Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 376 Water shortage crisis

This was the first time for the four of them to experience such a thing. With limited experience, they felt numb immediately as they sensed the approaching water shortage crisis.

At this time, Tang Ying, who had a good relationship with the aunts in the village, came in handy. She went to ask the aunts for information, and it was best to know where the next water point was.

This is not confidential information. Everyone in the village knows it, so there should be nothing that cannot be said.

"Okay, I'll go now, and you guys will wait for me here, for at least an hour or as long as two hours."

At this time, Qin Jiang had already lifted the water to the edge of the large water tank and poured water directly into the water tank.

The two siblings have a good relationship with Tang Ying and have compatible personalities. Therefore, they rarely care about such things. They have many things mixed together, such as water, firewood and the like. They have never had any problems because of such trivial matters. Any disputes.

If you use a lot of water, you should be more diligent in fetching water. If you use more firewood, you should be more diligent in going into the forest. As for taking advantage of others, you don't have them. If you do, you won't be able to fit into the same circle.

The wait lasted for more than an hour, but the three of them didn't find it difficult. The herbal tea that Qin Xi dug out before, washed and dried, and boiled it with boiling water, gave it a unique taste.

Perilla and honeysuckle can be used as herbal tea to make water, not to mention the wild chrysanthemums picked in autumn.

After drying the wild chrysanthemums, rinse them with boiling water, drain the water, add more boiling water, and soak for a while, the fragrance will come out.

Moreover, after the wild chrysanthemums are picked and washed, they can be put directly into the steamer, steamed and dried in the sun. The taste will be more elegant. This is Qin Xi’s favorite kind of soaking.

Tang Ying strode into the room and said to Qin Xi: "Give me a glass of water. I almost lost my voice talking to them."

He obviously just chatted with the ladies there for a while, and then walked back. By the time he reached Qin's house, he was already sweating profusely.

It's so hot outside!The sun, a big furnace, is spreading high temperatures everywhere, trying to bake the earth and teach the people above it a harsh lesson.

Qin Xi placed the bowl of warm herbal tea that had been poured before on the free table: "Here, sit down and drink slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Although the tea is no longer hot, it is not good if you drink it too quickly and your throat becomes clogged.

Tang Ying took the water and drank it all in one gulp. Her movements were so bold. After finishing the drink, she wiped her mouth and sat down.

The other three people were at different positions on the table in front of her, all looking at her with burning eyes.

"How is it?" He Yuan said without being polite to her.

We have been here for several years, who doesn’t know who?It goes without saying that you are being polite.

"Don't worry, there is water. The water will not stop. It's just that it's troublesome to get water. You have to go through the forest and into the mountains. It takes five or six hours to go back and forth. Moreover, the road is rugged. If there is no water, there is really no way and I won't go. over there."

"It's almost that time now. This afternoon, someone will go to the water points in the next few villages to check. If there is one, it is the best. If not, you can only go into the mountains." Tang Ying found out. The situation is like this. Generally speaking, the situation is quite optimistic. They should not need to worry about being thirsty to death.

The terrain around Chen Hui Village is mountainous and forested, with countless underground caves. There is still no shortage of water, it's just the difficulty of getting it.

If you really want to dig deep wells around the village, it is not difficult, but you can't find professional people for a while, and this task is time-consuming, laborious and expensive, and the village is not willing to spend money on such a thing.

Besides, this deep well won't last long. The villagers would rather go to the mountains to fetch water during droughts. A drought of this degree is rare only once in ten years.

When the situation is really serious, even the deep wells are of no use and they will still work as they should.

In the afternoon, Qin Jiang Heyuan put on his equipment and went to the next village with the villagers to find water. He came back near evening and brought back a load of water.

The news is not optimistic. Not only is there a problem with the water source in Chenhui Village, but it is also the case in several nearby villages. The water in the water collection point will not last for a few days. They don't know what is farther away.

The residents of the town have to be the worst off. The wells in the town have dried up one after another half a month ago. They have long been living a life of walking more than two hours a day to fetch water. After that, , it may go further.

Nowadays, many people have a smell of sweat on their bodies. Among other things, lack of water has a great impact on bathing and washing clothes. It takes so long, time-consuming and labor-intensive to get the water back. It’s all used for bathing and washing clothes, but it’s such a waste. Even people who are exhausted from carrying water can’t take good care of someone’s personal hygiene thoroughly, and no one is willing to use precious, drinkable water. to do this kind of thing.

Qin Xi and the others are better off. There is still water in the reservoir. This water may be choked for eating and drinking. After all, it is not clean enough, but it is completely fine for bathing and washing clothes.

The reservoir is also close to the village, so it is quite convenient to get water.

The four of them formed a gang and planned to tide over the difficulties together. Their lives were so miserable, let alone others.

During this period, Fang Zheng and Qin He were not having a good time. They were both educated youths who had no family to help them in the village. Not to mention anything else, just going to the cave to fetch water every day was enough to consume them. I have a lot of energy, I don’t eat enough every day, I don’t sleep well, and I look a lot thinner and haggard.

"Someone from the village will go to the mountains to collect water tomorrow. Should we go together?" Liu Mei looked at Qin He and asked.

Zeng Rou told her this, otherwise the two of them would still be blind and not know anything.

"I've known about this for a long time. You don't need to worry about it. I have my own sense of responsibility." He is the head of the family. Liu Mei only needs to take care of her belly and wait for him to come back at home. She doesn't need to worry about anything else.

Qin He, who thinks he is no worse than anyone else, still has some confidence. Over the years, he has some familiar friends in the village. It is perfect to go with them to collect water. Safety issues will definitely be solved. Assure.

"Be careful, can you please stop being so arrogant? No one can say for sure what will happen in the future. With multiple friends and multiple paths, go get water with Qin Jiang and the others. If nothing else, they will definitely not harm you."

You know, on the way to fetch water, someone may deliberately cause harm. After all, water is too easy to manipulate. As long as the bucket is knocked to the ground due to a dispute, the water spilled on the ground will never be collected.

It took five or six hours to go back and forth, and I learned a lot during this period.

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