Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 350 Reservoir opens to release water

Chapter 350 Reservoir opens to release water

As the rain increased, the most worrying thing emerged. The reservoir built by the village last year was almost full, and the dam looked overwhelmed. The opening of the gate and waterproofing could no longer be delayed.

Once the reservoir can no longer support it, all the water in the reservoir will tilt out towards the farmland below. At that time, the paddy fields on both sides of the creek in Chenhui Village will definitely be the first to be affected. At that time, there will still be What hope?

Although most of the paddy fields in Chenhui Village are terraced fields created by the hard work of the villagers. They are layered on top of each other, so that they will not be wiped out all at once. The water in the reservoir will follow the direction of the stream. , running towards the downstream, and finally, the low-lying Yinpen Town will definitely be greatly affected.

Now it was time to have no choice but to die for the Taoist friends rather than the poor Taoists. They had lasted long enough. On the first day of June, Chen Aiguo and Chen Zongze went to the town to report, and soon they got approval.

In the afternoon of that day, the reservoir was opened to release water. Many people in the village got the news, and there were always people who liked to watch the excitement.

This reservoir was built last year. It used to be just a small natural well. Although there were some fish in it, it was not popular, so naturally no one came to take advantage of the opportunity to catch fish.

Wait another year or two, and when the water is released from the reservoir, there will be people holding nets and standing ready at the water outlet.

Now everyone is here to watch the excitement. Naturally, no one wants to die. They are all far away. This time the gate was opened and the water was released. The process was very smooth and nothing happened.

But Yinpen Town suffered a disaster. It was originally chosen to build the town here because it was in the center and the villages were not too far away. The other reason was that the terrain here was very flat.

The heavy rains in the past few days have caused the town's almost non-existent drainage system to almost collapse. Now, to make matters worse, the reservoir has been drained, which has caused water to accumulate in many places in the town. The deepest places have accumulated water. It's almost to the knees.

Some people had water in their homes, so they had to hurriedly pack up their belongings. Some items that could not be soaked in water had to be sorted out and placed in a high place.

If the rain continues and the water cannot recede and continues to rise, some people may have to pack up their belongings and go to relatives and friends.

Because of the operation of opening the reservoir to release water, Chenhui Village has been complained by the people in the town. However, no one in the village cares about it. They just say some unpleasant words, which are not painful or itchy at all. It's not a big deal. At least their food is likely to be saved by opening the gate and releasing water.

This food is the life of the villagers. In order to save their own lives, they naturally don't mind using some means.

On this day, sitting at home bored, Qin Xi held an old newspaper in his hand and read it very carefully.

The newspapers were bought before for her brother to use for wall coverings. They were not used up. She took out the rest and read them when she had nothing to do to pass the time.

Bai Yanzi came to the Qin brothers and sisters with an anxious look on her face. She was wearing a bamboo hat on her head. It was drizzling outside and most of her clothes were wet.

However, this is not the key. She just went to feed the rabbits and one of them died. She picked up the rabbit and her body became hard. She didn't know how long it had been dead.

She couldn't figure it out. She didn't even know why the rabbit died. In her opinion, everything in the rabbit house was normal, but now she was not sure.

After careful observation, she found that there were still a few wilted rabbits, which meant that there was no way for people to survive. If all these rabbits died, most of the efforts of the past six months would be in vain, and they would really lose all their money. of.She had no choice but to lick her face and ask Qin Xi if she knew the reason.

"Aunt Bai, why are you here? Come in and sit down."

It has been a long time since the last incident, and the two parties have not communicated or contacted each other for several months. Naturally, Qin Xi will not hold on to the previous incident. Whenever he sees someone, he will cynicize and attract hatred.

After all, she still has to live in the village. If the village is full of her enemies, just one person stumbling upon her will be enough to keep her busy.

As for being like the protagonist in the novel, defeating all the villains who can't deal with her with a destructive attitude, that's because she has a golden finger. In her case, let's forget it!Life is more important.

"You won't sit down anymore, Qin Xi, when I went to feed my aunt's rabbits today, I found one died. It died for no reason. There were no signs before."

"I looked carefully and there are still a few wilted ones. Can you follow me to see what's going on?"

She came to Qin Xi with the intention of treating a dead horse as a live doctor. After all, with her status, it was impossible for her to go to the town veterinary station to find a veterinarian. Such a trivial matter was basically rejected.

Even if someone agrees to visit her home, the reward is not cheap. She can't bear the money. The rabbit is dead. For the rest, she doesn't seem to be in such bad spirits, so she can go find them anywhere. The vet has gone to the extent of seeing it!

"Aunt Bai, I've told you before. I'm not a veterinarian or a doctor. I just happen to know a few herbs. How can I treat rabbits?"

"But it has been raining during this period. I guess it may have something to do with it. I can't tell anything else. Like you, I know nothing about showing problems to rabbits."

She guessed that it had been raining during this period and the environment was very humid, which was not suitable for rabbits to survive. Then, the rabbit died.

In Aunt Bai's house, the environment in which the rabbit lives is not very good, and water may leak in. It's fine if the house is wet for a few days, but the rabbit can still hold on, but over time, it won't work!
However, this matter can be regarded as a reminder to her. During this period, she must pay special attention to this point. The rabbits at home have almost grown to two pounds. If they die now, they will still suffer losses. die.

It has been raining during this period, and hay can no longer be found. There are still some pine needles and leaves used to start the fire, which can be used to make nests for rabbits. The previous hay should be replaced.

Hearing what Qin Xi said, Bai Yanzi didn't force it. She had almost figured out what this person was worth. How could someone who hadn't even read a book be capable?

Thinking of this, Bai Yanzi didn't want to stay here any longer and waste time. After saying hello to Qin Xi, she left without looking back.

She came here to find Qin Xi for peace of mind. Now she knows that Qin Xi has nothing to do. She has tried all the methods. Naturally, she can go back with peace of mind. She can pluck the rabbit, but not the dead rabbit. wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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