Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 381 Fishing in troubled waters

Qin Xi also brought a bench over, sat next to Tang Ying, and took off his shoes in the same way.

Although he had expected it, when he actually saw the four big blisters on the soles of his feet, Qin Xi couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Sure enough, she is also a noob.

The conditions of Qin Jiang and He Yuan were better, but they were limited. They still had blisters on their feet and the soles of their feet were extremely sore.

It's okay not to sit down, but once I sit down, I don't want to get up anymore. It feels like a torment to stand, let alone move around.

After a trip to the mountains, all four of them became third-level disabled. They sat slumped on the bench for an hour before they could stand up and barely move their legs, which already felt a little numb.

After regaining some strength, Tang Ying and He Yuan left. After all, they were educated youths living in the educated youth point, and their beds were also in the educated youth point. They had to take a lunch break at noon today, so they naturally had to go back to the educated youth point to take a lunch break.

Qin Qing is not at home, maybe she went out to play and hasn't come back yet.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang simply washed their faces with the water they brought back from the reservoir yesterday, and after washing their hands and feet, they went back to their respective houses to take a lunch break.

They were very tired today, so as soon as they lay on the bed, they fell asleep quickly, and they fell asleep very deeply. Qin Xi didn't even know when Qin Qing came back.

Qin Qing was very happy to see her brother and sister back. She didn't like to stay at home alone. The woman next door always peeked at the situation uneasily and kindly, so she was at home alone, and the weather was bad. When she is good, she likes to play at the homes of her friends in the village.

As soon as he got home, he saw his sister asleep on the bed. Qin Qing was in a good mood. She closed the door and soon lay down on her little bed.

At this time, she felt extremely comfortable and relaxed, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

On the third day after going to the mountains to fetch water, Qin Xi, Qin Jiang, Tang Ying and He Yuan went to the reservoir early in the morning, carrying wooden buckets and nets in their hands.

This time, they are not here to fetch water, but to catch fish. In addition, they must not let go of any snails, snails, river shells, shrimps, etc.

These days, the water level in the reservoir has been dropping. Especially in the past few days, the sunshine has been particularly harsh. All the springs surrounded by stones have been exposed. Except for the deep trenches dug on both sides, the water in other parts of the reservoir has been exposed. The deepest part only reaches the knees, and the shallower parts cannot even cover the tops of the feet.

What's more, there are large areas of exposed muddy ground, with dead branches crisscrossing each other and threatening visitors. However, no one cares about these branches now. You know, there are fish in this reservoir, and they are the first to come. People who came here started fishing early, and some even harvested half a catty.

Seeing this scene, the four people's hearts immediately became hot. It's not that they love eating fish and snails, but that people are born with a passion for catching fish and picking up mushrooms.

Their situation is like this now. The only net they can use is in the hands of Qin Jiang. He has the fastest reaction. Only in his hands can the net be used to its fullest extent.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying didn't have much expectations for those fish. Their family members knew about their own affairs and what they were worth, so they had better stay aside and touch the snails!After this is processed, the taste is not much worse than fish.

Qin Jiang held the net in his hand, and He Yuan followed him with a bucket. The two of them did not rush to catch fish, but walked to the water bank where aquatic plants grew. Qin Jiang went directly into the water. , in this kind of place, even if you can’t catch fish, you will definitely find small river shrimps.After having the goal, both parties started taking action. After a while, they harvested something. Although it was just a few snails and a few small shrimps, it was enough to make them feel excited. This kind of effort was rewarded with tangible rewards visible to the naked eye. , to be honest, it’s great, this feeling is very addictive.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for a large number of people to flood into this small reservoir. They held tools in their hands and shuttled neatly through the water, fishing for fish and snails, and they would never let anything slip through the net. fish.

Every time a half-pound fish appears in the water, it causes a commotion. Many people push each other to catch the big fish, and countless people fall into the muddy water.

In short, when there were more people, the scene became noisy and the water became completely turbid and turned into muddy water.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying couldn't bear it anymore and chose to escape because they were afraid of being squeezed down.

So, the two of them directly picked snails in the mud. As long as there was a small hole, there would be something harvested inside, ranging from one or two to five or six. Not to mention, picking up snails on the shore is comparable to picking up snails in the water. It's much faster to touch inside, but it's not very friendly to fingers.

More than two hours later, Qin Jiang and He Yuan had caught more than half a bucket of river shrimps and fish. There were a few slightly larger ones, but most of them were small fish and shrimps.

Neither of them disliked it. What they had gained was considered to be the better group of people. Those who were ranked above them were either the first ones to come and the first ones to eat crabs. They were always different from others, or They are very lucky people. Although some people came late, their fishing skills are not good, and they don’t have any tools, they can’t stop the big fish that has no choice but to hit the person’s hand!

The biggest fish caught by the villagers was about two kilograms. It was a grass carp. It takes time for wild grass carp to grow so big. The reservoir has not been built for more than a year, so it must not be inside the reservoir. Native fish.

One may have been hidden in the spring and escaped after the reservoir was built, and the other may have swam here from a ditch elsewhere. In short, that person was just lucky enough to pick up such a big grass carp.

"Let's go, don't touch it anymore, go back." He Yuan walked to Tang Ying and saw the barrel in her hand, his eyes flashed and he was a little surprised.

I saw her and Qin Xi walking along the shore before. I thought they would gain nothing, but I didn't expect that he was looking down on others.

Tang Ying and Qin Xi had a lot of goods in the barrels, which was beyond his expectation.

Snails reproduce very quickly. There were already snails in the springs, and they were brought from other places by the water flow. It only took Qin Xi and Tang Ying more than two hours to pick up most of the bucket of snails today. It's almost full, and it can be said to be a full harvest.

"Oh, okay, but we have to scrub the mud off these snails first. We don't have water to wash them at home."

How precious this water is now!Especially if you carry water home and things that can be washed outside, don't bring them home. It's troublesome.

"Okay, hurry up." After He Yuan finished speaking, he washed the mud on his hands and feet.

After washing himself, he climbed up the slope without stopping and went to enjoy the shade under the shade of a tree.

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