Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 386 Fear of Bugs

The villagers were very curious about the pine caterpillars in the forest for a while, but soon they forgot about them and focused on the important matters of survival again.

But Qin Xi and the others were different. There were pine trees in front of and behind the house. When she didn't see pine caterpillars before, Qin Xi breathed a sigh of relief. Only later did she realize that she was overthinking.

The distance is too close, and the pine trees in front of and behind her house are also infested by pine caterpillars. There are many pine caterpillars crawling on the leaves of the pine trees. The swing that Qin Xi made before has now become a paradise for insects, even if it is behind All the pine caterpillars were frozen to death, and the swing could no longer be taken. It had to be remade, otherwise she would not be able to bear it.

When there are too many bugs, they will inevitably crawl into your home sometimes.

Liu Mei was most afraid of this kind of thing. When she saw it for the first time, she was so frightened that she blurted out the word "Ah", which frightened Qin He so much that he dropped everything in his hand.

Qin He originally thought that he would see Liu Mei more often, so he would get used to it, but who knew that the house would still make noises from time to time. Every time Liu Mei called, he would run over and quickly eat the insects with chopsticks. Get away.

Trampling to death was not allowed for Liu Mei. She equally hated everything about pine caterpillars, including their corpses and juices. This would make her feel that her home was contaminated by pine caterpillars.

If her home was contaminated, she would go crazy.

The first time Qin He helped her drive away loose caterpillars, he was inexperienced and trampled the insects to death. At that time, seeing the green juice at Qin He's feet, Liu Mei was so disgusted that she almost vomited out her guts. She also thought She asked Qin He to shovel out that piece of land, but Qin He didn't agree, and she got sulky. However, it didn't take long for her to give in because of the pine caterpillars that broke into the house.

The Qinxi side is better. At least the doors and windows are in good condition. As long as the doors and windows are closed tightly, those bugs can't get in. After all, the small holes in the roof specially opened for light transmission are too high. From that place, they can't get in. Not a few bugs.

Qin He and Fang Zheng's home is not so good. The door is okay. After all, they have only lived there for a few years and are still new. The windows are not so good. The gauze covering the windows has been damaged long ago. I immediately discovered this loophole, which caused a lot of bugs to enter the house. Although the gap was finally blocked, small surprises could still be seen moving from time to time.

The worst thing is the houses in front of Qin's house. They are all old houses. Not to mention the windows, even the doors are not very useful. There are big gaps between the wooden boards, which are enough for bugs to get in and out. In addition, they are also eaten by rats. The small gnawed holes made this house look like it was leaking. Sometimes, when you wake up, you can find several cute little ones on the bed.


"Qin He, come here quickly, there is a bug here."

Hearing this voice, Tang Ying next door rolled her eyes without caring about the image at all: "Here it comes again, isn't she used to it yet?"

"It's been seven or eight days in a row, and he's still acting like that. It sounds really annoying."

"I feel impatient just sitting here for a while, and it's hard for you to listen to that crazy woman yelling and screaming at home every day."

She didn't understand. What was so scary about such a small, slow-running caterpillar? If she saw it, couldn't she just trample it to death or shovel it out?

It's so annoying to have to yell.

If this kind of person is her neighbor, then she will never be polite. She will knock on the door first and give advice. If she doesn't listen, she will take extreme measures.

"Ignore her, she is very afraid of this pine caterpillar, and she may never be able to adapt to this kind of thing in her life."

Qin Xi knows that for people who are really afraid of this kind of thing, the word "adaptation" is really empty talk. Some people are just afraid that they will never be able to adapt to it in their lifetime.

"Then she'll be miserable. This bug won't disappear for a while."

"As long as she stays in Chen Hui Village, she will always see this bug."

As for other places, apart from the drought, there is really nothing else going on, and the insect plague has disappeared. I don’t know why, but there is a pine caterpillar plague here. "Maybe he will be gone in a few days!"

Liu Mei next door really thinks so. These days, she is not eating well, sleeping well, her eye sockets are sunken, and she looks very haggard. Coupled with her somewhat visible belly, she looks , exceptionally pitiful.

"Qin He, you can't go on like this. If you stay here any longer, I will definitely go crazy."

Liu Mei pulled Qin He's sleeve and begged: "If I don't get well, my child won't get well either, just promise me!"

If Chen Huicun can't go back to her mother's family, doesn't she still have her husband's family?

It has always been her wish to go to the city and become a real city dweller. Now that it is possible to realize it due to some combination of circumstances, she has to fight for it no matter what.

She didn't want to stay in this miserable place anymore. If the pine caterpillars in the forest didn't die, she wouldn't come back. This was not a joke, she was serious.

"I can't make a decision on this kind of thing, so there's no point in begging me!"

"Last time we went to the city together, you must also know that I don't have much status in the family! If you beg me for this kind of thing, you are making things difficult for me." Qin He saw this very clearly.

He had been abandoned by his parents a long time ago. Even though he had deceived himself countless times before, he was sober in the face of reality.

Even though both his parents were working, he still followed Qin Jiang and Qin Xi to the countryside. This in itself explained a lot of problems.

In the future, the two unbreakable iron rice bowls at home will be owned by twins. His biological mother is so "thoughtful"!

The twins were her biological children. Did Qin He pick them up?

"I don't care, there are so many bugs here, I don't want to stay here any longer."

"If you don't agree, I will go to the captain to write a letter of introduction myself, and I will go to them myself. As long as I go, they won't watch me die of thirst and starvation with their own eyes!"

Liu Mei has figured out that face and reputation are not as important as real benefits.

Now the food at home is getting less and less. As a pregnant woman, she is hungry every day and has no water. She has to look at Qin He's face even to take a bath. In this case, she doesn't want to stay in this house anymore.

No one can stop her from heading towards a new, better life.

"Can you be more sensible? Don't make things difficult for me again." Qin He didn't want Liu Mei to go to the city and knock down what little dignity he had left.

He didn't want to cause trouble to his family, he didn't want to leave an image in their minds as a villain who didn't take enough advantage, and he didn't want them to think that he was a loser who couldn't support his wife.

As for Liu Mei, who was living a hard life with him here, and the child in her belly, he didn't really care. After all, he was a selfish person, and the person he loved most was himself.

(End of this chapter)

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