Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 390 Liu Meizhang Village

Liu Mei stayed at Qin's house for five days in a row. On the sixth day, Liu Qin couldn't bear it anymore and had a heart-to-heart talk with her. Finally, early in the morning on the seventh day, she brought a bag of potatoes, which weighed about twenty kilograms. Around the same time, I took the early train back.

She is not someone who doesn't know how to look at her face. The Qin family's expressions are getting worse and worse when they see her. Even Qin Qing, who greeted her with a smile at the beginning, finally got angry at her. She knows that the Qin family's patience has reached its limit.

Simply, she asked Liu Qin for some food subsidies and left before the two sides completely broke up.

Her behavior of eating and drinking earned her the Qin Family's Most Popular Award, second only to the two rebellious sons Qin Xi and Qin Jiang.

To be honest, after staying in this city for so long, what she thought about most was Qin He. She wondered if he had eaten well and slept well at home, and whether he could not sleep because of her thoughts.

Although that home was small, it already carried so much of her thoughts. It was the only home she had.

When Liu Mei was not at home, although Qin He sometimes thought of her occasionally, he was more relaxed.

Staying at home alone, eating whatever you want, and doing whatever you want is no better than being trapped at home by Liu Mei all the time, catching bugs.

Therefore, Qin He woke up drowsily early in the morning when he was woken up by a knock on the door. As soon as he opened the door and saw Liu Mei, his first reaction was disbelief: "Liu Mei. Liu Mei, it's really you. I You’re not dreaming!”

"You really came back."

Qin He happily hugged his daughter-in-law who had just returned. It was a joy.

These days, he was alone at home. He had enough fun and had enough fun, and he missed her a little. As for the unpleasantness Liu Mei had when she first went out, he selectively forgot about it.

The same goes for Liu Mei. Since they got married, the two have never been separated for so long. Now that they are reunited after a long separation, it is too late to miss him. She doesn't want to mention that little thing, so as not to affect their relationship.

"I'm back. Have you had a good meal at home?"

"Look, what did I bring back?"

Liu Mei took out the bag of potatoes as if she was offering a treasure: "This is what Mom asked me to bring back to eat before she left."

Of course Qin He knew that the matter was not as simple as what Liu Mei said. After all, he knew his mother well enough after living together for more than ten years.

However, he doesn't care about so much, as long as he has something to eat.

This bag of potatoes came just in time!
During this period of time, he ate a lot of food at home. It can be said that although Liu Meiren left, the food consumption at home was still based on when she was not gone.

"Our mother has done a good thing this time. Come on, go back to the house. Do you have breakfast? You didn't make it for me."

"No, I will come back by car early in the morning."

The young couple returned to the house affectionately. They reunited after a long separation and were newlyweds. They still had a lot to say!
On the day she came back, Liu Mei originally wanted to take a bath at home. After all, the rivers and wells in the city were dry and there was no water at home.

The water the Qin family uses every day has to be walked for more than two hours to pick up from the reservoir. It is very rare. Therefore, it is okay to drink water, but it is impossible to take a bath. At most, it can be wiped with water. People often whispered in her ears that she was poor and wasted water.

She had endured it for five or six days. After she came back, she wanted to take a quick bath. Isn't that too much?

Taking off the wooden board covering the water tank and seeing a shallow layer of water in the water tank, Liu Mei's face was very ugly: "Why is there so little water left at home?"

"The weather is so dry now, the water tank at home should be filled with water all the time!" If this were left in ancient times, in a situation like theirs, they would have fled to a place with water and resources, and waited. When it rains and the situation improves, come back.

"The spring water in my reservoir has dried up a long time ago. Now I have to walk five or six hours to fetch water from the mountains. I wanted to save some food for my family, so I didn't go for two days." As for the real reason, Qin He was very The winking person didn't say anything, but the couple would quarrel if they said it.

It was not easy for them to come back, and they were not happy for a while before they started arguing again. It was boring and they couldn't do that. If they did, Liu Mei would definitely be very angry.

"What do you want me to say to you?"

"The drier the weather is, the more you should fill the water tank with water. This is a sense of security."

"It's just this thin layer of water that's used up just for cooking. Why can't you figure it out!"

Liu Mei had a new understanding of Qin He's laziness.

Not to mention taking a bath now, she had to be careful even when drinking water, for fear that she would run out of water at home after drinking too much.

How precious is the water now!In the past, when there was no water at home, we could just go to other people's houses and borrow some. Now, who doesn't regard water as important as life?

"I understand, don't be angry. It's late today. I will go to the mountains to fetch water with the villagers tomorrow."

Now that Qin He said this, Liu Mei couldn't hold on to this matter anymore and nodded, even if it was over.

She was carrying a bag of potatoes and was about to put them away. Who knows, when she turned around, she saw a fat and fat pine caterpillar crawling on the leg of the table in front of her.

His hand lost strength instantly, and the potatoes in his hand fell to the ground, but there was no time to care.

I saw Liu Mei shaking her hands, pointing to the pine caterpillar in front of her, and shouting in a trembling tone: "Qin He, there is a caterpillar there. Get it out quickly and throw it far away."

It was now past seven in the morning, and the sun had already risen, so she didn't see any bugs while walking back.

She originally thought that the situation had improved and the pine caterpillar disappeared. Who knew that at home, just by turning around, the insect gave her a big surprise.

After Qin He sighed helplessly, he took something and took out the caterpillar.

During the whole process, Liu Mei closed her eyes and turned her head, neither listening nor watching.

After Qin He came back, she was no longer in a hurry to move the potatoes. First, she looked at the entire house, including every nook and cranny. After making sure that no caterpillars were found, she felt relieved. tone.

"Don't worry! I usually close the doors and windows tightly when I go out, and it's the same at night. There are no bugs in the house. The one just now was an accident and something slipped through the net." Qin He saw her nervous look and comforted her.

Although he couldn't understand how someone could be so afraid of caterpillars, he had learned to shut up.

"That's good, that's good. What I'm most afraid of is this kind of bug."

"You go and cook for me first and wait until you finish eating. I'm hungry."

She hasn't had breakfast yet and is already very hungry. Qin He probably hasn't eaten either. He should eat first and talk while eating if he has anything to say.

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