Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 364 Hard Harvest


After drinking a bamboo tube of salt water, Qin Jiang finally felt that he was alive again.

Now is the time to harvest. It is too late to call it summer harvest. It is too late to call it autumn harvest. It is too early to call it autumn harvest. It is inappropriate anyway.

When harvesting, young people like Qin Jiang who are strong and in good health are the strong laborers, and they are the main force in the harvest.

Now everyone is working overtime to collect food, so he doesn't even have time to go back for lunch at noon. There is no way, the village is afraid of something unexpected, and the whole village is mobilized, so no one can be idle.

The weather is good now, but if it drags on for a few more days, the possibility of accidents will increase. If God doesn't show mercy and it rains heavily, the rice will be in vain. There is no telling how much rice will be destroyed by the heavy rain.

After all, this rice is not like corn. The target is large and conspicuous. The rice is only a small grain and is very difficult to pick up if it falls on the ground.

Compared with the unknown weather in the future, the villagers would rather work harder these days to finish harvesting the rice, beat down the grains to dry, blow off the empty shells with a hair dryer, hand over the public grain, and distribute the grain. Yes, this is the most simple and natural wish of the villagers.

It would be great if all this could proceed step by step.

"You drink slowly, drinking too much all at once is not good for your health."

She has a deep understanding that sometimes if you drink too fast, your throat will hurt. Even though you drink water, your throat will feel like it has been cut by something. You have to slow down for a while before you can recover.

"Okay, I'll drink slowly." Qin Jiang also obeyed. He said he would drink slower, but he actually slowed down.

The main thing is that I drank water. After the urgent request in the first few seconds, my need for water is not so urgent now, so just take it slow!

"I'd better bring two more bamboo tubes tomorrow, just in case you're thirsty."

Although Qin Xi also has to go to work, she has plenty of time because she has to go back to cook.

After all, those who do heavy physical work must eat!
People are like iron rice and steel. If they don't eat a meal, they will be hungry. If they don't eat, no matter how strong their physical strength is, they will not be able to bear it after working for five or six hours in a row.

There are only three people in the Qin family, Qin Jiang, Qin Xi and Wan Yu. Wan Yu is still a child and can just follow the adults picking rice ears. Qin Xi is not at ease if she is asked to go back to cook. In the end, she has to do it herself Come.

She couldn't ask for this. Harvesting rice was so hard that her waist was almost broken. She was willing to leave an hour early and go back to cook.

The field where Qin Jiang is currently working is the farthest field in the village. It takes more than 20 minutes to walk from the village. Therefore, even if there is a two and a half hour break at noon, Qin Jiang and the others do not go back, but wait. Let the family bring them food.

After all, after working for such a long time, I was already very tired. If I walked back and forth for such a long time, I would lose the energy to work, so I simply found a place to rest for a while under the pine tree not far away. Just wait for the meal. "Okay, bring two more bamboo tubes of water tomorrow, otherwise there won't be enough to drink at all."

In the past, when there was still water in the creek, there was a lot of underground water rising up. It was cool and refreshing to drink and quenched thirst. The people who worked did not need to bring water at all, not even tools to hold water. , if you are really thirsty, just hold the water with your hands and drink it, no problem at all.

It's hot at this time!Even the wind blowing over was warm. Not only did it not bring coolness, it also raised the temperature. After working for so many days, everyone was as black as a lump of coal, both men and women.

In the past, when harvesting rice, we had to worry about insects such as locusts, but this year we no longer have to worry about them. The ground has long been cracked, and the opening is even as wide as a finger. This year, let alone locusts, there are fewer insects than in previous years. There are more and more grasshoppers, jumping around in the fields, which is very annoying, but that's about it. If the number doesn't increase, it won't be enough.

After Qin Jiang finished drinking the water, Qin Xi took out his lunch box from the basket. The lunch box was so full that it weighed about one and a half kilograms. This small amount of food gradually became more and more appetizing. For the older Qin Jiang, it was just a drizzle and there was no pressure at all. After all the food was eaten, he could only eat seven to eight cents full.

What he does can make him eat seven to eight times full. It is already the best food in the village, which is enough to make people envious. If he eats more, he will not only be envious, but also save some food at home. , what will happen next is still unknown!

This pine forest is not big, only about 200 square meters. There are a dozen or so large pine trees standing here. In the past, this pine tree was connected to the forest behind. However, due to the village's land reclamation, now it is the only one left here. I don't know what the use of leaving this point is.

There were a lot of people resting here. Everyone sat on the ground and started eating without feeling dirty, even if their hands were full of mud and dust.

There are no particular conditions here, everyone is the same, no one should laugh at anyone.

Qin He was sitting next to Qin Jiang, and Liu Mei also came to deliver food to him. If the relationship between the two parties was good, they could spend a day together. Division of labor and cooperation would save both parties trouble, but the relationship doesn't go that far!

In Qin Jiang's lunch box, in addition to the wild vegetables mixed with chopped chili peppers and soy sauce, there were also two pieces of cured fish, which were mixed with chopped chili peppers and steamed. Before that, they had been soaked and boiled. Fortunately, she said The action lived up to it, the cured fish was not very salty and tasted delicious.

Compared with Qin Jiang's lunch box, Qin He's bowl of rice is just like pig food. Although it is also sweet potato rice, Liu Mei did not watch the heat when cooking. The heat was a little too high and it became a little mushy. , when the rice was eaten, there was a burnt smell.

Apart from that, there are vegetables. As long as they are cooked by Qin Xi, even wild vegetables are washed clean, soaked in hot water, blanched, wrung out, and mixed with seasonings. They taste refreshing. It's delicious, but the wild vegetables boiled in salt water that Liu Mei made are extremely bitter, and the wild vegetables are also old, making it hard to swallow. In addition, there are some moldy beans in his bowl that were shared during the Chinese New Year separation. It's really shabby. , it saves trouble and really saves trouble.

Qin He felt uncomfortable when he saw this bowl of food. Who wouldn't want to eat better if possible.

His food is not good, but other people's food is pretty good. Most people have meat and oil in their bowls. The meat is bacon. A few thin slices are the greatest reward for hard work.

This is hard physical work. If you don't eat enough, eat well, don't eat meat, and don't eat oil, you won't be able to withstand it.

Qin He ate the meal with the aroma of meat and sesame oil. Since he was really hungry, he ate very quickly and even tasted nothing. He finished a large bowl of rice in a hurry.

The speed of others is not much slower than him. What you eat is your own. Children who grew up in rural areas have a deep understanding of this sentence.

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