Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 378 Shuisa fights

Early the next morning, the foursome followed the large army in the village and headed into the mountains together.

Yesterday, the little water in the cave was robbed by people. Today, there is not even a finger deep, and no one can count on the water there.

The team going up the mountain is not that compact, they are in twos and threes, separated by five, six, seven or eight meters. Just make sure you don’t fall behind. It’s better not to count on the formation.

After getting up early in the morning, after eating, and preparing dry food to take up the mountain, the time came to 06:30, which was the time for their departure.

Tang Ying makes corn flour steamed buns. She has two and He Yuan has three. Each one is as big as a child's fist. It is impossible to eat enough. People at this time are all big-bellied. Even she can eat two big ones. A bowl of rice is not a problem, let alone a young man like He Yuan.

These steamed buns can help them walk back, but it’s better not to think too much about anything else.

Qin Xi brought sweet potato flour steamed buns mixed with a little white flour, two for her and three for her brother. The portions were not much, but if there were more, they would attract people's attention.

There were seven or eight half-year-old children interspersed in the team. Compared with the dull and silent adults, the children were much more lively. They were running around and jumping around, and there were many strange things. At five o'clock, they will leave the team and go see those things that they find strange.

Some like flowers and plants, some like smooth and round stones on the road, and some prefer to break away from the team and go in search of wild fruits.

It's now mid-August. In the past, at this time, the fruit trees growing in the mountains and forests were full of fruit. If you search inside, you can always find some unexpected harvests.

But this year it was too dry, and there were not many fruits. The children's harvest was not nothing, but only a small amount.

The group of people walked for three hours and reached their destination in one breath. It was a deep valley with a pool of emerald green water in it. The surrounding trees blocked the sky and the sun. After many years of baptism, He has only grown to his current height.

After arriving at the destination, the villagers relaxed, spread out, and sat on the ground. Now they needed to rest and regain their strength.

Qin Xi and the others found an open and cool place, sat down to drink water and rest. As for dry food, they were not in a hurry because they had eaten breakfast and were not very hungry yet.

There were 50 or [-] people from the village this time, and the team was still very large. Therefore, even if we were in the inner reaches of the mountains, the atmosphere at the scene was relatively relaxed. The saying that there is strength in numbers is no joke.

I believe that even if there are animals nearby, they will run away if they hear their movements.

After resting for more than ten minutes, people started to fetch water from the pool and left. Qin Xi and the others followed closely behind them. They were not familiar with this place, so naturally they couldn't lag behind. Being in the middle position was the best.

On the way back, their speed was much slower because they were carrying buckets on their shoulders. Although there was only more than half of the bucket of water in it, they had to be very careful not to move too much. If they were not careful, the water would be spilled and they would all reach this place. If the water is scattered, it means that all the previous efforts have become air, and the wind does not need to blow.

When they get to the flat ground, Qin Xi and Tang Ying will change with Qin Jiang Heyuan, take over the burden, help pick a section of the road, and help them share some of the burden.

After walking and stopping, the journey was already halfway through. By this time, the physical strength of those who came alone was almost reaching its limit. At this time, they had arrived at the second gathering point.

I will choose the location here, mainly because the location of this place is pretty good. There is only a pine forest here three miles away, and many people will choose to rest here.

Qin Xi and the others had just stopped here for a while, with sweat still dripping from their faces, when they heard movement not far away, which seemed to be the sound of a dispute.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Tang Ying stood up and walked in the direction of the sound. She had unlimited energy and enthusiasm when it came to eating melons.The other three people didn't move. Qin Jiang Heyuan was a grown man and it was not good for him to gossip. Qin Xi was just tired and didn't want to move. In fact, she was very curious about the movement coming over there.

After a while, Tang Ying ran back: "Qin Xi, guess who I saw over there?"

"Chen Yue?"

"Yuan Ping?"

"Liu Ming?"

"Qin He?"

After hearing the last name, Tang Ying finally stopped shaking her head and nodded heavily to indicate that she guessed correctly.

"What's going on over there?" Qin Xi was a little curious. During this period, she didn't pay attention to the couple next door at all, so she didn't know anything about them.

This time when she came to fetch water, although she saw Qin He on the road, the two parties did not say hello at all, let alone interact with each other.

"Qin He was quarreling with a man named Chen Liangyi, and they almost started fighting. They used to have a good time, but this time Chen Liangyi spilled the water that Qin He had worked so hard to bring here. , the two of them fell out."

"Furthermore, I heard that the man seemed to have spilled the water on purpose. If nothing else, an apology is necessary! Dr. Chen Liang's words were always yin and yang, otherwise, the two of them would have Can’t make any noise.”

Qin He's external image is quite soft, he is easy to talk to, he also cares about face, and he is loyal.

This kind is the best to bully and fool, because people can control you, and you won't care about small things. You can't beat others in big things, and they are sure to suppress you.

Upon hearing this, Qin Jiang and He Yuan stood up without hesitation and went over to see what was going on.

Qin Xi was the same, but her movements were a step slower and she fell directly behind.

By the time the four people arrived at the scene of the incident, the conflict between the two people had escalated from verbal conflict to physical conflict. At this moment, the two of them were quarreling, and their movements could not help but become more intense.

In terms of physical strength, neither of them was actually very good. They had just walked here and were already exhausted. If it weren't for their breath, they would have collapsed and gasped for air.

Qin He swung his fist and hit the opponent's head directly. However, the opponent was not to be outdone and threw his fist towards Qin He's stomach. The two of them were about the same height and shape, so they hit him directly. They are evenly matched.

It looked like they were just fighting. Neither Qin Jiang nor Qin Xi had any intention of intervening.

The fight between the two lasted less than a minute, and the outcome was already clear. Qin He still had more energy than the other party, but the other party was exhausted and was about to lose.

Seeing this, Chen Liangyi's brother couldn't stand it anymore. He was a brother fighting a tiger, a father and son soldier. As long as he was at the scene, he couldn't stand idly by.

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