Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 375 The water level drops

Three days later, the water level of the reservoir hit a new low again, and there were faint signs of being exposed on the big stone beside the well.

Seeing that the sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the sunshine during the day is getting more and more dazzling, the villagers who had been praying for rain before have completely given up.

The shriveled rice husk, with the rice grains inside so small that it could be ignored, broke the villagers' hearts into pieces. This year's harvest is over, and the rice harvest is basically dead. Wherever other grains are harvested, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Don't even think about paying public food. If you can't afford it, you can only owe it and wait for the next year. If you are lucky, you won't be exempted from it.

Even if the situation in the fields is not optimistic, the rice harvest has failed, and the villagers have all gone to the fields, the rice still has to be harvested. Even the empty rice husks are all collected, dried and ground into chaff with stone mills, plus Sweet potato starch, in times of famine, when there is really nothing to eat, this thing can be used to make a fool of one's stomach.

As for the straw of thin plants, all was collected. The villagers distributed some and stored some in the fields. The cattle in the village relied on these straws to survive the winter.

Because of the rice harvest, Chen Hui Village frequently appeared in the mouths of the villagers under Yinpen Town again. As long as they were relatives and friends who could be related, most of them chose to visit.

During the Chinese New Year, the village was not as lively as it is now.

With people coming and going, the location where Qin Xi and the others were located seemed particularly secluded.

Everyone is an educated youth, and their relatives and friends are all in the city. No one comes to visit at all. The only exception is Liu Mei. However, her family just swallowed the rations she was allocated some time ago. It was the time when she felt guilty. How dare you come to the door at this sensitive time!

The location of the Educated Youth Point is a little to the left of the center of the village. Although the relationship between the educated youth living there is not very close to the villagers, it is inevitable that they will be affected and make some noise.

Therefore, whenever Tang Ying has time, she likes to run to Qinxi, especially after Qinxi tied straw ropes to the pine trees so that she could sit on them and swing on them.

At the beginning, the two of them were talking leisurely and casually, and the atmosphere was very friendly and harmonious. There were only two of them here. Qin Jiang Heyuan went to fetch water. As for Qin Qing, the primary school in the village has not yet had a holiday, and she is still here. There are classes at school!

"You don't know, Aunt Qiuyu was beaten so badly that she was screaming! There were some talkative women nearby who laughed and said she deserved it. Her two sons didn't even stop her, they just watched her. Get beaten.”

"How heartbreaking! I have worked hard for more than 20 years to bring them up, but I didn't expect that I would raise two white-eyed wolves. If I were Aunt Qiuyu, no one should even think about this day. It's boring."

Originally, Tang Ying was still sharing her exclusive feelings with Qin Xi, but after seeing Qin Jiang He Yuan who was dejected and walking towards them, she hurriedly greeted him.

"What's wrong? You look worried. Is there something wrong with the water?"

Qin Xi also quickly got off the straw rope version of the swing frame. What's wrong with this?
Qin Jiang He Yuan didn't speak, he just silently carried the water into the house, bent his knees slightly, and only took off the pole on his shoulders after the bucket stood firmly on the floor.

"The groundwater in the cave is almost bottoming out."

"When we first started collecting water, no matter how much water we collected that day, no matter where the water level dropped, when we went there the next day, the water level would always return to the previous level. The subsequent recovery speed would be slower, but it would still be there. Here comes the water.”

"It's different now. The water level is almost at the bottom. It has never risen. If nothing happens, it may not take two days. The cave will be dry." Qin Jiang is already thinking about what to do next. It’s about following the villagers to get water elsewhere.They don't have any deep wells here at all. It's usually fine, and the wells are convenient for drinking water, but when there's a drought, the wells also dry up, so they're of no use at all.

As for the deep water wells, the cost is too high and few people are willing to bear it. After all, they are in the south, with lots of rain and lakes, so there is no shortage of water at all. When there is a drought, everyone walks long distances to fetch water, and the impact does not seem to be very big. Because everyone is the same.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go get water quickly! Qin Xi and I will go together this time. Even if we just bring a small amount of water in a basin, that's fine." Tang Ying said immediately.

This man can be short of anything, but he cannot be short of water.

She and He Yuan didn't have a good relationship with the people in the educated youth spot, so they just took the buckets they bought before and went to Qinxi and Qinjiang brothers and sisters.

The food they bought before and the food they shared later, the two of them were afraid that someone would be jealous and cause damage, so they all moved to Qinxi. They usually eat and cook here in Qinxi, as if they regard this place as their second home. .

It's not raining now. It's no problem for her and He Yuan to set up a stove and cook outside under the pine trees. It's much more convenient and comfortable than waiting in line to cook at the educated youth spot and enduring other people's sarcastic remarks.

You know, Chen Yue, a perverted old woman who no one wants, will deliberately delay time. Although it will not cause any actual harm to them, it is a toad on its feet. It does not bite people, but it can isolate people!

"We are not the only ones who know the news. The people who went there before have already spread the news back to the village. One by one, they all went with their things. There were more than a dozen people crowded in the small cave, and they even moved their feet. There are almost no places left.”

"Some people were anxious and went to fetch water with their bare feet bare. Some people were simply squeezed in. There is a mess there now and the water is mixed. I believe you will never want to drink it. That kind of water." He Yuan gave Tang Ying a simple explanation.

Fortunately, he and Qin Jiang were lucky. Not long after they walked out of the cave after fetching water, someone rushed in with some troublesome people. They just avoided the dispute, otherwise the little water in the bucket would have been gone. .

After all, if he really wanted to fight with the aunts and ladies in the village, he and Qin Jiang might not necessarily be opponents.

Just hearing He Yuan's description made Tang Ying give up her previous thoughts.

When those old women in the village wet their sweaty feet, the entire cave would be polluted, let alone someone who went down and rolled around. Didn’t the water in the cave directly become some people’s foot-washing and bathing water? ?

Even if she had to walk a long way to get water from inside the mountain or go to the next village to get water, she didn't want water like this.

Qin Xi's idea was similar to Tang Ying's. Anyway, there were many caves in Yinpen Town, and there was definitely more than one cave with underground water. Even if he had to walk a little longer, it would be fine.

Besides, the water in the cave is almost gone, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, no one can tell.

Today I went to the county town with my sister and sister-in-law who returned to the village. After walking for a day, I was very tired. There is only one chapter left. I will make up the remaining chapters later (ˊωˋ*)

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