Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 363 Reservoir Irrigation

"Xiaoxi, is that mud frog in front of you?" Qin Jiang looked very excited.

"I read that right! It's so big."

After speaking, Qin Jiang slowly walked towards the big guy who was illuminated by the flashlight. When he got closer, he struck quickly and accurately and pinched him.

"It's really a mud frog. It's too big. There are always six or seven liang. We are so lucky. We have encountered such a giant."

Qin Xi also came over and saw the big mud frog in Qin Jiang's hand. His eyes were full of surprise. The largest frog in their bucket was only four taels, and the smallest one was only two taels. Suddenly, a huge thing came to him. Wu Ba, I really feel happy, just like walking on the road and inadvertently seeing a dollar lying across the road.

In this case, the sense of accomplishment is even stronger.

The frogs at this time are called delicious, they are all wild, there are no messy ingredients in them, and there are a lot of them. If you go out with a flashlight at night, you can easily catch a few of them.

If you're lucky, you can even catch giant frogs and eels, but I didn't see any today. The bag was full of frogs, which must have weighed more than two kilograms, enough for them to eat.

"Hurry and pack it in and put it away before it gets away."

Upon hearing this, Qin Jiang quickly put the mud frog into the open cloth bag in Qin Xi's hand.

It's better to be careful now. When you go back, you can take this big treasure to Fang Zhengzheng to see if it's rare. This is his trophy, and it's a rare trophy.

In addition to Fang Zheng, He Yuan also needs to take a good look at it. This is a man's medal of merit, the kind that can be displayed to others for decades to come.

Time flies by, half a month has passed, and the rice in the village has begun to ear.

The food in their village should be the first to bear fruit. Even if there is not enough time to plant the second crop of rice, the fields cannot be wasted!Planting some cabbage, radish, rapeseed, barley, etc. can also be used for winter, and you can still get a harvest, as long as the next spring plowing is not delayed.

The dam where the reservoir collapsed previously has not been repaired. Every village is busy with production, so where can they spare the time?
Over time, this matter was simply forgotten. People at the top forgot about it. People at the bottom even talked about it from time to time, but it had no effect. The dam was still collapsed.

The people below won’t put in the effort to cultivate. It’s difficult to survive. Naturally, no one will do such thankless things.

At the same time, these days, the sun is shining every day and the sky is clear, and there is no sign of rain, so everyone naturally relaxes and ignores the dam, because without heavy rain, nothing big will happen there.

Qin Xi went to see the collapsed embankment. What was very different from the previous floods was that the water flowing out of the reservoir was much smaller now. Over time, what was washed away under the collapsed embankment was a smooth, trickling stream. The stream followed the small gap and merged into the creek.

The villagers didn't care at all. What kind of climate could such a small flow of water create? However, over time, the height of the water in the reservoir dropped a lot.

These days, it is the critical time for rice filling, but the farmland is almost dry. It is impossible not to release water from the reservoir. Otherwise, all the rice will turn into empty rice husks, with either no rice or only half a grain of rice inside. If this is the case, the losses will be huge. After all, it is not okay to fall short of the success after reaching this point.

Besides, the fields downstream can hardly hold on any longer and are almost dry.On the day when the water was released, the villagers were always paying attention while working, doing two things at once, for fear that they would miss something.

As the rope contracted, the gate of the reservoir was pulled up, and the raging water passed through the cement pipe, passed through the embankment, reached the pool, and then followed the built canal toward the farmland on both sides.

"The water is coming. The water is coming."

"It turns out that the reservoir can really release water! I thought it was a lie!"

"If the reservoir can release water, wouldn't we no longer have to worry about lack of water for growing rice?"

You know, they don't have big rivers or anything like that here, so floods are basically out of reach of them, but droughts happen often, with a small drought every three years and a big drought every five years, and the villagers are suffering from it.

In the worst period of [-], the village even had to form a team to walk more than three hours on the mountain road to fetch water from the cave. It would be impossible without a team!Those ferocious things are also drinking water in that cave. If you really think you can fight the wild boar and leopard by yourself, you can go to the mountain to get water by yourself.

"Of course, so much money was invested and so many people came to build the reservoir. If it doesn't have any effect, wouldn't it be in vain?"

"This water is so cold! You don't have to go to the creek to wash your clothes today. There is water in the ditch, so you can wash them at home."

Some canals will pass by the villagers' homes. Put a stone slab beside them and stand in the canals to wash clothes. It is convenient and fast.

In the past, everyone washed by the stream. This was because there was no running water and clean water in the canal. The villagers looked down on the lifeless and clogged rainwater and thought it was unclean, unless it was like today, and the water flowing through it was Living water is what everyone likes and is rare.

Due to the release of water from the reservoir, the villagers who had been looking sad and worried about their crops were all smiling, as if they had put down the heavy burdens they had been carrying for the past few days.

Not only Chen Hui Village is looking forward to the release of water from the reservoir this time, but Zuoling Village next door is also looking forward to it!
However, Chen Hui Village is upstream, so they are naturally the first to irrigate. On this point, even if they are anxious, they can't change anything.

The rice seeds in Zuoling Village were planted again after the rains in April, and they haven't headed yet!Some are waiting, some are grinding.

During this period, the weather has been hot. The sun, the fireball, hangs unshakably in the sky every day. The water on the surface naturally evaporates very quickly. In rural areas with incomplete irrigation systems, it has not rained for more than 20 days, which is a long time. , the water in the paddy fields is almost drying up, and some cracks have already appeared in some higher-lying fields.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying saw others joining in the fun, so they also went over to watch the excitement of the water coming from the reservoir. Apart from anything else, this season's harvest was guaranteed after this irrigation.

After the rice is filled with slurry, it will soon turn from green to yellow, and the ears of rice will become very full. At that time, the grain can be harvested.

In addition to paddy fields, dry fields also need to be irrigated with water. It is easy to do this. There are dedicated people in the village who are responsible for this. Qin Xi and the others only need to feel free to pull weeds and catch insects.

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