Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 384 The harm of pine caterpillars

After the four of them went back, they had no intention of staying at home. This breaking news had to be told to others, otherwise they would feel itchy even at home.

There is no better place to pass on gossip than at the entrance of the village.

After Qin Xi closed the door, he went to the entrance of the village with them.

As soon as Tang Ying saw two aunts whom she knew well, sitting under the shade of a tree with their young grandson, she walked over.

Qin Xi, Qin Jiang and the others also walked over, but did not get closer. Instead, they sat down on the stone pier opposite them.

The distance is just right, more than one meter away, neither too close nor too far away. You can hear the other party's words clearly, and you can also roughly see the expression on the other party's face.

"Auntie, did you go to the woods today?" Tang Ying asked mysteriously.

Her behavior immediately aroused the curiosity of the ladies. What happened in the woods?I do not know!
"No! I have been carrying this little devil with me. What happened in the woods?" Aunt Xiao's wrinkled face was full of curiosity.

During this period, only the four of them, the educated youths, went into the mountains to cut firewood every day. Others, more or less, due to various reasons, reduced the frequency of going into the mountains.

After all, chopping firewood can be regarded as strenuous work, and workers have to eat a lot of food every day to maintain consumption. There are very few families in the village who can supply this food.

In the days just after dividing the sweet potatoes and potatoes, there was a constant sound of people in the forest, but then it became silent.

Aunt Li, who was sitting next to her, also turned slightly towards them, just to listen more carefully.

"We just went to collect firewood in the forest and found caterpillars everywhere visible to the naked eye. There were even many crawling on the trees. It was scary."

"We didn't even dare to cut firewood, so we came back directly. After all, that thing looked quite scary. I wonder if it was poisonous?" Tang Ying patted her chest and said with a lingering fear.

Although she was indeed shocked at the time, it was very limited and not so exaggerated. Her current appearance had an element of performance in it.

After all, she is just afraid of caterpillars and doesn't like them, but they haven't risen to the level of fear. She is afraid of snakes and centipedes, which are very aggressive things at first glance. Caterpillars are no threat to her.

"Really?" Aunt Xiao asked loudly.

This reminded her of the severe drought more than ten years ago. There were so many caterpillars in the forest that there was no place to set foot, and children did not dare to go into the forest at all.

To this day, those who have seen that scene regard it as one of their lifelong shadows.

"Really, am I going to lie to you about something that you can tell is true or false at a glance?" Tang Ying said confidently, almost swearing.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Qin Xi and the others. We went together and they also saw that scene. It was very scary."

"If things continue like this, no one will dare to enter the forest anymore."

In fact, Aunt Xiao already believed what Tang Ying said before. The latter sentence was true, but it was just a reflexive question, not questioning the reliability of Tang Ying's words. "I believe it. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I hope it's not serious. Otherwise, the forest in the back mountain will be completely ruined."

This pine caterpillar's damage to trees is not soft, but deadly.

It was daytime and the sun was shining brightly. Tang Ying and the others saw many pine caterpillars in the woods. One can imagine what the scene would be like in the woods behind the mountain at night.

The pine caterpillar is photophobic and likes moist and dark environments. It hides during the day and comes out at night. At night, there may be no place to set foot in the forest behind the mountain.

Moreover, some pine caterpillars are poisonous. When touched, they will cause a large area of ​​redness and swelling, which is painful and itchy, which is really scary.

However, the only good thing is that these pine caterpillars do not go to the village deliberately. Their food is pine trees. The juice contained in pine needles and leaves is the larvae's favorite food.

If there are too many pine caterpillars in the forest, an entire pine forest may be eaten away in just a few days. From a distance, it will look yellow and charred. If it looks like a fire, it is also called a smokeless fire.

Moreover, damaged pine trees can easily attract invasion by stem-boring pests such as pine longhorn beetles and pine white star beetles. Therefore, the growth of damaged pine trees may be affected in some cases, or wither in severe cases. The consequences are still very serious.

Hearing this, Mrs. Li, who was sitting next to Aunt Xiao, became curious. She wanted to see the strange scene with her own eyes.

But when she lowered her head and saw her little grandson in her arms, she gave up the idea and waited until evening.

At the entrance of the village, there is a big banyan tree holding an umbrella above the head, and there is ventilation everywhere. It is the most refreshing and refreshing place. At first, there were only a few of them talking here, but later on, more and more people gathered.

The last people who came at the end would go home to get a small bench if they had no place. Some of the more experienced people came directly with a small bench and cattail leaf fans.

What the old people in the village say is the most interesting, because they have experience. In the corner, there is an old man, sitting on a small bench. In front of him are a dozen children, squatting or sitting, and he is talking about ancient times. , that is, telling stories to those children.

Some are his own personal experiences, some are strange fantasies about fairies and ghosts, and some are facts told to him by others, but they have become unusual after his deep processing.

The old man was literate, wore glasses, and looked very gentle and kind.

When he was young, he worked outside. When he got older and the society stabilized, he returned to his hometown with his whole family. He was among the people who came to Qin Xi to buy rabbits.

Now there are no people raising rabbits in the village. Now people have nothing to eat. How can there be anything to feed the rabbits? Therefore, everyone sells and kills them, but there is not a single one left, including Qin He and the others. .

Qin Xi listened to this story with relish. It was one of the few entertainment activities she had in the village. Other small games such as picking up stones, jumping ropes, jumping lattice, hide-and-seek and jingle bells were only played by the children in the village. They The educated youth couldn't get involved, and Qin Xi and Tang Ying had never played together.

Unknowingly, time flies by, and the sun gets higher and higher. When it reaches ten o'clock, the big sun hanging in the sky is like a big furnace, emitting amazing heat, enough to make all living things on the earth... Actively avoid it.

Even just a little bit of light and shadow from the gaps in the leaves made many people present feel uncomfortable. The fans in their hands flew away, and soon they were sweating.

(End of this chapter)

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