Li Chunhua waved her hand, patted her butt, and left with the money.

She had to quickly go to the hospital to find a doctor and exchange the money for painkillers. In order to prevent some people from becoming addicted to this medicine, they could not be prescribed too much at one time. A maximum of one hundred pills cost five yuan each time.

She would be able to take these [-] pills for more than two months if she took them sparingly.

For this painkiller, she has been to all the pharmacies, clinics and hospitals in Yongxin County over the years. Later, when she was forced to do so, she would ask acquaintances to bring her the medicine. She could not remember it herself. Qing, how many painkillers have I taken over the years?

Sometimes, when she went to the hospital and asked the doctor to take a look, she not only bought painkillers, but also brought more or less other medicines. If not, she would not have spent so much money in the past few years. sharp.

She didn't want to be like this, but people are afraid of death, especially the elderly. She once boasted that she was the exception, but now it seems that she is just the most ordinary old woman in the world. She is afraid of death. .

She likes to go to the hospital whenever she gets a headache or a fever. Even if it's nothing serious, she has to be reassured by the doctor himself. Only what the doctor says has credibility with her and she will believe it.

Now that life has finally gotten better, she can't bear to die like this.

As soon as they left, Liu Mei couldn't bear it anymore: "Qin He, is your grandma really okay?"

"When I look at her, why do I feel weird? She's just so awkward."

"She won't take our money and run away!"

Although this guess is ridiculous, considering Li Chunhua's change of face just now and the series of operations, this is the only one that meets the conditions.

When Qin He heard this, he immediately laughed: "Don't talk nonsense, my grandma is rich!"

"To be honest, my mother is not richer than my grandma. That was true when I went to the countryside. I'm not sure now, but it can't be false that my grandma is rich."

"She is an old lady. Her home is here. She can't go back to her hometown uncle. How could she run away with the little money she lent you? Just thinking about it, I know it's impossible. It's ridiculous. .”

"With your four dollars and ninety cents, is that possible?"

When Liu Mei heard this, she was half relieved: "It's okay, your grandma's behavior just now was really weird. Could it be that as she gets older, she will become so neurotic?"

"But my grandma is not like this! She is much older than your grandma, but she is very sober. She arranges everything at home in an orderly manner. My dad and uncle both said that my grandma is the anchor of our family. !”

Speaking of her grandma, Liu Mei looked proud. She was the closest to her grandma, and naturally she always had good things to say about her grandma.

It's a pity that Qin He doesn't like to hear such kind words.

When Qin He heard this, he felt a little unhappy. No matter how neurotic Li Chunhua was, she was still his grandmother.

His own grandmother was so belittled by his wife, who pulled and stepped on her. He felt that he had lost face. No matter it was Liu Mei or his own grandmother, no one could escape the relationship. Both of them were the reason for his unhappiness. .

"Okay, stop talking about this, are you annoying?" "My grandma is very sober and not nervous at all. Moreover, she is very rich and will not covet your three melons and two dates. Don't worry!"

Liu Mei originally wanted to question the fact that Li Chunhua was rich. After all, how could a truly rich person borrow money from the young couple? After all, this is the Qin family, not outside. If you have money, you can go back to the house to get money at any time. !
But when she saw that Qin He's face was not very good-looking, she gave up the inquiry very wisely. According to her understanding of Qin He, if she continued to ask, this person would be angry.

Both of them were obedient, obediently waiting at home for Li Chunhua to buy meat and cook for them, but who knew that this man would never come back.

Half an hour passed, an hour passed, and an hour and a half passed. Finally, Qin He couldn't help it and broke out.

"Daughter-in-law, you wait at home while I go to the black market to see why she hasn't come back yet. Could it be that something happened?"

Although the possibility of this reason is very small, apart from this reason, he really can't think of any other reasons.

The two of them had woken up, and until now, they had just drank a few sips of hot water. Liu Mei was still pregnant. He could wait, but Liu Mei could not wait any longer.

"I don't know, but I'm hungry. I can be hungry, but my child can't be hungry. Go find me something to eat and come back." Liu Mei said lazily, covering her growling stomach.

This feeling is so uncomfortable. I originally thought that when I came to my husband's house with a baby, I would receive the highest courtesy, but who knew that I would get nothing but a bowl of broken hot water.

Li Chunhua had been away for so long, but no news came back. She finally figured it out. This person was claiming to be a rare golden grandson, but in fact, he was an iron rooster, the kind who never plucks his hair.

What's more, Qin He's own grandma borrowed four yuan and ninety cents from her. Now she seriously doubted, could she get the money back?

That's ridiculous. This is my grandma. Would she do this?So shameless.

Because of Li Chunhua's grandma's slutty behavior, Liu Mei is now looking at the Qin family with a critical attitude. What she did has made her impression of the Qin family not good.

"It was too slow to find grandma, so I went to look in the kitchen at home to see if I could find something to eat."

Qin He also secretly complained in his heart about Li Chunhua's unreliability. Did he stay away for so long?
Doesn't she know that he and Liu Mei are still waiting for her at home?

Let alone this grandma, who is useless, she also hurts him and makes him unable to hold his head up in front of Liu Mei. She is really useless.

When Liu Mei saw Qin He who was still standing in front of her with no eyesight at all, she angrily shouted: "What are you doing standing still! Go quickly."

When he got to the kitchen, Qin He rummaged around and found the food cabinet at home, but it was locked, and he didn't know who he was guarding against.

However, he found a small half bowl of crushed corn kernels under the food cabinet. Although it was coarse grain, it was still grain, and he had nothing to dislike. In the countryside, he could hardly eat even this.

Light the fire, heat the water in the pot, and pour the crushed corn kernels directly into the pot to cook. Before it is completely cooked, Liu Mei can't help but be greedy. Even if there is boiling porridge water in front of her, she will eat it. All clean.

Seeing that all the porridge had gone into Liu Mei's stomach, Qin He secretly swallowed his saliva. He was also hungry, but he was a man and couldn't compete with pregnant women for food!
Therefore, no matter how hungry he was, he did not show too many emotions, but he hated the culprit of all this even more.

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