Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 391 Exclusion of “others”

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went to the mountains to collect water with the village's troops early in the morning. Tang Ying and He Yuan also went together.

Qin Jiang He Yuan carried water on a pole, while Qin Xi and Tang Ying carried bamboo tubes in baskets on their backs to carry water back.

Because the little water you bring back every day is not enough at all. There will be nothing left after eating and drinking. But the key is that it is so hot today. Even if you can't take a shower, you still need to wipe your body every night when you go to bed!

There is no need to worry about wasting all the water used in the house. In the vegetable garden behind, Qin Xi sprinkled the cabbage seeds and they have grown five or six centimeters tall. In a few weeks, they will be able to pinch and eat them.

In addition, she also planted onions, ginger, garlic, etc., especially ginger, which is always useful in repelling colds. When there is a shortage of medical treatment, a bowl of ginger syrup is more effective than any other medicine.

She has also planted some peas. When the time comes, it will be a good choice whether she pinches the tips of the peas and eats them, or waits for the pods to grow and then picks the pea pods to eat.

That is to say, all the pumpkins are picked and the pumpkin vines are dried and used for the fire. There is no need to worry about watering them. Otherwise, the little water they have left after washing their bodies and washing dishes every day will not be enough to make a splash. stand up.

That little bit of wastewater is used to water the vegetable garden every day, barely keeping the crops alive. If not, they would be considered very tenacious.

But one thing is very worrying. The cabbage she planted attracted a lot of bugs. Every time she went to see it, she had to catch bugs for them. Even so, the leaves of the cabbage were still gnawed and ruined by bugs. Quite a few.

Onions, ginger, and garlic do not attract insects such as grasshoppers and other insects because of their strong smell, so the leaves were preserved.

The four of them followed the villagers and set off at around five in the morning. They rushed back under the scorching sun at around eleven at noon. They were really tired, but there was nothing they could do about it. At this time, there was no good thing like tap water. All the water they drank was. I carried it back with my shoulders, and all I drank was surface water.

"Sister, drink water." Qin Qing saw the four people coming back and quickly poured water for them.

Qin Xi was not used to drinking raw water, so he always drank cold water.

"Thank you." Qin Xi took the bowl and said thank you out of habit.

In this regard, Qin Qing didn't say anything else, she just pursed her lips and smiled. It was bright and sunny, especially beautiful.

She was good-looking to begin with, but even though she still looks childish now, she just makes people feel good-looking and feels comfortable looking at her.

After pouring the water back into the tank, Tang Ying and He Yuan also carried a small half bucket of water and returned to the educated youth spot.

Now the two of them are becoming more and more distinct from the educated youth, and they have obviously felt alienated from each other, but they just don't care.

Even among the four remaining educated youths, people's hearts are divided. The brothers are from the same country, and Chen Yue and Yuan Ping are from the same country. Among them, Xu Zhou and Yuan Ping have a relatively good relationship, and there is a little ambiguity between them. diffuse.

In short, the relationship between the four is very complicated, but the only constant thing is that Chen Yue is in the most embarrassing situation.

Because Chen Yue is already 22 years old. At her age, she is already very embarrassed in rural areas. When others talk about her, the first thing they say is an older single woman.Her former good sister, Yun Qingwa, was over a year old, so she was seriously lagging behind.

Nowadays, everyone pays attention to early birth and early childbearing. There are many girls in the village who get married at the age of fourteen or fifteen. As long as they are over eighteen, in the eyes of most villagers, they are difficult to deal with old girls.

At this time, most people took it for granted that women should get married and have children when they reach age, and Chen Yue was an "alien" who was incompatible with them.

Those matchmakers were not kind to her. They introduced her to widowers with children, or to second-married couples who divorced because their ex-wives could not give birth to children, or to men with physical disabilities. , in short, no one can watch it, it’s just disgusting people.

As soon as Chen Yue's bad temper arose, she drove away five or six batches of matchmakers in a row. Later, she became completely famous in Chen Hui Village. She was so stinky that even in the next few villages, her name was still quite good. ring.

First, they spread gossip, saying that Chen Yue wanted to eat swan meat. She was ugly, but she wanted to be beautiful. She was so old, but she was still picky. She deserved to be ignored and unable to marry.

As the gossip spread, some uneasy and well-intentioned people began to spread rumors. It was still a rumor. She refused to marry. It was an old relationship that rekindled. She was secretly in love with a married man. All she had to do was tell Liu Ming's name directly. , in short, her yellow rumors were flying all over the village. If she hadn't toughened up herself, she would have been driven to death by these words.

In some words, it is a weapon that is sharper than a knife and can cut people all over. Moreover, it has the effect of cutting flesh with a dull knife.

At noon, the three brothers and sisters had a simple meal and then went back to the house to take a nap. In the past, Qin Xi would open a few windows for ventilation, but now the doors and windows are tightly closed, so he was on guard against the pine caterpillars. A little chance.

Taking a lunch break lying down in bed can also reduce consumption. After all, I simply drank a bowl of porridge and ate a sweet potato at noon.

The best and most filling meal their family eats is the one in the morning. In addition, they also bring dry food to satisfy their hunger on the way, such as sweet potato and potato pancakes. Simple and convenient is the first factor.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Xi and Tang Ying went to the reservoir to dig wild vegetables.

The reservoir has been dry for a long time, but there are a lot of wild vegetables growing at the bottom. Every day, people from the village go there to dig wild vegetables.

As more people go there, there will be more competition. In addition, the weather is too dry, and the wild vegetables growing behind are getting smaller and smaller, making digging more difficult. You need to be patient and dig slowly.

In addition to the reservoir, there are many people in the forest. After all, the pine caterpillars are nocturnal, so many people venture into the forest to find food.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying have not been into the woods since the pine caterpillar plague broke out. They can also find wild vegetable roots if they go further, so there is no need to go into the woods.

The two of them hit it off immediately. In order to find wild vegetables, they traveled through two villages. It took more than two hours, but the result was gratifying. The two brought back a basket full of wild vegetables. .

In addition, when they went to fetch water in the deep mountains and forests, they would pick wild vegetables when they saw them on the way back. Therefore, there was not a shortage of vegetables at home. They would only go home when they were unlucky. Pickle dried wild vegetables and cook them.

Now that the weather is hot and dry, the dried vegetables, dried bamboo shoots, and dried mushrooms collected before can be well preserved until there is no vegetables in winter. Therefore, Qin Xi will not touch the dry goods at home unless necessary.

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