Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 379 Party Secretary Referee

Chen Liangyi's younger brother is Chen Liangshu. He is not as tall as Chen Liangyi, but his eyes are lively and his body looks lean and lean. This should show some strength in his body.

Seeing that someone was about to intervene, Qin Jiang quickly glided over and stood directly opposite him: "This is a battle between men. We shouldn't interfere."

Chen Liangshu knew that this was Qin He's brother. When he saw this man's tall and strong body, to be honest, he was a little frightened. He must not be manipulative, but to leave in such a dejected manner, he had no face. !

"My brother didn't mean it. Qin He was so stubborn and attacked my brother because of this. I can't just watch him suffer."

Hearing this, Qin Jiang smiled: "They are using men's methods to solve the problem. If you want to intervene, you must get through me first."

"Besides, the water in Qinhe was spilled by your brother. It's right to beat him to vent his anger. Why don't he blind his eyes?"

As for whether the other party did it intentionally, he didn't know, but the other party must be wrong. At this time, when you are being beaten, you have to stand at attention. This is the correct attitude.

Qin He was always paying attention to what was going on over there. Hearing that Chen Liangshu and Qin Jiang were talking about the old issues again, he looked at the wet mud behind him and felt hatred well up in his heart. He made a mistake and deliberately sold a malfunction to other side.

Soon, Dr. Chen Liangyi returned to the fight and joined the battle again with confidence, and the two started fighting again.

Unknowingly, they had deviated from the place where they were fighting before, and were now walking towards the bucket at Dr. Chen Liang's house. After all, the two of them were fighting and walking around. Qin He pretended to be defeated and was retreating in that direction.

Others present were afraid that their own water would be implicated by these few people. When the two started to quarrel, they had already carried the buckets away from the few people. This was the safest way.

But Chen Liangyi and Qin He were quarreling. Chen Liangshu was always paying attention to the fighting over there. Later, he was entangled by Qin Jiang, which caused his bucket to not move at all. Now, it became Hit the target.

The onlookers didn't want to be too troublesome. When they saw them biting each other, they had no time to laugh, let alone anything else.

With a "pop" sound, Qin He was pushed hard by Chen Liangyi, and he fell down. Not only did he overturn a bucket, but he also overturned another bucket with his raised hand.

Time seemed to have pressed the pause button at this moment. Dr. Chen Liang, who had been chasing Qin He more and more bravely before, was now dumbfounded and his hands were shaking. He didn't know whether he was angry or angry.

"My water!"

The two brothers took turns to carry such a load of water, and when they got here, who knew, they all spilled it.

At this time, he was in line with Qin He's previous emotions, without any sense of disobedience.

If he could be more rational at this time, he would naturally be able to empathize with Qin He's previous feelings. However, it is obvious that he cannot be rational.

"Qin He, you little brat, I will kill you." After saying these cruel words, Dr. Chen Liang rushed towards the person with great strength, but halfway, he was slapped back by someone. It was the village party secretary Chen Zongze. Dry.

"What are you doing making such a fuss here?"

"I just fell out of the queue for a while, and you are making trouble for me here. Are you sincerely not wanting to make things easier for me?" He was older, and his physical strength was not as good as that of young people. As he walked, he unconsciously reached the back. I almost fell behind, but fortunately I had a few sons with me to help, otherwise how would I have lived this day!

When he got here, it was almost half his life. Who knew that there would be people who didn't want to make things easier for him? The noise was really annoying, but it was his duty and he was a cadre, so he couldn't ignore it.

He had discussed it with Chen Aiguo before, and they would take turns to come one day at a time. He was afraid that the villagers on the road would be angry and something would happen, and they would not be able to stop it in time. Then, if something irreversible happened, it would be bad.

But who knew that this guy would be restless on the first day and find something to do for him.

As for why it is believed that it is Dr. Chen Liang’s fault and that it was Dr. Chen who picked it up first, it is of course because this kid is usually not up to date, he is too crazy!

In comparison, Qin He's reputation in the village was much better than his. Under preconceived notions, of course he was scolding Dr. Chen Liang. Of course, that was correct.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Chen Liang was so aggrieved that he almost cried: "Uncle, you are wronged!"

"It's really not my fault, it's him who overturned my bucket and spilled all the water. My mother is still waiting for me to bring water back for her to drink!"

Even if it was intentional, he would never admit it.

Dr. Chen Liangyi's mother was a widow, and she worked hard to bring up the two brothers. Now that she was old and in poor health, she waited for them to return home and did not come here to fetch water.

Because there is no father, this family is really poor. There are three houses, a family of three, food, clothing, housing, and transportation, all living in these three mud-brick and thatched houses with slightly cracked walls. Crowding is inevitable. .

These three dilapidated mud-brick houses are only enough for their family of three. If one more person comes in, it will become extremely crowded. Finding a wife naturally becomes a big problem for the brothers.

As for why he had trouble with Qin He, it wasn't because this person was too "pretentious". Who asked Qin He to often pretend to say sarcastic words when he stayed with them? He had tolerated him for a long time.

You know, what Qin He has now is everything he dreamed of and wanted to have. Now Qin He is complaining in front of him about such a life. He really doesn't dare to live it. So who is he?His aspirations and dreams are nothing.

The spacious room, with his wife and children sitting next to him, and some spare money in his hand, Qin He is still complaining in this magical life, he is so blessed that he doesn't know how to be blessed, damn it.

Chen Zongze, of course, knows the urine of some villagers. It has become their normal practice to add insult to injury and distort the facts. He only says what is beneficial to him, and he can only believe three points. If he believes more, he will suffer a loss.

Besides, since the two parties involved are here, do they still need to get evidence from others?When Qin He says it later, if he asks the crowd again, won't they know whether what he said is true or false?
"Qin He, please tell me the truth about this matter. Don't bring out your personal opinions."

Hearing this, Qin He smiled. The person who made the decision was finally here. The village cadres were relatively fair. He was the judge and he was convinced.

After Chen Zongze understood the matter clearly, he slapped Dr. Chen Liang on the back of the head. He was very angry. He didn't expect that there was such rat droppings in the village.

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