Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 392 Wild Chestnut Tree

The rivers have stopped flowing, the trees have dried up, and the land in Chenhui Village has become extremely thirsty. The cracked gaps are like the open mouth of the earth, eager for the moisture of rain.

After more than a month, the number of pine caterpillars in the forest decreased a lot, but there were a lot more moths.

However, in contrast, many small trees died in the forest.

There are more and more people in the village going into the forest to cut firewood. As long as a tree is cut down, in addition to the trunk, the tree stumps buried deep in the ground will be dug out by the villagers with hoes. In addition, the roots will not be spared. .

The villagers' cherishment of firewood at this time is something that future generations cannot understand. After all, coal and electricity were used too frequently in later generations, and all the firewood rotted in the woods. Only a few people still insisted on using firewood.

Some people in the village have nothing to do at home. What they must do every day is to patrol the mountains with a hatchet. The act of looking for dead trees is more like treasure hunting.

This winter may be unusual, and those with a keen sense of smell are already making preparations.

It's the end of October, and the weather is still so dry. Now the team in Chenhui Village going into the mountains to collect water has expanded a lot, and people from the next village and town are also joining.

This morning, the expressions of everyone in the team were completely different from before. They were not as numb as before, and there was a bit more joy on their faces.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying were no exception. They were not going to fetch water with the team today. They were going to the mountains to find wild vegetables and fruits.

The sky has changed. The sun, which has never been absent in the past few months, is absent today for the first time. Even if it is cloudy, for the tortured villagers, it is a good day to celebrate with drums and gongs.

After all, cloudy days have arrived, are rainy days far behind?

There are too many villagers with the same purpose as Qin Xi and others, and most of them are women.

Nowadays, there is a division of labor in the village. The men carry water and the women dig wild vegetables.

Tang Ying and Qin Xi followed Qin Jiang He Yuan for more than an hour and then separated. They also came here yesterday and gained quite a lot.

The two of them walked in the field for more than 20 minutes before arriving at their destination. There was a large field of wild onions. Yesterday, the baskets they brought were full and compacted, but only half of them were dug. , Today, they not only brought backpacks, but also sacks inside.

After all, after climbing over this hillside, there are many trees growing in the small ravine below. The two of them have not explored that area yet!Hope it can surprise them.

Bring a sack just in case.

If the weather changes or if it rains in the future, they may never come here again. After all, it is too far and too remote.

The two of them had never been to such a remote and remote place before. If the weather hadn't been bad and they had to go deep into the mountains to fetch water, they might never have come here.

In an unknown place, everything is possible.

The place that was turned into a mess yesterday by them with small hoes still maintains its original appearance today.

The place where wild onions grow is at the bottom of the hillside. The wild onions grow densely and small, and the leaves are not much thicker than a human hair. But if you dig the soil with a small hoe, you can find a lot of white ones inside that have not yet germinated. Wild onions are quite big, and they are perfect for pickling sauerkraut.

Although the taste of wild onions is a bit strong, both Qin Xi and Qin Jiang like to eat them. When they don't have vegetables to make porridge, they use it to make porridge. They have a good appetite.

As for Qin Qing, I can only say that she is not picky. So far, Qin Xi has not asked or noticed her preferences. She seems to eat everything and has a good appetite.

It was now past seven o'clock in the morning, almost eight o'clock. After the two of them arrived at the place, they put down their things and started digging attentively. After all, today's target was these wild onions. It would be right to dig them away first.

It took more than two hours to plow this land, and the harvest was pretty good.

There are still a few hours before the agreed time. The two of them can explore the small ditch behind the hillside.The two walked down cautiously, making noises as they walked, tapping the thatch leaves or bushes with small hoes, hoping to scare away snakes, insects, rats, and ants on the road.

In the past, this place would have been overgrown with weeds, making it difficult to walk in. However, it didn't rain this year, and many of the grass and trees were dried to death, so the road was much easier to walk. At least they could have a rough look at the path under their feet.

"Qin Xi, should we separate? It will go much faster this way."

This is a long and narrow ravine. If one person walks on one side, the exploration speed will be much faster.

"No need! We're not familiar with each other here, and it's just the two of us. If we were to separate, we wouldn't be able to take care of anything that happens."

"Besides, we're just looking for it casually. If we don't have it, forget it. There's no need to force it."

At this point, Qin Xi is very open-minded. Safety is the most important thing. Anyway, the goal of coming here today has been completed.

The rest of the time can be regarded as an adventure for them, and the autonomy is in their hands. They have the right to withdraw from the adventure at any time.

"Yeah, it's better to go together. I'd be afraid if I were to go alone." Tang Ying said with a smile.

Although she is carefree, she is not very courageous.

"Left or right?" Qin Xi asked.

"Go to the left. The sun is not shining today, so the left side feels brighter."

As for the other side, Tang Ying felt that the trees were too tall and too gloomy for exploration today.

"Okay, just go to the left."

Qin Xi walked in front, followed by Tang Ying. The distance between the two was very close, within reach.

The backpacks were placed on the hillside, and the two of them walked downhill carrying only light sacks and small hoes.

After walking more than 100 meters, it looked like there were bushes and weeds everywhere, and there was no harvest at all. Tang Ying was a little worried. Maybe she had not chosen the right direction and should have gone to the right.

"Tang Ying, do you think that looks like a chestnut tree?" Qin Xi asked in surprise, pointing to the tree about ten meters in front.

She wasn't sure, it was a bit far away, but if it were closer, she would definitely recognize it.

"I don't know. If you walk forward and take a look, you will know clearly." Tang Ying was also very surprised.

If they really could find a wild chestnut tree in the wild, then they would have come to the right place today.

Thinking of the sweet and waxy fragrance of chestnuts, she could hardly stop drooling.

"Quick, let's go and have a look."

The speed of the two of them speeded up a lot, but they still walked safely. They rushed forward without covering their heads. After all, the environment was unknown and the two of them did not dare to be careless.

After walking another seven or eight meters, Qin Xi saw clearly: "Tang Ying, it's really a chestnut tree. We found a wild chestnut tree."

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