Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 341 Li Chunhua borrows money

Qin He really didn't think much about it for a moment. He didn't even know that his mother was addicted to painkillers.

For this matter, Li Chunhua borrowed money from all her relatives and friends. Although it was only fifty cents and a dollar, which was not much, it was heartbreaking that she just borrowed money without paying it back.

Once this kind of reputation spread, her operation of borrowing money in the county town naturally no longer worked, and her reputation was ruined. She had not used this trick for a long time. When she saw Qin He today, she suddenly thought of it. It seemed that Qin He was not clear about her situation.

The moves are not afraid of aging, as long as they work, Qin He and his wife are not on guard against her, so maybe they can succeed.

Qin He had no money, at least on the surface. As soon as he got married, he handed over all his money to Liu Mei. This was one of the conditions for Liu Mei to agree to marry him. It goes hand in hand with the separation of families, both are indispensable, and he will naturally abide by it.

The private money he had hidden was covered up by his clever names, such as the rubber shoes he bought for Qinjiang and Qinxi, and he was the stupidest and most innocent person. He had money in his hands and would use it every time he went to the county. He used his own money to buy meat on the black market and eat it back. Among the three brothers and sisters, he was the poorest.

With the rubber shoes thing in mind, Liu Mei didn't notice anything wrong with what he said next. She believed everything Qin He told her.

Qin He only dared to lie so carelessly because of the bad relationship between Liu Mei and Qin Xi. These two women didn't know how to reconcile accounts at all. If nothing else, this matter would definitely be kept secret until the end of the world. No, it's been several months and nothing has happened.

He is still proud of his wit and intelligence!Hiding such a large sum of money will make it easier to do whatever you want in the future.

"Grandma, where do I have money?" When Qin He said this, his eyes were on Liu Mei.

Seeing the lawsuit between the young couple, Li Chunhua quickly realized that all the money of the couple was kept with Liu Mei, so Qin He really had no money.

"Liu Mei, grandma knows that you are a good person, so let's lend her a few dollars first. You have finally come to the county town. You are pregnant with my wife's golden grandson. I will definitely buy meat for you to eat."

"Don't worry, Qin He will be back in the afternoon. There's nothing going on in the countryside now. Just stay here for a few days and then go back! Also stay with me, a lonely old woman."

She regretted it. If she had thought of this earlier, she would not have argued with these two people.

As long as she doesn't fight, she is 100% sure to get the money from Liu Mei, and maybe she can borrow several dollars!
She didn't care how to explain to Liu Qin when she came back. She only had five painkillers hidden under the bed. No matter how much she saved, they wouldn't be enough for her to take for a week. She would be tortured to death. , how could she care so much.

Even if she dies, she doesn't want to be hurt to death. She knows how ugly she looks when drug addiction attacks, so it would be too shameful for her to die like this.

Besides, if you lie, you will lie. She is so old, who can do anything to her?
As long as she hid the medicine and waited a few days for the news to pass, everything would be fine.

Li Chunhua's words were still very tempting to Liu Mei. After all, this was an invitation, an invitation for her to live in the city.

She had always dreamed of becoming a city dweller and marrying Qin He, which was a decision she made after a series of considerations and examinations. The Qin family was the one she needed to please. Grandma Li Chunhua still held a very important position for her. Even if this person doesn't care about anything, he must be someone with his age and seniority.

Now just by lending her some money to buy groceries, I can please her and win her favor. Thinking about it this way, it's still a good deal.

Thinking of this, a smile suddenly broke out on Liu Mei's face. Since you want to borrow, you should borrow happily and don't be coy. When the time comes, the money will be loaned out and the favor will be lost.

"Grandma, I wonder how much you want?"

When Li Chunhua heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up. This was a dramatic rhythm!
"I want as much as you have." When Liu Mei heard this, she was stunned. She felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

She glanced at Qin He, but he was a thick-headed man and didn't realize anything was wrong. Therefore, her glance was destined to be in vain, as if it were thrown to a blind man.

Li Chunhua also realized it at this moment. She acted too eagerly and carelessly: "I just want to get you organized and come out. I plan to go to the black market and buy more meat and vegetables to entertain you. After all, you have just come back once." , Don’t be careless when preparing meals.”

"Although I have some tickets in my hand, they are just some tofu tickets, not meat tickets. I have to go to the black market. There are a lot of people in my family, so I need to buy more. When you come, you can't fool around. "

Her words were filled with the importance she attached to Qin He and his wife. If nothing else, this alone was enough for Liu Mei to ignore that something was wrong.

After all, Li Chunhua is Qin He's biological grandmother. She naturally has full trust in this old man. How did she know that this old man is unreliable?

"I only brought five yuan with me when I went out. I spent [-] cents on the bus. Now I still have four and nine yuan. Grandma, how much do you want to borrow?" Liu Mei said as she took out the money from her trouser pocket.

As soon as she took out the money from her pocket, Li Chunhua snatched it from her hand so fast that she had no time to react.

"Grandma? What are you doing?" Liu Mei asked pretending to be calm.

Li Chunhua's performance magnified the slightest thing wrong that she noticed before countless times. There must be something wrong.

Li Chunhua waved to her nonchalantly, and then her hands kept moving, counting the money, wetting her fingers with her saliva, and counting with a very happy expression.

"One dollar, two dollars, three dollars, four dollars. Four dollars, one, four dollars, two. Four dollars, nine. It's indeed four dollars and ninety cents."

"I borrowed this money from my wife. When Qin He comes back in the afternoon, I will ask her to give the money to you."

After counting, Li Chunhua hid directly in the small cloth pocket sewn inside her pants in front of the two of them. It was safe here, but she didn't believe that someone would dare to reach out and steal money from her.

Liu Mei was stunned by Li Chunhua's combo of moves. She watched helplessly as her money got into other people's pants, not to mention how awkward and uncomfortable she felt.

"Grandma, do you want to borrow all this money?"

"My wife borrowed this money. Now I'm going to buy groceries. I'll cook for you when I come back at noon!"

"Let's go, stay at home and wait for me to come back!"

Now that the money is in hand, Li Chunhua doesn't need to be too polite to them. They are all juniors, and borrowing money from them is to give them face.

Even if she doesn't pay it back, that's what she should do. After all, she took good care of Qin He when he was young. Now he just takes money to honor his grandma, which is what he should do.

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