaking, she shouldn't be repulsive to her great-granddaughter!
"Qin He, don't you have anything to say?" At this time, Liu Mei's face looked very ugly.

As a married granddaughter-in-law, it is difficult for her to talk to the elders in the family, but Qin He, the grandson, can. Does he have the same idea as the family?

Whether it's a daughter or a son, they are all Liu Mei's children, they all crawled out of her belly, and she likes them all.

Qin He was reminded by Liu Mei's words and realized that he still had great expectations for the child in Liu Mei's belly, regardless of whether he was a man or a woman.

"Grandma, don't talk about this. No matter the grandchildren, they are the next generation of our old Qin family. There is no reason not to love her."

Anyway, this is Liu Mei's first child. Regardless of male or female, he will feel happy. If it is a daughter, the eldest daughter is sensible and can help her parents with her younger siblings and work. If it is an eldest son, that would be even better. , the eldest son has to be the head of the household. With the eldest son, the couple will have something to rely on for the rest of their lives.

"I don't care. I don't want a great-granddaughter. It would be so shameless and people would laugh at her."

"I have no choice but to have a great-grandson. It doesn't matter to anyone. If I can't have a grandson, both of you will get out of here."

After all, in Li Chunhua's view, Qin He and Liu Mei are only useful for having great-grandsons. If they can't even satisfy her "small request", then they are too useless and naturally unworthy of her attention. .


"Can you please be reasonable? Now the chairman has said that women hold up half the sky. It's the same for boys and girls. Why are you so stubborn!"

"What's wrong with my daughter? Isn't it Qin Qing who you love the most?"

When she heard the name Qin Qing, Li Chunhua was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and her fur immediately exploded. She regretted it!
Qin Qing, a white-eyed wolf, didn't pay attention to her at all now. He loved her so much in vain. He just asked her to "lend" her the pocket money she had saved over the years to buy medicine, but she actually refused.

When Li Chunhua was sober, she thought of Qin Qing's kindness, so she would naturally greet her with greetings and care, and take good care of her. When she was confused, she only remembered Qin Qing's ruthlessness, and would nervously scold her for being a wolf. The main theme is capricious, which is tossing.

Not only Qin Qing, but also Qinshan, Liu Qin and the twins were all tortured by Li Chunhua during this period.

"Don't mention that white-eyed wolf to me. If I had known she was like this, I should have drowned her in a urine bucket as soon as she was born, so as not to make me uncomfortable all day long."

"She is not a good person. She is disobedient and unfilial. Now she is guarding me no matter what she does. She wants to watch me die!"

Suddenly, Li Chunhua seemed to remember something: "By the way, Xiaohe, have you brought any money? I'm going to buy groceries, but your mother forgot to give me the money. I'll ask her to give it to you when she comes back."

(End of this chapter)

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