Chapter 349
In the afternoon of the next day, Qin He and Liu Mei returned to Chen Hui Village with their things in a swaggering manner. Many people saw it and asked questions, and Liu Mei answered them openly.

This was her first contact with the villagers, and the effect was pretty good. There were two people who could compare with her, one was Zeng Rou and the other was Yun Qing.

Both of them are educated youths, and they are not very gregarious with the villagers. Zeng Rou gave birth to a son before, and is now pregnant again. Yun Qing gave birth to a daughter last year, and Liu Mei is now pregnant. The three of them are Although personal topics always revolve around child care, there is always endless things to talk about.

Especially as the children grow up, many interesting things will happen in the process of raising them. As a mother, she will naturally talk endlessly about these things.

When the two went home, Qin Xi happened to come back carrying firewood. Naturally, he saw what they were holding, but he didn't care. The Qin family was willing to support the young couple. That was their business. It has nothing to do with her.

Besides, based on her understanding of Liu Qin, it would be okay if a few things were left out, but if he really gave too much, she would be distressed and wouldn't be willing to do so.

She is more willing to spend money on her natal family than on her biological children she doesn't like. She is much more approachable to her nephews than her own sons and daughters.

Qin Xi was followed by Xiao Wanyu. During this period, her nutrition had caught up and her complexion became better, but she still hadn't grown. She looked short and small, not even cute. She was still skinny and skinny. It gives people the urge to feed her fat.

Although Wan Yu is young, she is still very efficient at work. Since the injury on her foot healed, she usually rushes to do the work, and she has a little strength. The calluses on her hands and feet show it. She is not a flower in a greenhouse, she is a weed that can withstand severe cold and heat. It is rooted in the ground and has very tenacious vitality.

The firewood on both of them was wet and needed to be spread out to dry for a long time until it was almost dry before they could be burned.

Although there is still firewood at home, it has been raining non-stop during this period. Looking at the dwindling pile of firewood at home, I feel anxious!

The weather was better today. Although there was some drizzle in the morning, it stopped at noon. Like them, many people in the village went into the woods to collect firewood.

No one has gone to collect firewood in the forest for more than 20 days. The resources in it are quite abundant, and everyone's harvest is not bad. At least it is easier than before to collect a basket full of things. They don't mind the dead branches and leaves, and they pick them all up. Picked it up and took it home.

Everyone is very enthusiastic, especially those who don't have much firewood reserves at home. They can't wait to stay in the woods all day.

Liu Mei saw Qin Xi and the others coming back carrying firewood. As soon as they returned home, she wondered if they should go to the woods and bring back some firewood.

Although it is already past three o'clock and almost four o'clock, there are still more than two hours until dark. After all, it is summer and it gets dark very late.

When she told Qin He her idea, she was immediately rejected by Qin He.

"Since yesterday, the two of us have not stopped walking, even with our hearts in mind. We finally came back from the city today, you have to have a good rest."

"I don't care, but you are different. You are pregnant and cannot run around for a long time."

"Besides, all the firewood in the forest is wet, and you can't burn it after you pick it up. What's the use? I think the weather is good today, and the sun might come out tomorrow. Let's go tomorrow!" There is still firewood at home. , this kind of trivial matter that is not urgent, Qin He naturally wants to put it off for a while. Although he has not done much in the past two days, he just feels very tired.

After all, he knew that the home in the city was no longer his home. Now that he returned to that home, he felt like he was a guest. His parents and brothers were so alienated that he could never go back.

Liu Mei thought for a while and realized that it was really not worth arguing with Qin He over such a trivial matter, so she nodded in agreement.

The couple rested at home very comfortably for more than two hours. They also cooked a delicious meal of fine grains in the evening. They lived a comfortable life.

The next day, it did not clear up after the rain as Qin He thought. Instead, it started to rain lightly and mist. Although the scenery of Chen Hui Village was beautiful, no one had the intention to appreciate it.

At this moment, anyone who is not blind can see that this year is a year of famine, but no one knows how severe it will be, how much crop yields will be reduced, and what the impact will be.

Qin Xi felt that the more than 100 kilograms of grain at home was not safe enough. The next day, she braved the light rain and went to the black market in the county with her brother.

It was early in the morning when we left, and it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when we came back. The rain was falling intermittently, and it wouldn't stop for half an hour at most, and then it started raining again. Weather like this is the most annoying thing. .

On the country roads, the extremely slippery mud roads are enough to cause many people to stumble here. Therefore, on rainy days, villagers rarely go out unless necessary, and they all stay at home and wait for the rain to stop.

The two of them wore rubber shoes and walked fairly steadily along the way, but their bodies inevitably got wet from the rain. The eighty kilograms of grain they bought was well wrapped in oil paper and was not wet at all.

As soon as they came back, the brother and sister took a hot bath with salt water, washed the clothes they changed, and hung them in the thatched shed to bake.

On such a day, clothes are the easiest to get wet. Not to mention other things, the grass that rabbits eat needs to be cut every day. If you don't use fire to dry it, you will really have to wear wet clothes every day. By then , colds are inevitable.

In the evening, Qin Xi stewed pork ribs soup, including plenty of ginger.

There are not many spareribs, but the soup is delicious. It is used to cook wild vegetables and tastes very good.

Qin He and Liu Mei were so greedy for the meat next door, but the two of them just talked and complained behind closed doors. On the surface, they would never dare to express any dissatisfaction in front of Qin Jiang and Qin Xi.

From Liu Mei's point of view, the meat eaten next door was all scraped from Qin He's body, which is disgusting. She is still pregnant with the golden grandson of the old Qin family. This Qin Xi has no discernment at all. Even if he eats meat, he doesn't know how to order it to her side to supplement the nutrition for the child in her belly.

Qin He didn't bother to explain this to her, so she misunderstood that the firewood at home would be used up in less than two days. This was an urgent matter. Tomorrow, tomorrow he had to go to the mountains to collect firewood and chop branches. Otherwise, the family will lose even the firewood for cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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