Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 382 Sweet Potatoes

After returning with the harvest, the four of them immediately started to pack up. The larger fish were stewed and eaten at noon today.

The taste is still very good. Although there is a fishy smell, it is not strong. The fish tastes very fresh and tender. The only drawback is that there are many thorns.

You must know that the fish in this reservoir are purely natural and pollution-free. The fish that have been farmed in later generations are incomparable. They are not on the same level.

As for the small fish, the fish belly is cleaned, smoked and dried on the stove to make dried smoked fish, and then divided equally.

The same goes for the snails, shrimps and other things that were picked up. The snails, shells and meat were all picked out and cleaned. The river shrimps were stir-fried in an iron pot. Once processed, they can be divided.

For more than two hours, the fishy smell in their place never stopped. Liu Mei was pregnant and couldn't stand even a trace of this smell.

So, she went to Yun Qing's house next door. Because of the wind direction, there was no smell there.

Fang Zheng and Qin He both went fishing in the reservoir and haven't come back yet, so they were waiting and looking forward to something. After all, they saw the fish catch next door and it was very good.

Although Liu Mei didn't like the fishy smell during pregnancy, once she thought about it, these were all meat, and she felt that it wasn't that hard to swallow. At worst, she could use more chopped chili to suppress the fishy smell.

Liu Mei was already thinking about what she would eat when Qin He came back from catching the fish, but when she finally came back and saw the three melons and two dates in the bucket, she felt disappointed.

"The neighbor next door caught more than half of the bucket of fish and more than half of the bucket of snails. They are almost full. Although there are four of them, you won't get such a small harvest!"

"It's just three melons and two dates, you might as well not go!"

You know, Qin He ate quite a lot in the morning in order to be strong enough to catch fish in the reservoir this time. Obviously, this small amount of fish was not as good as the food eaten by Qin He in the morning.

Although the food was eaten by Qin He and was not wasted, she was still distressed, so what she said was harsh and unpleasant.

"Whether you want to eat or not, I don't have enough to eat by myself! If you don't eat, I can eat it all." Qin He replied in a not so good tone.

He didn't even know what kind of thing he had married. She was lazy and bad-tempered. Compared with other virtuous daughters-in-law who were thrifty and capable of running the house, she was far behind. What's the use of being pretty!
"Qin He, when did I say I wouldn't eat? I mean, the fish you brought back were too few."

"Do you still want me, a pregnant woman, to eat less?"

"Don't forget, your son is still in my belly!" Liu Mei straightened her belly, which was not very big, and said sternly.

The child in her belly has been pregnant for more than four months, but the belly only protrudes a little, making people wonder whether there is life in her belly.

Insufficient nutrition absorbed by the mother will naturally affect the development of the fetus. Liu Mei knows this very well, but she has nothing to do!Who asked her to choose Qin He, a loser!

Before, I thought I was the master of the family and had no worries about food and clothing, but now I feel that I can't stand on my own. Whenever something happens at home, there is no one to discuss it. Just like last time, Qin He was bullied. If he wasn't from the village, The party secretary is still fair, and he will definitely suffer the loss of being dumb.

"What do you think?" Qin He took care of the child in her belly and did not say any more unpleasant words: "Forget it, I won't argue with you, it's pointless." "I'm going to find Fang Zheng. I need to eat this fish at night." When the time comes, clean it up!”

The fish is still alive now, just keep it with some water and leave it alone.

If you pack them out now without processing them, the fish will soon go bad. It’s too hot today to put things in. Sometimes, the best meal in the morning is left unfinished until noon. It all went rancid.

Liu Mei looked at the people rushing out of the door, squatting on the ground alone, crying silently.

Poor and humble couples suffer from everything, this sentence is not just a saying.

In three days, the water in the reservoir has almost dried up, and even the water in the ditches on both sides of the spring is only half full.

The stone platform surrounding the spring is covered with dried mud, which makes a crunching sound when stepped on, but no one has cleaned it.

In the past few days, many people have come here with buckets to fetch water. The water in the spring is no longer turbid as before, but has become clear. However, the water level is quite low. After all, the water level in the spring is quite low. People from villages and even towns come here to fetch water. The water coming out of the spring cannot keep up with the villagers fetching water, so the water level is bound to drop.

The first thing Qin Jiang and He Yuan do when they get up every day is to fill the water tanks at home. In addition, everything in the house that can hold water, such as washbasins and buckets, also Everything needs to be filled with water. The spring in the reservoir may stop running out of water at any time!

The sweet potatoes and potatoes that had been specially reserved in the village have all grown. As expected, the fruits are not big, and some of them are infested with worms and borers. This is because the weather is too dry.

The villagers didn't think about it. They always thought that if those sweet potatoes stayed in the ground for a while, the sweet potato fruits would grow bigger. However, the sweet potato leaves on the sweet potato vines were all dry and yellow, and the plants were basically dead. Even if it rains, it will be difficult to recover from it. There is really no need to stay in the ground.

Besides, the fields are not safe. If you are really hungry and anxious, your morals will be forgotten. There is food in the fields. Who can bear this?

Rather than leaving the sweet potatoes in the ground, it is better to dig them out and divide them. At least each household will have a few hundred more kilograms of food. It should be no problem to survive this year.

As for whether the sweet potatoes you get are good or bad, it all depends on luck.

It takes a lot of effort to dig sweet potatoes. The current ground is like a slate, hard and very difficult to dig. If a person without a lot of strength swings a rake, it will be bounced off the hard ground.

The day after the sweet potatoes were distributed, Qin Xi asked her brother to go to the reservoir to fetch water early in the morning. The sweet potatoes at home must be processed well. Now that there is sunshine and weather, it is a good time to dry the sweet potatoes.

The big basin was filled with water. Qin Xi poured the sweet potatoes into it and washed them one by one. If there were pockmarks, he had to cut them off with a knife, not to mention the ones with worms.

These bad ones are collected directly into the basket. Although people do not eat these spoiled sweet potatoes, it is okay to feed them to chickens and ducks. They are food after all.

The three of them were given 240 kilograms of sweet potatoes. Today, she had to handle them all. The workload was still very heavy. Qin Jiang and Qin Qing were also always helping.

(End of this chapter)

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