After Qin Xi said goodbye to Tang Ying, she went back with her elder brother.

Qin Qing is still attending class at the village primary school. She is very conscientious and conscientious in her studies. She does not need Qin Xi to supervise her at all. Compared with others, she is very worry-free.

Qin Xi didn't plan to make anything complicated for lunch, so he just made a simple sweet potato porridge.

Their family still eats three fixed meals a day, even if it is simple, it is already very good.

Many families in the village have long since reduced their meals to two meals a day, and every meal is sparse, just to survive.

Some people are already eating the wild vegetables that were dug up and dried before. After all, if you want to find wild vegetables now, you have to walk for at least half an hour to see some green. The wild grass and wild vegetables around the village have long been picked up. The scene The scene was comparable to the passage of locusts.

After all, there are still pigs in the village. They are mission pigs and must be raised. After a while, they will be sent to the higher level for work. These days, they are all supported by the sweet potato vines that were cut back and dried in the sun.

There are always people in the village who do the work of cutting pigweed, and they don't have to choose anything now. They naturally find a piece of land and cut it to death.

As for the cows, those responsible for driving them to graze have now been replaced by adults, and they have been given extra work points. After all, driving cows to graze is not an easy job now.

In addition, there are dedicated people in the village who are responsible for chopping sweet potato vines and drying straw for the cows every day. After scalding them with hot water, they can give them extra meals when the cows come back.

Everyone has a clear understanding that people are inferior to cows. Naturally, the village treats these precious cows with great care, and the people in the village also attach great importance to them.

After simply sitting for a while after eating, Qin Xi planned to take a lunch break, but he lay on the bed tossing and turning and was too hot to fall asleep.

So, she sat up very irritably and looked at the strong sun outside the window, which made the pumpkins, winter melons, onions, ginger and garlic she planted in the corners wilted, which made her even more irritated.

The vegetables she planted before were still very energetic and the vegetables were growing well. Now, it can only be said that they are still alive. This is because she watered them frequently to keep them half alive. Otherwise, they would have died long ago. .

The most drought-resistant peppers have been dried out long ago. Now the pepper trees have been baked very crispy by the sun. They are the kind that will break as soon as you break them with a little force. You know, it's only August now. In the middle of the year, at this time in the past, the pepper trees were working hard to produce peppers.

There is no chopped chili pepper this year, only some dried chili peppers are dried. Fortunately, she chopped a lot of chili peppers last year. Although some were shared with Qin He, if they save some, they should be able to last until next year. Besides, , as well as moldy bean kimchi and the like, there is no shortage of dishes at home.

In May of this year, although pumpkins and winter melons produced a lot of fruits, they are not very big now. After all, they are still in the growing season, and they have stopped growing due to drought. How big can they get?

The pumpkins and vines climbing on the fence wall are the largest ones no more than the size of a sea bowl. They are light and fluffy when you lift them, weighing no more than two kilograms at most. They are cloth-tipped pumpkins, the kind that look good but are not useful. .

As for the others, most of them were only as big as the small bowl she ate from, weighing less than a pound, and they were also light and unwelcome.

The situation of winter melons is better. The largest one weighs more than ten kilograms, and the smaller ones only weigh two or three kilograms. They still look like baby winter melons, but the vines are indeed about to die.

Not to mention onions and garlic, Qin Xi was too embarrassed to pick them with short leaves. If she and her brother hadn't had the bath water and foot washing water to hold them up, these crops would have been dried out long ago.

The words "bake dry" are realistic, not exaggerated narratives.

If it weren't for the fact that the skins of pumpkins and winter melons are not old yet, Qin Xi would have picked them home and put them away. No matter how old they are, they are still food. Putting them outside is to seduce people. .Now that the time is right, Qin Xi picked the pumpkin directly after discussing it with her brother. The skin of the pumpkin has changed from dark green to bluish yellow. This kind of pumpkin can be picked and placed on the shelf as long as it is not frozen or damaged. It was destroyed by mice. This pumpkin has been stored for half a year and there is no problem at all.

Through the unobstructed window, Liu Mei watched with envy as Qin Jiang and Qin Xi picked pumpkins with great enthusiasm.

Before, she laughed at Qin Xibai for working hard. If she had that time, she might as well rest at home. Now that it was time to harvest, she looked at her with jealousy and envy.

They also have a share of the land in front of the house and behind the house. If they want to plant something, it is naturally very simple. They just need to clear the land and plant the seeds. But they are just lazy and are not willing to do this kind of work. , thinking that just a little gain is of no use.

As everyone knows, a little here, a little there, adds up to a lot.

"Brother, can we steam pumpkin pancakes tonight?"

I picked eighteen pumpkins today and came back. Although the harvest was not as rich as I imagined when I planted it, it was still pretty good, at least it produced something.

Besides, when the tender tips of the pumpkin vines were fresh and delicious, she often pinched the pumpkin vines and ate them. When the pumpkins had just grown, she also picked the tender pumpkins and ate them. Now that there are still so many left, it is already very good.

"Okay, I like to eat." Qin Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up when he thought of having something fresh to eat at night.

To be honest, during this period of time, eating sweet potatoes hurts and makes me sick.

The pumpkin cake made by Qin Xi is not authentic. The flour used is not glutinous rice, but flour, because there is no glutinous rice at home.

You can add some brown sugar, break it into a small piece, heat it over water and melt it, then mix it with the pumpkin flour. In this way, the steamed pumpkin cake will have a slight sweetness.

In fact, pumpkin cakes fried in oil are more fragrant and delicious, but Qin Xi is reluctant to part with the oil and uses oil to fry pumpkin cakes. As she becomes increasingly frugal, she feels that it is too luxurious, so she should fry instead of steaming.

After washing the pumpkin, put it on the rack and steam it whole without peeling it. After it is steamed, process the pumpkin skin.

You know, the pumpkin skin is also edible. The three of them ate it separately. In short, not a single bit of food was wasted.

Add flour to the steamed pumpkin, pour in sweet potato slurry water, and start making dough directly.

She couldn't bear to put in more flour, so she only put in a small scoop. There wasn't much flour left at home, so she had to save some.

The two remaining ones at home have been surrounding the stove since she started cooking dinner, like two greedy honeys!

"Qin Qing, go do your homework and take it over when I finish it. It's hard for me to work while you are here."

"Brother, help me boil water, this needs to be steamed."

(End of this chapter)

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